How Many Members Here Fight?


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Thought it would be interesting to hear how many Martial Talk members, that train in MMA/BJJ fight. :ultracool

Do you enter events on a regular basis? Are there specific rule sets depending on the type of event? If you do compete, how much do you do on a regular basis?
I'm in training for it, but my first fight won't be at least 4-6 months from now.
Rulewise it's Oregon MMA rules, no back elbows (horizontal/forearm type allowed to the body, not head). No kicking from the ground (push ok), no kicking a downed opponent. The usual UFC type limitations, no fishhooks, small finger manipulation etc. No kneeing a downed opponent also etc.

I've done nearly 23 years of TKD, tons of FMA, some KF/TC/WC. But I'm a complete newb at BJJ (and loving it).

As far as how often, I'm assuming (lack of injuries that is) about every other month or so. It really depends on injury and available fights.
I did two MMA fights, I got destroyed in my first fight and won by triangle choke in my second. My fights had the normal UFC styled rules. This was in Iowa almost 10 years ago.
I don't fight it myself, but I do train individuals for fighting MMA. It is just not my cup of tea.

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