How many Internet fora do you frequent?

How many Internet fora do you frequent?

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Senior Master
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
I've lost count of how many fora I joined, but I actively participate in only two nowadays: this one (recently, after posting on and off for almost a year) and SFI (Sword Forum International). I mainly lurk in the other half-dozen or so fora I've joined, though I *did* actively participate in a couple others at one point.
I'm a member on quite a few, some, like this one I'm on conisistantly, others I am for a few months, then float off somewhere else.

Good thing nothing counts my totals from all forums, I'd look like a big geek :)
Tried a few others out in the past, but this is it for me. Most were flame wars, or style specific and they would go on about how much better they were than everyone else. That got old.

Ive joined several, I only participate on 2.
Swordlady said:
I've lost count of how many fora I joined, but I actively participate in only two nowadays: this one (recently, after posting on and off for almost a year) and SFI (Sword Forum International). I mainly lurk in the other half-dozen or so fora I've joined, though I *did* actively participate in a couple others at one point.

Two - Martial Talk and Budoseek. MT by far the most, although Budoseek is a good site as well. Like you, I'm also a member of Sword Forums, which is a GREAT site as well. I'm mostly just a lurker there, though.
MT is my home sometime I visit another one just for laughs.
JeffJ said:
Tried a few others out in the past, but this is it for me.
Jeff, that's awesome to hear. Thank you for your candour. :asian:

Personally, I had tried 2 other forums previously, and both were way too slow motion. I was looking for a discussion, and found it here. I seem to have taken to the place....
Andrew Green said:
Good thing nothing counts my totals from all forums, I'd look like a big geek :)

LOL - I racked up over 3000 posts on this one forum I used to frequent (in fact, it was the first one I ever joined on the Net). Doesn't sound like a big deal - until you consider that I made over 3000 posts in that forum over the course of ten months. I was averaging 18 posts a day in that forum at one point (which a fellow poster "nicely" pointed out!), and hit over 500 posts a month for three or four months straight. That tells you how much I needed a life. ;)

My total combined post count from all those fora is probably around 8000. Though I'm nowhere near averaging 18 posts a day in any forum nowadays.
I frequent a few on a daily basis., and are the 'big 3'.
I also pop into about 20+ other ones daily, though my posting patterns vary.

I average 500+ posts each month here, and about 150/mo on rustaz. Numbers elsewhere vary.
I'd say 4.

MT has by become my fave. I've been seen on KenpoTalk a time or two as well. The other two are business related.
Just this one. The other forums don't have cool guys like all of you. :rolleyes:

No applause necessary. Just throw rep points. :ultracool
I am on five but frequent three on a regular basis
1. MARTIAL TALK (Half Million Posts!! Whoo hoo!:partyon:)
2. National Speleological Society discussion board (caving :rolleyes: )
3. Utah Grottos Forum (of which I am one of the administrators).

4. An Alcoholic Anyonomous Board
5. Kevins Watch (a fantasy/sci-fi board based on Stephen R. Donaldson's Thomas Covenant series)

uhh... that...that's about it. :idunno:
I replied 2. I'm only active on this one and half active on Andrews. I belong to 2 more, though, I haven't logged on in about 3 weeks to either of those, so they don't count.
I don't venture from MT often...when I do it's usually because I have too much time on my hands.
I used to go to 2, but I wasn't happy at the other one and decided to stick to this one.
Sometimes something will either come up here or someplace I drop in (rarely), I think I saw referrenced on the other. That's basically all I ever do in visiting the other site, now.

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