How many do morning hour workouts?

Do you have an AM workout?

  • I do have an AM workout

  • I do not have an AM workout

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Brown Belt
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
San Jose California
If you do how many hours before work do you get up?

how many of hours on average do you get?

how long did it take for you to actually like it? ;)
I do 100 crunches..Some stretching and lifting using the CaneMaster band set...It works...
I like morning workouts and try to do them as often as possible.
The only thing that keeps me from doing them everyday is the kid's
and their needs.

When pressed though I am happy to have thirty minutes or more
to go through a quick but satisfying workout.

If there is nothing going on I may workout for one or two hours.
However it all depends on what the daily agenda is.
20 to 30 minutes. 30 palm push ups, 10 one arm pushups (each arm), 30 sit ups, 30 oblique crunches, 30 body weight lunges, and 30 seconds of holding what is called serpant stance. It's a unique stance that puts 95% of your body weigth on one leg. And with how your knee is bent, it makes it hard to hold for to long. Good way to boost energy levels during the day.
I do standard Kihon and Kata for up to two hours...
My perception of "morning" is different than other people's, however, since I work the graveyard shift...Sometimes I will do a workout when I get home from work in the morning, which would actually be my evening, and other times I do a workout when I get up in the afternoon/early evening, which would be my morning...
Apparently my ability to do polls is horrid...

That question is how many hours of SLEEP do you get on average?

I'm trying to figure out how to fit this into my schedule :)
I put in an hour on forms and on dynamic stretching mixed with some bag kicking. I don't get much sleep and I haven't in years. Goes back to some training I did a few years ago. A large amount of sleep deprivation mixed with some very intense training.
LOL, i GET OFF WORK AT 7am so I do a sshort work out befor I get cleaned up and get some sleep.
It's good for me because it is a time by myslef when I do not have to watch students and I can practice many of my forms or do bag work, etc., and practice things I do not do with many of the students. YES, I have one person who can and will work out with me at that time if I ask or need to do something that requires another person
I am putting together a morning workout. I believe a good sleep cycle is important and if that isn't rigid, then keeping to a morning schedule is going to reflect that. With this in mind, I go to bed at 10pm and I wake up at 6am. It looks as though my workout will be about 30-45 minutes or so (still in the works). I also plan to do about 30 minutes of stuff before bed.

I am thinking of the following (still working on it all)...

AM WORKOUT (3 times a week)
  1. Breathing exercises first (Likely Ed Martin's routine).
  2. Push-ups
  3. Crunches
  4. Squat thrusts
  5. calf raises
AM WORKOUT (2 times a week)
  1. Breathing exercises first (Likely Ed Martin's routine).
  2. 30 Minutes of Cardio
PM WORKOUT (5 times a week)
  1. 15 Minutes of Sanshin Kata
  2. 15 Minutes of Dynamic stretching and joint flexibility exercises.
I plan to have it finalized and start it on Monday.
I am putting together a morning workout. I believe a good sleep cycle is important and if that isn't rigid, then keeping to a morning schedule is going to reflect that. With this in mind, I go to bed at 10pm and I wake up at 6am. It looks as though my workout will be about 30-45 minutes or so (still in the works). I also plan to do about 30 minutes of stuff before bed.

I am thinking of the following (still working on it all)...

AM WORKOUT (3 times a week)
  1. Breathing exercises first (Likely Ed Martin's routine).
  2. Push-ups
  3. Crunches
  4. Squat thrusts
  5. calf raises
AM WORKOUT (2 times a week)
  1. Breathing exercises first (Likely Ed Martin's routine).
  2. 30 Minutes of Cardio
PM WORKOUT (5 times a week)
  1. 15 Minutes of Sanshin Kata
  2. 15 Minutes of Dynamic stretching and joint flexibility exercises.
I plan to have it finalized and start it on Monday.

Looks good Dave. I enjoy Ed Martin's breathing exercises as well!

Like Drac I am also good with about 6 hours of sleep. (sometimes that is hard to get with the little ones)
My alarm goes off every morning around 4:25AM. I usually get to the gym around 4:45-4:50am. I do 4-5 miles on the elyptical machine every day. (7 days a week). I do weights (arms) 3 days a week, and depending how my knee is feeling I try to do legs 3 days also. I also try to do abs everyday.

When I can I also workout at the TKD school 3-5 days a week.
I usually also am good with six hours.

I do have a regular morning routine that involves pushups, crunches (both regular and oblique) and lots of stretching.

Looks good Dave. I enjoy Ed Martin's breathing exercises as well!

Like Drac I am also good with about 6 hours of sleep. (sometimes that is hard to get with the little ones)

I can get by with 6 hours, 7 hours is nearly perfect for me, and 8 is sometimes too much. Between 6 and 7 hours is my average, because I don't always get into bed at 10pm.

For 2 years I went to bed at 10pm and woke at 4:30am to go to the gym. So I guess that is why 10pm kind of sticks with me even though I don't get up until 6am. ;)
Up at 5am to the gym and at work by 7:30. I get about 7 hours of sleep. Do I like it, No! I am an evening person but I have been doing this routine for about 7 years because I also want to spend time with my family. My Ideal time to work out would be about 9am but I still can't convince my boss that would be best for me and everyone else, maybe someday.
I have been able to train in the mornings for a long time. It's meant getting up as early as 5 am, somedays. Lately, I haven't needed to get up that early because I don't work until afternoon, currently. I either run 3-5 miles (more often 3 than 5) & then stretch & do ab work & push-ups, or stretch & go through all of my forms & hit my XXL bag. I hope to be able to do that for a long time to come.
It was different a couple of months ago before I began to wonder if there really was a conflict between Internal CMA training vs. External CMA training

The schedule is a little rough right now since it is only about 2 months old but it is as follows

And if I get up at 5:30 I have time so ideally it is as follows (but the time I have sometimes is not enough)

3 to 4 times a week (depending on time)
100 to 150 crunches
10 to 30 push ups

5 to 7 times a week depending on time
Ba Duan Jin (8 pieces of Brocade)
A Taiji Qigong from my Yang Sifu
Post training as it comes from Yiquan

Done every morning regardless of time
Santi shi stance training

Another Taiji Qigong from my Yang Sifu he calls “shi er duan jin” (12 pieces of Brocade) is done either in the morning or evening about 1 to 3 times a week depending, once again, on time. This however can be done as a warm-up or full blown qigong

And now I am trying to figure out when to add stretching and I am NOT getting up at 5:00 to do it.

Yesterday was
70 crunches
15 push ups
A Taiji Qigong from my Yang Sifu
Santi shi stance training
Post training as it comes from Yiquan
And a few rounds of Piquan

Today was
shi er duan jin – warm-up
Santi shi stance training
Post training as it comes from Yiquan
And a few rounds of Piquan
I'm forced to do morning workouts, but I try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night, so that I'm functional the next day.

I will NEVER like getting up to work out... :)
I do not have a morning workout, but I desperatly need to get back to one.

When I do, it will be 100 push ups, 100 crunches and 20 minutes of form work (empty hand) every morning.

Afternoon workouts will be an hour long alternating days between bag work and weapons work
At work, I usually work out in the afternoon but on my days off, I try to get it done in the morning. I usually work out for an hour, or so before I teach morning classes. I also try and schedule my lesson with my teacher in the morning. There's an instructor workout Saturday mornings from 7-10.

What I do usually depends on what I feel like I need to work on the most at that time.

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