How annoying is it when someone bumps a long dead thread?


2nd Black Belt
May 5, 2016
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
When I scroll through the Active Topics, I sometimes witness a thread that has supposedly blown up overnight over a real basic title. I click it, aaaaaaand, whatdyaknow, the first post of the thread was made when I was a toddler, with the latest post supposedly trying to catch up on the action. This is really, really marginally annoying at worst. Especially when repliers (usually very new members) address the OP directly, and good chance is, they're long gone, multiple years ago. Part confusing, and tragic.
You know, of course, that when this thread dies, it will be necro'd many times just because it's funny to necro a thread about necro'ing threads, right?
You know, of course, that when this thread dies, it will be necro'd many times just because it's funny to necro a thread about necro'ing threads, right?

It will be now my mission to do just that, in fact I may have a look to see how many threads I can resurrect just to annoy our young friend. :D
It will be now my mission to do just that, in fact I may have a look to see how many threads I can resurrect just to annoy our young friend. :D
Somehow, when I posted that, I knew you'd be the one to follow up, Tez. :rolleyes:
Somehow, when I posted that, I knew you'd be the one to follow up, Tez. :rolleyes:

Always lol. I'm at a loss on Wednesdays now, we have a new leader take over the Rainbow Guide unit I ran on Wednesdays, just have one on Tuesdays plus Brownies and Guides on Mondays so I have to find new people to annoy on Wednesdays! Yes the girls do think Tawny Owl is nuts but we have a huge amount of fun. After Easter we are doing a Japanese night so they are getting a mini martial arts lesson and sushi after :D
I'd rather a thread be resurrected than the alternative, which is having the same conversation over and over.
When I scroll through the Active Topics, I sometimes witness a thread that has supposedly blown up overnight over a real basic title. I click it, aaaaaaand, whatdyaknow, the first post of the thread was made when I was a toddler, with the latest post supposedly trying to catch up on the action. This is really, really marginally annoying at worst. Especially when repliers (usually very new members) address the OP directly, and good chance is, they're long gone, multiple years ago. Part confusing, and tragic.
I think I did that a couple of days ago and did not realize I did this, so my apologizes and a lesson learned. I was doing a search and did not look at the dates of the posts, but will do so in the future. Again sorry for the annoyance.
I think I did that a couple of days ago and did not realize I did this, so my apologizes and a lesson learned. I was doing a search and did not look at the dates of the posts, but will do so in the future. Again sorry for the annoyance.
I don't think the OP means it is any real problem. The annoyance usually comes when you get really into the discussion without realizing it's old, then realize the people you want to respond to aren't active any longer. I always check the necro'd threads to see if someone has added something to create new discussion. Necro away, friend!

(One way to avoid bumping a very old thread is to start a new one, with a link to the old one in your OP for the thread.)
I do think it's a little tacky when someone necros an old thread, and the next response is, "I don't think you're going to get much of a response, since the OP has been gone for 9 years."
I do think it's a little tacky when someone necros an old thread, and the next response is, "I don't think you're going to get much of a response, since the OP has been gone for 9 years."
Well, unless the person who necro'd it was responding to the OP, asking for clarification, etc. They did that probably not noticing the age of the thread (I've certainly done it), so the follow-up can be helpful.
When I scroll through the Active Topics, I sometimes witness a thread that has supposedly blown up overnight over a real basic title. I click it, aaaaaaand, whatdyaknow, the first post of the thread was made when I was a toddler, with the latest post supposedly trying to catch up on the action. This is really, really marginally annoying at worst. Especially when repliers (usually very new members) address the OP directly, and good chance is, they're long gone, multiple years ago. Part confusing, and tragic.

I don't find it annoying in the slightest. First off, I don't sweat the petty stuff (and don't pet the sweaty stuff).
Secondly, I understand the Internet is basically eternal. Whatever you put online, stays online somewhere.
Thirdly, there are roughly 7.5 BILLION people on the planet. What might be "old news" to you is the first time someone else has ever seen it.
How old were you when you first saw Star Wars? I saw it when it first came out in 1977. Every kid who ever saw it since then was seeing something that was"old news" to me. To them, it was new and exciting.

So remember the world is bigger than you are and don't let yourself get annoyed by small, petty things that don't hurt you.

I've been on forums where people are annoyed by the resurrection of old zombie threads and I've been on forums where people get annoyed at seeing the same questions asked over and over in new threads. We can't have it both ways. If people can't ask questions and discuss things, you cease having a forum. If everything is a bunch of sticky threads that everyone is just supposed to read, that's not a forum...that's an online library.

Do you want a reference library without personal interaction? Or do you want a place to discuss things which carries the risk that newbies might ask a question that you're tired of or that someone might find and older topic that they want to discuss? In the end, is it really that bad? Doesn't it really ruin your whole experience?

One forum I'm on, almost DAILY sees new, young bassists asking "what's the best bass for metal?" That question has LITERALLY been asked thousands of times on that forum. The choices are: answer the question to the best of your ability or don't. You don't even have to read that thread either. The options are the same everywhere. There's no need to let yourself get annoyed by it. The older you get, the less petty things will annoy you.

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I don't find it annoying. Just don't expect the original participants to still be hanging around and taking part. Some might be, but don't expect it.
When I scroll through the Active Topics, I sometimes witness a thread that has supposedly blown up overnight over a real basic title. I click it, aaaaaaand, whatdyaknow, the first post of the thread was made when I was a toddler, with the latest post supposedly trying to catch up on the action. This is really, really marginally annoying at worst. Especially when repliers (usually very new members) address the OP directly, and good chance is, they're long gone, multiple years ago. Part confusing, and tragic.
Not nearly as annoying as some sniveling newbie who's been on the forum for all of 10 months whining about it. :rolleyes: