Help needed! college project on Martialtalk


White Belt
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hi , i was wondering if any one would help me with a college project i
have to do, its a Virtual Ethnography assignment for User Theories and i
thought i will report on!

A Virtual Ethnography is the study of people interacting in an online

here are the questions
1 - What is your age, gender, location?
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?
4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?
5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?
6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?
7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small
8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

You can reply on this thread or if you prefer to private message the answers to me that would be great.

Did you run this past the Admin staff before posting, lookey13?

It is not that there is anything intrinsically wrong with making such requests, especially if you are not gathering particularly personal data; but sometimes there are legal issues to be considered.
Just a suggestion. You may want to consider using a survey service like to collect the data. This way you can post a link to your survey and it separates MT user names from the answers and preserves a degree of privacy. You may get more responses that way.

I wish you the best on your assignment.
Did you run this past the Admin staff before posting, lookey13?

It is not that there is anything intrinsically wrong with making such requests, especially if you are not gathering particularly personal data; but sometimes there are legal issues to be considered.

I was in such a panic to get started at this that i never thought of the legal issues :( and i never contacted the admin staff.

I hope that i have not broken any laws:) or offended anyone.

As a member of staff could you tell me who i should contact, to find out if it would be ok to keep the survey up ??

thanks for the advice and help
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I was in such a panic to get started at this that i never thought of the legal issues :( and i never contacted the admin staff.

I hope that i have not broken any laws:) or offended anyone.

As a member of staff could you tell me who i should contact, to find out if it would be ok to keep the survey up ??

thanks for the advice and help

Send a PM to Bob Hubbard, he's the owner and would be happy to help you. :)
Hello, We believe there is a site you can go too? That can show you who is on this site? many postings? etc...Please help here for those in the know!

This is a great site for learning and sharing....and we enjoy all the feedbacks - pro's and con's , good or bad, Nice people here!

Aloha, for a visiting this site? ....comes and goes with time ..Rather be fishing today...recreational shoreline fishing too...

PS: Just another note here: WE (me) ...go to only three places to chat....Ulua fishing forums, Nissen Xterra Forums, and Martialtalk forums shoreline fishing, love 4x4 off roading, love the martial arts....I think in the that order too...? course ..if you take my fishing pole...and we are off road? ...martial arts may come first too? ..UM?
I've stickied this for now so it doesn't get lost in the influx of new topics. If our members wish to participate I'm ok with this survey being listed, and leave the amount of personal information they reveal up to them.
Hi , i was wondering if any one would help me with a college project i
have to do, its a Virtual Ethnography assignment for User Theories and i
thought i will report on!

A Virtual Ethnography is the study of people interacting in an online

here are the questions
1 - What is your age, gender, location?
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?
4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?
5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?
6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?
7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small
8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

You can reply on this thread or if you prefer to private message the answers to me that would be great.


1. I am 22. I am a male. I live in the southeastern United States.

2. I try to visit the forums at least 2-3 times a week. I sometimes post when I visit.

3. Yes. It offers me the convenience of discussing and relating to topics, whether or not I participate by post, whereas I normally would not have access to such valuable information and community in my local area.

4. I find it to be the same.

5. Yes. The downsides are misunderstandings and mis-interpretations. I also find that not being able to see or hear the individuals talking makes it more informal than I would prefer, which for me, makes it more difficult to develop a friendship in a forum.

6. I'm sorry, but for me, there's a couple that must be mentioned.

First, the community here at MT appear to be very intelligent and helpful in general, which really makes me want to stay to learn and talk all that I can.

Second, having the convenience of a community that has the same interest/s as myself is also an excellent aspect. In my local area, its not very common to find fellow martial artists, and if I do, its difficult finding any that have the time or the desire to experience what each other has to offer and discover.

7. Not yet. I don't believe I will in the future as my lifestyle doesn't allow me to remain that focused on a luxury such as that. I do however wish I could indulge.

8. Unfortunately, no. However I have a great interest in doing so presently.

Thanks for giving me a medium to share myself with the community. Take care and I hope your project is very successful.

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here are the questions
1 - What is your age, gender, location?{/quote}
I'm 39. I live on the eats coast near Philadelphia.
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
visit several times a day. Post once or twice a day.
3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?
yes. Not sure as i've not been a aprt of the off-line comunity.
4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?
No. for me, I'm able to voice my opinion regardels sof where I am. I knwo that is not the case for everyone though.
5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?
Lack of nonverbals means certain meaning can't be convereyd easily and things can get misunderstood. Also the sense of anonymity can sometimes erode basci civility. In other words, people sometimes say thigns online they woudl never say to someone's face.
6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?
The site irun very well which means the level of conversations is severl steps above the internet average. the wealtgh of information makes for great martiala rts discussions. I learn a lot from my participation here.
7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small
No, not at this time. I would though, just nto had the opportunity.
8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.
No, not had the opportunity.

Hi , i was wondering if any one would help me with a college project i
have to do, its a Virtual Ethnography assignment for User Theories and i
thought i will report on!

A Virtual Ethnography is the study of people interacting in an online

here are the questions
1 - What is your age, gender, location?
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?
4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?
5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?
6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?
7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small
8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

You can reply on this thread or if you prefer to private message the answers to me that would be great.


1. 28, male, La Mesa California (San Diego East)

2. I visit several times a day, though I post maybe once a day (unless the discussion is progressing more quickly).

3. Yes and no. It is a great online networking and discussion forum. Far more civilized than many I've participated in. I really like the people on here, but the sense of community is nothing like the sense of family I feel in my dojo. When you shed blood sweat and tears together there is a bond unlike anything the internet can give, IMHO.

4. In some cases, yes. Online you have time to center and think before you respond.

5. There is no substitute for being able to look another person in the eyes when you talk to them. On the internet you lose out on non verbal communication, so it is easy to misinterpret honesty for hostility and bluntness for arrogance.

6. The variety of people, the depth of knowledge, and civil (for the most part) honesty that you get out of people.

7. Not really, not unless you count Facebook.

8. Yes, I train with one regularly :)
1 61 male los angeles
2 couple of times a week, three or four times a week
3yes, community is togetherness, MT brings people of differing viewpoint and even opinion together
4 this is tough. depends on the person I am talking to. Can't give you a solid answer.
5 no, you get a larger community to draw from on line.
6 you are resourcing a larger data base.
7 no. too new to it all.
8 no

Good luck with your Virteth. Al
Hi , i was wondering if any one would help me with a college project i
have to do, its a Virtual Ethnography assignment for User Theories and i
thought i will report on!

A Virtual Ethnography is the study of people interacting in an online

here are the questions
1 - What is your age, gender, location?
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?
4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?
5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?
6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?
7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small
8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

You can reply on this thread or if you prefer to private message the answers to me that would be great.


1. I am 23, male, and live in the Chicago area of IL

2. This varies. I attempt to visit at least twice a week, but often times work or other activities (like actually training) get in the way. Sometimes I go months without making a post. I only post when I feel like my input would contribute in someway to the topic or if I find I strongly agree or disagree with a post.

3. Somewhat. Online I feel a strange sense of comraderie with certain users. I do not have any contact with these members outside of the web, so I have no "offline" martialtalk community.

4.Yes and no. I find it easier in that I have time to think about what I want to say and then carefully choose the words I want to use to be as thourough as possible. However many times there can be misunderstandings about what is ment and sometimes without actually being present for a discussion with an actual person makes it hard to demonstrate a point.

5. Adding to what was in #4 being on the internet can create "armchair" senseis. That is people who sound like they know what they are talking about but really don't. Occassionally dubious people attempt to undermind the community.

6. Collecting a variety of opinions about the same topic from a diverse group of people.

7. No

8. No
I think It is not that there is any thing intrinsically incorrect with producing such demands, particularly if you are not accumulating especially individual data; but occasionally there are lawful matters to be considered
1 - What is your age, gender, location?

27, Male,Downey, CA

2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?

Try to post/visit daily

3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?

It offers a sense of community through exchange of ideas through a
medium (IE computer)

4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?

I find it a compromise of both methods, although I could always post
a youtube video to communicate on MT

5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?

Offline usually means less contributors, here at MT there are a pluthora of contributors to the discussion. Not to mention the varied backgrounds of the contributors.

6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?

being a part of an online community of varying styles, backgrounds, and ideas creates a hodge-podge intersection of ideas, thoughts, and insightful discussion (especially on the Kenpo side of things)

7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?

No I dont

8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

No I have not at this point at least, still new
1 - What is your age, gender, location?

40, male, San Diego

2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?

Usually read daily, post a few times a week

3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?

Absolutely. Great forum with members capable of discussing a great variety of topics, usually in a respectful manner.

4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?

Sometimes, simply because the medium of typing (and editing) a response or post allows for better expression of your thoughts than sometimes comes across in a conversation. It's also a little easier to stay on topic.

5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?

Sure, often sarcasm (among other things) is easily misinterpreted because we lack the visual and aural cues that help to distinguish such things in a conversation. Sometimes people can more easily take offence to the written word than verbal communication

6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?

The ready access to so many different points of view and areas of expertise.

7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small


8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

No, though I'd be open to meeting members in the area.
1 - What is your age, gender, location?

47, Male, Seattle WA
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?

Usually read daily, post a few times a week

3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?

I have only been on for a few days. Looks great! I look forward to getting to know more folks and learning from them. Almost as excited as I was when I started in our current studio.

4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?

I like both but find it is easier to stick to a subject online. Also you can communicate to folks when you have time. Everyone does not have to be on the same schedual. Great to get perspectives from other parts of the world.

5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?

Without all of the cues we get in face to face communications easyier to missunderstand things. Also it seems easier for folks to be rude than they are in person.

6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?

Talking to people from all over the world and learning from them at a time that is convenient to everyone. Meeting people I would not normally meet.

7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small

Facebook and gmail. Often with folks in my TKD school. Schedual dinners and game nights talk about issues in the school.

8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

Not yet but looking forward to. I have made some good friends in the Martial Arts through facebook (one of them reccomended this site) that I would not have met otherwise. Hope to meet more through this site. MA folks seem to be a cut above in manners. Few online forums are this well run or polite.
Hi , i was wondering if any one would help me with a college project i
have to do, its a Virtual Ethnography assignment for User Theories and i
thought i will report on!

A Virtual Ethnography is the study of people interacting in an online

here are the questions
1 - What is your age, gender, location?
62/Male/Houston, TX
2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
Infrequently. Maybe once a week.
3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?
I think it does. The forum appears to be organized with the concept that we are all martial artists and are all working toward a common goal.
4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?
About the same.
5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?
Yes. Humans communicate far more through physical cues than simply verbal. That's why emoticons evolved; they are an attempt to make the reader see, in their minds, a smile or a frown or whatever on the part of the person typing, which will enrich the communication experience. :)
6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?
As I mentioned earlier, we're all martial artists. It's a great way to communicate with others that we might never have met in any manner at all.
7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small
8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.
You can reply on this thread or if you prefer to private message the answers to me that would be great.

1 - What is your age, gender, location?

I am a 28 year old male from Lynnwood, WA

2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?

About once a week, sometimes twice

3 - Do you feel the Martialtalk forum offers a sense of community? How
does it differ to the offline Martialtalk community?

I think Martialtalk definitely offers a sense of community. I honestly couldn't tell you if it differs from the offline community, as I've never met anyone from this community in the real world (that I know of)

4 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on
the forum, than offline face to face?

Yes I do. I have time to read over the things I say, edit them, and look my posts over a second time before posting my opinions. This is much more difficult to do, face to face.

5 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than
just offline?

The downside would be that it's easy to make up a false persona over the internet. However, I would contend that this is something that can and DOES happen all the time in real life as well.

6 - What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the
Martialtalk forum?

Meeting members of the martial arts community that I would not otherwise have the opportunity to connect with, and picking their brains.

7 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members on MSN or any other
messenger? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small


8 - Do you communicate with any Martialtalk members offline, other than
at the socials? Give examples.

Nope, again.

Good luck on the paper.