Hello from Minnesota


Blue Belt
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hi folks,

I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I practice Okinawan karate ... specifically Shorin Ryu.

For the past few years we've been learning how to interpret kata for practical self defense techniques ... the most fun I've had in years.
Minnesota, huh? We have quite a few from MN, and a few from ND like me as well. I hope you enjoy the site as much as I have. It is an awesome place to learn and share!
Howdy Explorer and welcome to MT!

Glad to hear your having fun with Bunkai. Enjoy your stay!
Again, welcome...I'm from way up north right now, but within 2 weeks I'll be calling the Minneapolis area home as well.
Welcome to Martial Talk!!:wavey:

Welcome to Martial Talk. BTW - I'm up in the Twin Ports, don'cha know...
Wow! What a nice group. Thanks you guys. Glad to hear from all the Minnesota folks too.

If anyone is ever visiting the Twin Cities and would like a place to burn off some lefse, let me know ... you can come visit us.