Hello everybody


Big Game

Hello -

Just thought I would stop in and introduce myself. My name is Ken Jones and I study Shiho Karano Ryu. I am currentlu a purple belt (8th Kyu). I look forward to learning form you guys here.
RUN! RUN WHILE YOU CAN! They'll only....**muffled yells** ACK! Noooooo!!!
Er... ahem... well come on in, we're all very friendly here.

I'm Jill- 1st Dan Kenpo. Just beginning to branch out into Taijuitsu & Kyosho. Enjoy!

Pay no attention to the wild Canadian. He's still embarassed from running outta beer. :)

Seriously, Welcome to MT.

I haven't heard of Shiho Karano Ryu before. Can you fill us in on what is it?

Glad to see some fun here. Thanks for the warm welcome.

Shiho Karano is the martial arts style as taught by Soke Clement G. Riedner.

However according to the original concept of the term "Ryu", rather than just a single style the Shiho Karano Ryu actually teaches five branches of its art, each maintaining the same concepts and philosophy.

The five branches of Shiho Karano Ryu are:
Iaido Ken Jitsu

I will post some more background of my style later if anybody is interested. Here is a link to a website that has some history.

History of Nippon Shiho Karano Ryu
Hello BG, and welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy your stay. BTW, if you bring any beer with you, don't pass any to Gou because he's had enough:)
Originally posted by rachel
welcome. you'll love it here.everyone is really nice.

I resent that remark! I'm evil...EEEEVVvvvviiiillllll!!!


So what did you score on the MA Talk entrance exam?
Originally posted by Cthulhu
I resent that remark! I'm evil...EEEEVVvvvviiiillllll!!!

It's true. He is.
More than me.
What can I say? It was in the job description:


Great Old One. Must be experienced, at least 2 millenia preferred. Hideous appearance a plus. Must be willing to travel interstellar space to conquer and colonize pre-prehistoric Earth. Accomodations will be provided, though flood insurance on the city of R'lyeh will not be provided. Suitable staff of minions will be provided, though it will be the hiree's responsibility to enslave more.

Work hours erratic, so undead slumber is permitted until the stars are right.

Creatures of Unspeakable Evil only need apply.


Originally posted by Cthulhu
What can I say? It was in the job description

What about "Ugly?" Or did you throw that one in for free?
Welcome aboard Big Game.:asian:

I'm sure you'll have fun here trading posts with the rest of the minions. The discussions can be about serious MA stuff, or at times they can just regress to wackiness as you've already witnessed in the few prior posts from this thread. It sure does make for amusing reading... :D
Hola, hope you enjoy your stay blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah,
Your sincerly M.O.B :p
Originally posted by GouRonin
That's not very sincere...


That cant have been me you were slapping! :rofl:

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