Hello, Again


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
Hi all,

I have been quite spotty at best. However, the past few months have been terrible for me. The good news is that my leg I had 65 % rebuilt from surgery is coming along quite nicely indeed.

The bad news is that Monday I was released from my job that I took while being lured away from the one stable one I had. It was a total let down. In under 90 days I had put in 100 hours of over time. I had won a few company wide contests etc, what a let down to be released.

However, I was somewhat relieved to be let go. I have assembled a plan and have begun to put it into effect, I have had a lot of support from family and my dear friends at Moo Sul Kwan. The job I had was just affecting my health too much. Leaving was a bit nasty until I mentioned that I was a 60% disabled Gulf War vet and I was feeling very threatened and antagonized against, the mood changed quickly into my favor as I was leaving. The sad thing is that there were 9 of us let go that were about to hit our "Vacation, sick time" mile marker.

It also seemed a bit suspect to be let go on the Monday following two visits to the V.A. hospital for pain the week before. Oh well, at least I have been able to keep up with training and a healthy home life with my adoring wife. I can't put what she and my pop had to say about the ordeal.

However, I now have more time and energy to put towards the board here. Sorry if you guys were wandering what happened to me as I was a heavy poster for a long time.

Later all,
Welcome back Matt, sorry to hear about all that is going on ... but usually things work out for the best and I'm sure this will be no different ... enjoy posting!
Welcome back, Matt, and I'm sorry to hear about your job and I'm sure things will get better for you...
Welcome back Matt.

Friends and Family are true treasures. Nice to hear that you have family support.

Welcome back! It all worked out for the best. Any job affecting your health isn't worth it. Better to have been let go as you wouldn't quit. They did you a favor. Training, Martial Talk, and time with the family sounds a lot better to me. You'll get another job. For now, enjoy the time off and do what you want. Lord knows when that opportunity will happen again.
Hopefully all the bad is behind you and it will be clear skies and smooth sailing ahead of you. Hang in there, things have a way of working themselves out
Welcome back Matt! Missed you a lot!
Welcome Back Matt!!!!
Welcome back!! I hope things work out for you! :)

I'm glad your back here, Matt. I'm really sorry it's under these circumstances. You're in my prayers.
Welcome back, Matt! We've missed you. I'm sorry you're going through all that you are - here's hoping things get better, and stay better, from here on out.
Matt, great to hear from you!! I was wondering if we'd lost you, and a little worried after the fiasco with your neighbor on top of your injury. Glad you're back, but sorry to hear about all the problems. My baby bro is undergoing cancer treatment with VA, and it's just ugly. So you understandably have a lot on your plate.

Hang in and keep us posted as often as you can. You're a valuable asset to MT, and a huge reason I got so involved as a newcomer. :asian:

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