Hawaii Moves To Ban Aspartame

There's some evidence that aspartame may be an excitotoxin: it contains certain amino acids that can damage neural tissue by causing nerve cells to go overboard firing, which leads to cell death. Neuropathological diseases such as Parkinson's, Huntington's and others.

The main source on this is a book written by R. L. Blaylock, a board-certified neuroanatomist and neurosurgeon, some of whose conclusions are included in the survey entry here.
Be interesting to see where this goes. Aspartame (Neutrasweet) and Sucralose (Splenda) are both toxic crap that got fast tracked through the FDA. The ****'s in so much food today it's scary. I went to buy Tang and it's in there! Ugh!
I wonder how many people - who years ago complained to their doctors about numbness and tingling in their hands and feet (hich didn't start until they began consuming Nutrasweet) and who were turned away due to lack of evidence (and even scoffed at by their physicians and other dietitians in favor of aspartame approval) will be able to sue for damages?
Be interesting to see where this goes. Aspartame (Neutrasweet) and Sucralose (Splenda) are both toxic crap that got fast tracked through the FDA. The ****'s in so much food today it's scary. I went to buy Tang and it's in there! Ugh!

What's wrong with Splenda? Though, I prefer Stevia myself...
I guess it was either that or give up the fried spam. I applaud the Hawaiians on their choice.
Absolutely good move.
I used to get sick when taking food supplements that contained aspartame.
I finally narrowed it down to the aspartame. Every other ingredient in the protein I was taking was in another minus the aspartame. That one was fine.
Now 12 years later, I'm even against taking most supplements.

I applaud the move.
I think artificial sweeteners are horrible for you ... but does anyone else find it ironic that this move is being spearheaded by the state who produces sugar as one of it's primary exports?
I think artificial sweeteners are horrible for you ... but does anyone else find it ironic that this move is being spearheaded by the state who produces sugar as one of it's primary exports?

Hmmm....now you mention it..... hmmm.... no accident there, one feels!

There's a great line about this sort of thing—doing what might be the right thing for possibly totally self-serving motives—in one of the poems from Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology:

A moral truth's
A hollow tooth,
Which must be propped with gold.
Why just Hawaii? Are they more concerned about their people health than other states? Maybe it's a lobby of other switeners proved stronger.
Why Hawaii? I'm surprised you have to ask one that's that obvious.

Aspartame's chief competitor is sucralose. Sucralose is made from sugar. Even though it's fallen on hard times the sugar lobby is still very powerful in Hawaii.

That's the only reason for the anti-aspartame moves in the Hawaiian legislature.
There are times I'll take self-interest when it has the dual purpose of health benefits.

And, this is as others have said, self interest of the sugar industry.

Unfortunately, if this is all true, then it will flood the market there with sucralose, which is not a win IMO.
All that we have against the current sweetener - sucralose - is innuendo, "maybes" and anecdotes. So far there's nothing actually approaching evidence. I'm no great fan of the sugar lobby, but it does seem to be the best of the artificial sweeteners. No, stevia does not even come close no matter how "natural" it is.

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