have you ever...


Senior Master
Jun 16, 2005
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So (a pseudo spin off from the first kata you created thread), have any of you ever done any of the follwoing:
created a new kata
created a new stance
created a new guard
created a new throw/sweep
created a new pin/lock
created a new pin/lock reversal
created a new strike (any part of body)
created a new block
created a new drill (two person)/conditioning expercise
created a new footwork drill/pattern
come up with a new concept
created a new style

this includes (if you wouldn't mind) a back story and a breif explaination of how it's done.
Nope, still haven't learned everything in my own system, don't have time to be making new stuff yet. Maybe when things slow down then I will try to create something new.
i'd posit there are very few 'new' ways of striking, blocking, breakfalling etc.

there are many such things that may be new discoveries for an individual. but there are only so many things we can do with our bodies and experts have had millenia to experiment.

so until we grow extra limbs in vats for grafting, i suspect the answer will be 'nope. not me'.
So (a pseudo spin off from the first kata you created thread), have any of you ever done any of the follwoing:
created a new kata
created a new stance
created a new guard
created a new throw/sweep
created a new pin/lock
created a new pin/lock reversal
created a new strike (any part of body)
created a new block
created a new drill (two person)/conditioning expercise
created a new footwork drill/pattern
come up with a new concept
created a new style

this includes (if you wouldn't mind) a back story and a breif explaination of how it's done.

The only thing I created was a kata for my 1st degree black belt. This was a requirement of the test, so I really had no choice. Aside from that, no, I have not created anything new. As Wade stated, I too have quite a bit in my system to work on. :)

So (a pseudo spin off from the first kata you created thread), have any of you ever done any of the follwoing:
created a new kata
created a new drill (two person)/conditioning expercise
come up with a new concept

this includes (if you wouldn't mind) a back story and a breif explaination of how it's done.

I developed a cane form and a kukri form for presentation to Dr. Gyi as a gift to the ABA. I performed it at a national tournament for him. My instructor had been involved in creating the forms back in 1980-81 when he left the ABA over a personal issue with Dr. Gyi. Harsh words were spoken and threats were made. Fast forward to 1993 and I am the first student my instructor has sent to the ABA for belt testing since then and I have become successful in competition. As a gesture of reconciliation, we worked together to develop thse two forms that had never been completed in 1980 and present them to the ABA. WE also developed drills to help train the concepts found in the form, but hte concepts were NOT new - just utilized in a different pattern / way.

A new concept and a new set of drills were developed by me and a physical therapist to directly address the specific needs of motor impared autistic children. I plan on offereing several classes soon.
Sorry, but reading over my question I realised I missed a part. I meant have you ever created something new for your style. Have you come up with a strike that isn't taught in your style, but is still applicatable.
Sorry, but reading over my question I realised I missed a part. I meant have you ever created something new for your style. Have you come up with a strike that isn't taught in your style, but is still applicatable.
Nope, I haven't come up with it myself but have introduced some of my old kempo stuff into the aikido curriculum at our dojo. It's only new to those who haven't studied a hard style before but it gets plenty of oohs and aahs. There really isn't anything new under the sun as the saying goes. Just new angles of the sunbeam.
A new concept and a new set of drills were developed by me and a physical therapist to directly address the specific needs of motor impared autistic children. I plan on offereing several classes soon.

I would love to see that. Would even pay for it in book form, video, whatever. Would allow me to offer MA to a whole cohort of kids we're not now reaching. :asian:
I create new drills all the time for my group classes. Sometimes the students like them, sometimes they hate me by the end of the class. Especially if I'm focusing on conditioning. :)
For my 2nd Dan test I had to create 2 new forms one open handed and one weapon, also had to create several new self defenses.
have any of you ever done any of the follwoing:
created a new style

Yes. I made it up just for me, and I'm really the only one it works for. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I could teach it to others, but they'd do better to make up their own.

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