Has anyone heard of Go-Kan Ryu (GKR)?


2nd Black Belt
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
Has anyone heard of it? It looks like a blend of Shotokan and Goju combined. How long has this style been around? I am looking into it and for the money it can't be beat. $55 a month for a person is really not bad.
You can do a google search and come up with a handful of interesting threads. Many in the traditional karate world do not respect the art, saying the founder and seniors in GKR lack both depth and skill. GKR also engages in interesting marketing ideas, such as doing door to door sales and recruitment. The GKR organization has also recruited relative karate novices and given them probationary black belt status, so the new members can run schools under the GKR banner. The idea is that the new black belt must continue to train to receive a full black belt, but I think it's a little dubious... I wouldn't want to pay good money to take lessons from someone with so little experience....
I see that this is a new style and not many people have heard of it before.