Hapkido Terminology

Skip Cooper

Purple Belt
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I am looking for Korean terminology as it applies to Hapkido. I am familiar with the Japanese terms, such as kote-gaeshi, ikkyo, nikkyo, irimi-nage, and such. If anyone can point me into the right direction, it would be much appreciated. Fortunately, my teacher knows what I am talking about when I refer to the techniques in their Japanese form, but it confuses the other students.
Hiya Skip,

While Dusty has pointed out that great resource..I doubt that you'll find what you're looking for specifically.

Korean terminolgy,as I understand it, is usually codified according to method..not so much according to the individual technique contained within the method.

What I mean to say is that your Nikkyo(J. Kote Mawashi) and Sankyo(J. Kote Hineri) would find themselves lumped together under the very generic Korean heading "Sohn Mok Sool".
Hiya Skip,

While Dusty has pointed out that great resource..I doubt that you'll find what you're looking for specifically.

Korean terminolgy,as I understand it, is usually codified according to method..not so much according to the individual technique contained within the method.

What I mean to say is that your Nikkyo(J. Kote Mawashi) and Sankyo(J. Kote Hineri) would find themselves lumped together under the very generic Korean heading "Sohn Mok Sool".


I noticed the distinct difference between the terminolgy specific art of judo as opposed to generalizations of a set of techniques.....son mok soo, eui bok soo, kibon soo, etc.
Hiya Skip,

While Dusty has pointed out that great resource..I doubt that you'll find what you're looking for specifically.

Korean terminolgy,as I understand it, is usually codified according to method..not so much according to the individual technique contained within the method.

What I mean to say is that your Nikkyo(J. Kote Mawashi) and Sankyo(J. Kote Hineri) would find themselves lumped together under the very generic Korean heading "Sohn Mok Sool".

Thanks Paul. This is exactly what I have experienced in Hapkido.
oops. i guess i should have read the full question. when i saw techniques, i thought punch, kick, etc. my bad.
Hey Paul. hows it going? you coming down to florida next weekend?