Hapkido in the movies

it's funny that the movie "Hapkido" is aka "Lady Kung Fu"!
that sounds like a totally different movie
mickey said:
My teacher, Jino Kang of Hapkido USA (San Francisco), made a movie several years ago: Blade Warrior [New York Times].

Yes, good "B" movie with some awesome kicks and IHF style joint locks. Very smooth and powerful. Then again consider your source. Master Jin O Kang is the postcard of a great master and technician.

FYI, he can fight too. I know first hand. We spent many a day whacking at each other.

Another tidbit of info, is for those in the San Francisco area that are interested in some awesome grappling, Master Kang is a master there as well. He has taken the normal HKD techniques and ground work and taken it to another level by cross training in BJJ. He is a certified instructor in Gracie style BJJ.

With brotherhood,
Grand Master De Alba
A pleasure making your acquaintance, Grand Master De Alba. Master Kang runs a very pleasant ship; nice staff, supportive students, good location. In fact, today they "broke ground" on a downstairs space (the main dojang is one flight up) for more BJJ, Muay Thai, etc.

One of the black belts with whom I spoke is thrilled because the new space has a higher ceiling, great for the kicks on which he's working.

And important to me, and perhaps to you, are the smattering of good restaurants in the neighborhood and near-by. Sometimes we'll head out to an early class, have a light dinner, and head back for another class.

I'm enjoying this thread; I never knew Hapkido was so well-represented in the movies.
mickey said:
My teacher, Jino Kang of Hapkido USA (San Francisco), made a movie several years ago: Blade Warrior [New York Times].

I just watched that film for the first time last week! (And enjoyed the martial arts in it very much.)

I was surprised to see that Master Kang was IHF representative as I mistakenly believed that the IHF style was much more influenced by Japanese aikido that is evident in the film. Obviously the IHF has preserved all of the high and jumping kicks and tighter circled jointlocking techniques which are also part of other hapkido styles.

I am really impressed with what Master Kang presented in his film. You are lucky to be training with him!