Handleing all those know it all.

You know we knocked him around a bit just to prove a few things and he still believes he is right. I have never ever seen this before. Well like they say we see everything one way or another.

That really is a new one, Terry.

He's come to a school with a good teacher, has had the 'talk' and been shown the 'walk' and he's still a naysayer :eek:.

Sad as it may be, perhaps he just doesn't really 'fit'? If you're anything like me, you probably don't want to let him 'go' without giving it your best effort to get him to see the value in the art but it may be that the right action here is the easy one?

Also, there's a lot of excellent advice and views in this thread, chaps and chappesses. It doesn't get said enough in On-Line Land so I just wanted to let my compatriots know how valued your input can be on something like this - a couple of the approaches mentioned it would never have occurred to me to try.
Strange, you have knocked him around a bit to show it really works and he still knows better? Why is he not at another school or better yet, back in his couch with cheezy poofs and watching reality crap on tv?
We have a guy similar to this right now. He used to be a GREAT gymnast and has a whole box of trophies he would like to show us. You wouldn't think it was possible, but somehow everything we do he somehow relates to gymnastics and how he can do it better (like we'll be doing jump front kicks and he'll start talking condescendingly about how he would like to see me try a front flip). This guy is REALLY out there. Most people tend to see how others around them act and act accordingly, but this guy just doesn't get it. All this to say....
we have found with him (and others similar) that it works best for the instructor to just be nice and helpful and try to work with the guy, and the other adult color belts students are the ones to pull him aside and tell him that THIS is the way it is supposed to be. They do it nicely and privately. Students seem to respond better when it is coming from their peers and it fosters even better leadership and cohesiveness within the group. (We are really lucky to have a great adult class right now with about 20 strong highly motivated adults).
Maybe find a good student that you could have "look out" for this guy and help him along. Give him less of your attention and let him work with another student until he "gets" it (make him realize there is a proper way of doing things and that he needs to act correctly before being blessed with attention from the master of the school ;) )