Grandson sues to clear Stalin over killings

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Grandson sues to clear Stalin over killings

Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:03pm EDT
By Guy Faulconbridge Reuters EXCERPT:

MOSCOW - Josef Stalin was in the dock on Monday when a Russian court held a preliminary hearing in a libel case brought by his grandson over a newspaper story which said the tyrant had ordered the killings of Soviet citizens.
Rights groups say the case shows a creeping attempt in modern Russia to paint a more benevolent picture of the Soviet Union's most feared leader, under whose rule millions perished.
Stalin's grandson, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili, is seeking 9.5 million roubles ($299,000) from the Novaya Gazeta newspaper and 500,000 roubles from the author of an article published last April claiming Stalin personally signed politburo death orders.
Leonid Zhura, a convinced Stalinist who is representing Dzhugashvili in court, said that the article -- based on declassified Kremlin documents -- damaged Stalin's reputation.
"Half a century of lies have been poured over Stalin's reputation and he cannot defend himself from the grave so this case is essential to put the record straight," said Zhura.
What is next? Rehabbing Hitler, Mao, etc?
Hey now DON,

Hitler did some good things for the world... like killing himself.
Actually most of those deaths in Russia during Stalin's reign were accidental. They were death by sudden brain hemorrhaging. The staff and soldiers at that time who followed orders to quietly put these people away were VERY careless with their 9mm handguns.
Actually most of those deaths in Russia during Stalin's reign were accidental. They were death by sudden brain hemorrhaging. The staff and soldiers at that time who followed orders to quietly put these people away were VERY careless with their 9mm handguns.
Damn it! Another one...
I think his grandson should sue all the historians who published all those lies about the murders, the Gulags, the assasination of Trotsky, etc, etc, etc. Stalin was all sunshine and teddy bear hugs, and they all know it, the liars! Liars!
Grandson sues to clear Stalin over killings

Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:03pm EDT
By Guy Faulconbridge Reuters EXCERPT:

MOSCOW - Josef Stalin was in the dock on Monday when a Russian court held a preliminary hearing in a libel case brought by his grandson over a newspaper story which said the tyrant had ordered the killings of Soviet citizens.
Rights groups say the case shows a creeping attempt in modern Russia to paint a more benevolent picture of the Soviet Union's most feared leader, under whose rule millions perished.
Stalin's grandson, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili, is seeking 9.5 million roubles ($299,000) from the Novaya Gazeta newspaper and 500,000 roubles from the author of an article published last April claiming Stalin personally signed politburo death orders.
Leonid Zhura, a convinced Stalinist who is representing Dzhugashvili in court, said that the article -- based on declassified Kremlin documents -- damaged Stalin's reputation.
"Half a century of lies have been poured over Stalin's reputation and he cannot defend himself from the grave so this case is essential to put the record straight," said Zhura.
What is next? Rehabbing Hitler, Mao, etc?

It's already being done, most of the younger generation of Jews don't think the Holocaust happened the way it is portrayed and was exagerated.

Nazi's did HORRIBLE things for medical experiments, but most don't talk about how much knowledge was gained from that evil. Still not worth the price though.
Maybe somebody whose ancestor vanished into the Gulag... or was slaughtered in a Penal Battalion.... or died constructing the worthless Belomor Canal.... or is buried in the Katyn Forest... will counter sue this little turd. Love to see what the punitive damages would be!

Maybe we could have a show trial featuring Stalin Jr's 'confession' after a warm stay at the Lubyanka.

Maybe Trotsky's grandson will bury an axe in his head...

What would Grandpapa Stalin have done to one who sought to clog Soviet Courts with such silliness - let that be the verdict here.

I hope he gets what's coming to him.
It's already being done, most of the younger generation of Jews don't think the Holocaust happened the way it is portrayed and was exagerated.

Really??? Where? I've never heard of that before.
It's already being done, most of the younger generation of Jews don't think the Holocaust happened the way it is portrayed and was exagerated.

Most of today's generation knows very well what happpenned because they still have very small extended family. 60 years later, my parents went through it and ourfamily is still only about a dozen. I'd say young Jews know very well what happenned.
Ask the average Belgian about King Leopold 2nd, and all they will come up with is that 2 years ago, his face was put on a commemorative coin.

Few people know his moniker: 'butcher king'. And even fewer know that he left Hitler behind in death toll and scale of atrocity.

Sure it's older than the holocaust and the gulags, but the ugly thing is that as soon as he deeded his colonial wealth and estates to the state, there was a 'great forgetting'.

I suspect it is a univaersal trait that people tend to remember what happened to them, and forget what they did onto others.
Really??? Where? I've never heard of that before.

I saw it on a news story one time. I will try and track it down. The gist of the story was that many of the younger people viewed the extent of the holocaust as exagerated like the old "we used to walk to school 5 miles uphill both ways stories". They had no concept of how something could have happened on such a large scale without anyone doing anything or finding out.
I saw it on a news story one time. I will try and track it down. The gist of the story was that many of the younger people viewed the extent of the holocaust as exagerated like the old "we used to walk to school 5 miles uphill both ways stories". They had no concept of how something could have happened on such a large scale without anyone doing anything or finding out.

Hello, History...who records it...controls it....

Stalin grandson...has Stalin version of his history....

Also...many times people DO NOT BELIEVE THE HISTORY! ..hurts to much sometimes....

One thing for sure? ...history does repeat it self!!!

Aloha, ...repeat..repeat..repeat..

PS: Rapist/child predators...when release from jails...will repeat, repeat and repeat..