Glad Tito and Shamrock fought again *spoiler warning*

A lot of this is showmanship. After all this is more than just doing martial arts. It does involve making some serious money. Morals... shoot I wouldn't be suprised if they would get along just fine outside of the ring before this fight. I wouldn't be suprised if they wouldn't get along either but still, they are entertainers.
Remember when the all mighty dollar comes into play morals usually goes out the window. So why not make a specticle of yourself if they the people are willing to pay you for it, I know if someone offered me 100,000 to get knock out in 30 seconds I would or better yet when he touches me fall and start tapping.
I liked the Hamil fight. For the record I think Shamrock retired with class. He lost and was quite sporting about it.
I like how some people say nobdoy wanted to see this fight, when the show and the match gave SpikeTV it's biggest ratings ever. It stands as the most watch mma event and match in North America.

For those of you who GET IT, I realized a long time ago that certain people just don't understand that this is a business and they probably never will. The term commonly used to describe these people are hardcore MMA fans, but I'm sure not all hardcore MMA fans are blind to the fact of business first, sport second. For the record, I'm a huge fan of pro wrestling and MMA.

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