Getting Tough At The Boarder


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Jun 21, 2003
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Looks like you will have a longer wait and need more ID if you want to enter the US from Canada.

WASHINGTON - New border crossing rules to take effect at the end of the month will initially mean longer lines for those entering the country, including returning Americans, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said Thursday. But he said the rules are necessary to prevent another Sept. 11-style attack.
Critics of the effort need to "grow up," Chertoff said in an Associated Press interview.
Starting Jan. 31, a driver's license and oral declaration of citizenship will no longer be enough to enter the United States for Americans and Canadians age 19 and older. People will have to present proof of citizenship, usually in the form of a passport or a birth certificate. A driver's license is not proof of citizenship.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Will this added security measure work?
The sad thing is that it is very easy to just cross the border from Canada to the US at lot's of different points where there is no border check going on. Way to easy.
I agree with the theory behind this change... I just don't think it's going to work. I think it's the same problem seen with gun-control; the law-abiding will take the time and effort needed to comply with the new laws, and the criminals will find ways around them or ignore them completely - so the law-abiding will endure greater inconvenience, and the criminals won't.
I agree with the theory behind this change... I just don't think it's going to work. I think it's the same problem seen with gun-control; the law-abiding will take the time and effort needed to comply with the new laws, and the criminals will find ways around them or ignore them completely - so the law-abiding will endure greater inconvenience, and the criminals won't.

That pretty much sum's it up right there Kacey!
I got aresseted for a DUI way back when I was young. Case was thrown out in the end but the dear people at the border patrol station tell me I have to bring all court records the original arest record, and some other stuff to prove i am not still a criminal OR i can pay a fine of 250 $ and then i can get into Canada.
Guess I wont be going to soon
sounds like extorsion from the Canadian gov. to me. I went to court here did what I had to was not convicted and ewven if I had been i would have "done my time" so why do I need to pay the Canadian gov. for somethin in my past tha was almost 40 years ago
Will this added security measure work?

Sure, it will be hugely effective at decreasing tourism and commerce between the two nations, and at generating more ill will in Canada at Americans. Oh, effective at increasing security? Not so much.
It makes me laugh because usually you hear about things like this, in response to an issue that they had at the boarder. Kinda like 9-11. Terrorism wasn't anything new, but it took that tragedy for people to wake up. I see this going full bore for a while and then things will slack off a bit. I mean, you can't honestly tell me that the screeners at the airports are as vigilant as they were a few years ago. Then again, passports are going to be required for all travel I believe in '09, so something like this really isn't any big deal.
OK my idea is that if you run a boarder post/crossing you get shot.. as in treated as an enemy combat force and shot .. not arrested just shot.. and if you refuse to stop for the boarder patrol people you get treated the same after say 3 minutes of lights and siren or say 4 "halts" or if you are feeling nice as a boarder agent "alto's" after that deadly force authorized! and that folks is what every one else in the world including the Mexican federalies
do on their boarders!!
You know the Canadian border check's have always been more thorough and now we are catching up. That probably is a good thing. It will not hurt tourism either way as both countries are on good terms and well American's and Canadian's in general like each other alot. (we are friendly neighbor's after all)

Having said that I cannot wait to get back to Canada and my next trip is planned to go to Banff.
You know the Canadian border check's have always been more thorough and now we are catching up. That probably is a good thing. It will not hurt tourism either way as both countries are on good terms and well American's and Canadian's in general like each other alot. (we are friendly neighbor's after all)

Having said that I cannot wait to get back to Canada and my next trip is planned to go to Banff.

It will hurt tourism in Canada. More Canadians have a passport ythan Americans. Remember that does not only apply to Canadians going to the US, but to Americans returning home. It's a hassle.
Looks like you will have a longer wait and need more ID if you want to enter the US from Canada.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Will this added security measure work?

They tried this back in 2007 with the passports and with the back logs they could not completely implement it. Hence the Birth Certificate and Picture ID.

There was a grace period and the grace period was extended. It looks like they will be trying again. It caused big delays last time.

I have to travel for work sometimes. Getting into Canada is real hard. I have to have special introduction letters. I have to get a work permit for some reasons. Where as for Mexico I just grab my Passport and go. I respect that Canada has the right to make laws in their land to protect jobs. But it is sometimes easier to send 10 or 20 engineers from Canada to the US for a meeting then it is to send one or two from the US to Canada. I could see in the future my company deciding to save money and move those jobs to the US and drop the Canadian regional engineering center. I am not saying they will, but I could see it happening.

I have said this before and will say it again. If everyone got the inspection I got it would be real slow but real effective.
I find it very sad. In a day when most of the rest of the world is becoming more open (you can travel across most of Europe without a passport now), the US is becoming more and more insulated.

It's what happens when you have a government and media who actively promote fear (of terrorists, of immigrants, of psycopaths, etc) on a daily basis.

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