Getting Scoped next Tuesday 1.9.07


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
A lot of you know I have two titanium leg braces that I have to wear. However, I am getting orthoscopic done on the left wheel next week. I have been told that it will be 1 in at least 3-5 more done on the left side alone. I may or may be out of the brace at the conclusion of the surgeries.

The point of next Tues. is to try and seperate and make space so it isn't bone hitting bone. It is wierd though, my kneecap is off track, a fracture on the joint line and bone grinding bone.
Hope it all works out for you, ya jarhead!
Best of luck to you, sir! Here's hoping your results are better than the best prediction.
Good luck Matt! I wish the best possible outcome for you. Please keep us posted. :asian:
Infinite beat me to it, but same for me. Always here to help vent or listen. Good luck and many prayers.
Good luck, I hope the results are better than the best prognosis
Matt, good luck and good speed on recovery. The only advise I can give you is to listen to the doctors and adhere to the recovery regime they give you. It sounds like you are in for the long haul and I hope the bumps in the road are small and the outcome successful.
My prayers will be added to the others..Heal quickly and painlessly Bro..

My thoughts and prayers will be with you over the next few days...

I know DE is far from St. MO... but, if I can do anything from here, just ask!

Your Brother in the arts,

Matt—am wondering how it's all gone. Please do write when you're up to it. I'm convinced it's gone well... but one always wants confirmation... keep us posted...

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