Getting rid of the "Duty to Retreat"

Here is the latest info, I just got an e-mail from the NRA:

Michigan "Castle Doctrine" Package Moving Forward!
Your Help Is Needed!

This week the House Judiciary Committee passed HB 5142, sponsored by Representative Tom Casperson (R-108), HB 5143, sponsored by Representative Rick Jones (R-71), HB 5153, sponsored by Representative Leslie Mortimer (R-65), and HB 5548, sponsored by Representative Tim Moore (R-97), which make up the important "Castle Doctrine" package.

This legislative package will help the citizens of Michigan by clarifying the rights and duties of self-defense and the defense of others within ones home and/or occupied vehicle and provide immunity from civil liability for self-defense actions.

The "Castle Doctrine" package is scheduled to be heard by the full House on
Tuesday, April 25.

Please contact your State Representative and ask him or her to support
HB 5142, HB5143, HB 5153, and HB 5548

as passed by the House Judiciary Committee.

The general phone number to the House of Representatives is (517) 373-0135.

If you need help identifying your State Representative please use the​
Hope it goes through. I end up going across the border into MI a lot, so that would make me feel a little better.

Tulisan said:
lol....but your in New York half the time anyways! What are their laws like?

I'm not sure; haven't looked into spending the $$ to be able to carry when I am here; plus I couldn't take my firearm back with me through Canada, so it is not practical given that I don't intend to be here for half the year perminently. But I think NY is a little more restrictive then MI. The thing is, when one state passes laws, nearby states often follow, so I root for any state who passes laws like these! :)
Hi All,

Just wondering how the Castle Doctrine is affecting crime rates around you? I recently read where home invasions were on the rise due to convenience stores and traditional "marks" increasing their security to the point to where they're not considered good targets anymore. My understanding of this is that there is now a greater chance that someone is either going to be waiting for you when you come home, or that they are going to bust into your home gangbusters and get what they couldn't get at the local Gas N Go.

Would it serve the public well to make this legislation VERY public knowledge? Does anyone think that ensuring violent criminals know that there is a VERY good chance they'll be killed during their attack will act as a true deterrent? I would hope that this would be the case but, when it comes to poor, pitiful, misunderstood, victims of less-than-zippedee doo daah-day upbringings, you never know.....

Anyone have any experience with this legislation?


Fu Bag :)