Getting rid of the "Duty to Retreat"

Jimi said:
If that is the case in your state, then WOW! Not arguing with you, I just feel if someone enters my home or property they deserve what they get. If any local government feels a citizen must retreat from their own home, that is a crying shame. What is to keep criminals from pressing into your home when it is expected for you to retreat into the elements? If this is the case in my state or where I grew up, then there are a few homes in DC I have my eye on, HAHAHA! PEACE

While I agree, here is my biggest fear.

Homeland Security walk into my home and takes it over for investigation without proper process. Yet, if they kick in my door, I am supposed to leave, which makes me look guilty.

So, how do I tell the good guys from the bad guys? When they all have the right to enter my home. No matter what an admendment in the US Constitution states.

Sorry I had to rant on that for a second, as I have nothing to hide and they can come and inspect my home, with the proper paperwork anytime they want. It just makes you go hmmmm?!? WTF is happening with all of this.
Jimi said:
What is to keep criminals from pressing into your home when it is expected for you to retreat into the elements?

"Just remember, never presume to defend yourself, gosh knows we don't want to you hurting some poor misunderstood product of a 'less than optimal' upbringing. Dial 911 and cower in the closet like a yellow dog until the police arrive (too late to do any good but in plenty of time to stick a tag on your toe). And always remember... "we're here to help."

Big Brother
Yes, from what I've read, Indiana pretty much just picked that legislation up almost verbatim.
Hello, Again the bad guys has more rights...Why? is it because they need more protection from us?

Bad guy enters your house "Give me you money or I going kill your family?
and if you hurt going jail and I can sue you? ...sounds like a happy ending? ..........Aloha
kenpotex said:

"Just remember, never presume to defend yourself, gosh knows we don't want to you hurting some poor misunderstood product of a 'less than optimal' upbringing. Dial 911 and cower in the closet like a yellow dog until the police arrive (too late to do any good but in plenty of time to stick a tag on your toe). And always remember... "we're here to help."

Big Brother
Not attacking your statement, just don't agree. If some poor misunderstood product of a less than optimal upbringing enters my home, I will treat'em just as if they were some hardnose career criminal and deal with 'em as I see fit (Does not mean my intent will be to kill'em). Defending myself in my home is bringing on no more risk than the perp. brings himself. I do not agree with any agruement that says, you must not resisit against criminal agression because you are risking harm to yourself or the agressor. By breaking and entering(Assualt & battery what have you), they are initiating the confrontation (THAT IS CRIMINAL!) Teach citizens to cower and flee from their own homes or to hide when their sancuary is breached makes for easy victims, and benifits no-one but those who commit criminal actions. I realize LEO's are here to protect me and my family, don't trust they can be there for me or everyone else at any given time. How many stories of people being attacked and attempting to retreat end in tradgity?
Krav Maga Instructors love to profess, everyone is born with the natural god given right to defend ones-self and off spring ( As in animals instinct to defend itself). Why would mans law conflict with that? That encourages criminal aggression. There, that's my rant, not a personal attack, had to get it off my chest. By the way , I do agree that if in public, you should try to retreat/escape the aggression. If it chases me to my front door, I must deal with it. I learned that by 3rd grade in the DC Metro area growing up.
I'm pretty sure Kenpotex was being sarcastic in making that statement.
Dude, look at any of my other posts and you'll realize the sarcasm was practically dripping off that post...:D

If someone walks into my home univited, it is very likely that he will NOT walk back out...
Just got on my soap box too easily. Guess I feel strong about it, huh? Didn't mean to self-defende bible thump too much. It would be better for me to research and understand local laws more than to sound of so easily. PEACE
Rich Parsons said:
Not in the state of Michigan. You still have to try to retreat. There are ways to argue your defense and it is the Castle Doctrine, but you still go to jail and try to prove your case from their.

Actually, we are real close to having the "duty to retreat" law removed. In fact, so close that I will have to check and get back to you - it may have already happened...

Tulisan said:
Actually, we are real close to having the "duty to retreat" law removed. In fact, so close that I will have to check and get back to you - it may have already happened...


Well I have not seen it, but that does not mean it has not been removed. It would be nice if it had been, and I was jsut out of touch on the communication.
Rich Parsons said:
Well I have not seen it, but that does not mean it has not been removed. It would be nice if it had been, and I was jsut out of touch on the communication.

Just checked. It is up for vote next session, and it looks like it will pass (knock on wood).

Keep in mind that this stuff doesn't get much press in our state, for whatever reason. So, a lot of people don't know about this stuff. For example, most people don't know that in Michigan we are now an open carry state, just like Texas.

The fact that this stuff doesn't get much coverage is actually a good thing, though. It means that the anti-gun crowd isn't real strong here, therefore most people don't give a F...

Tulisan said:
Just checked. It is up for vote next session, and it looks like it will pass (knock on wood).

Keep in mind that this stuff doesn't get much press in our state, for whatever reason. So, a lot of people don't know about this stuff. For example, most people don't know that in Michigan we are now an open carry state, just like Texas.

The fact that this stuff doesn't get much coverage is actually a good thing, though. It means that the anti-gun crowd isn't real strong here, therefore most people don't give a F...


Thanks Paul, I hope it passes. You hafve a HR number so if I call someone I can reference it directly?
Tulisan said:
Well, I see no reason to keep this info a secret


Rosie O' is on her way!! Quick get Magnum P.I.!

Rich Parsons said:
Thanks Paul, I hope it passes. You hafve a HR number so if I call someone I can reference it directly?

I'm on a a couple of senators and house of reps e-mail lists, where they just send me updates all the time. Just send an e-mail to the rep. of your choosing and they'll put you on their list and send you updates of what is going on periodically, if you'd like. GLSDA of which I am a part of also is a good reference for this sort of information, because they have been an advocacy group for sometime on these issues. I am sure when something passes, they'll either send me an e-mail, have something about it on their site, or both.

I'll try to remember to throw a thread up if I get any new information on the subject; that'll keep everyone informed.

All you have to do is make it look like you trying to run away, and let them grab you or attack you from behind in the least harmful way for you, then once you are grabbed or struck from behind you have ful filled your obligation to flee.
I support the law, but things like the obligation to flee are very bad. If someone attacks you they deserve to pay for it with either the loss of thier life or broken bones.

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