George Bush vs John Kerry vs Ralph Nadar



I'm curious on who everyone is voting for this November on Martial Talk. Will you vote for George Bush, John Kerry, or if he runs, Ralph Nadar.

I'm voting for Bush but the polls seem very close for Bush and Kerry, there no telling who is going to win the election.
Cobra said:
I'm curious on who everyone is voting for this November on Martial Talk. Will you vote for George Bush, John Kerry, or if he runs, Ralph Nadar.

I'm voting for Bush but the polls seem very close for Bush and Kerry, there no telling who is going to win the election.

Im voting "None of the Above"
I'll vote for Kerry. I prefer my Presidents lie about sexual encounters as opposed to everything imaginable.
Sean :asian:
Touch'O'Death said:
I'll vote for Kerry. I prefer my Presidents lie about sexual encounters as opposed to everything imaginable.
Sean :asian:

Kerry has a sexual encounter he lied about? Do tell! :boing2:
Yeah, because lying about sex remains far more important than lying about one's military record.

Some fool had to state the obvious. And ah am jes' the fool to do it.
I'm voting for Nolan of the Libertarian party. Probably Kaith and I will be the only ones. Bush hasn't been impressing me lately, Kerry hasn't ever impressed me, and Nadar is probably to much of a lightning rod.

With the electoral college in place voters in 12-13 contested states are the only ones whose votes matter. I voted Nader in the last two elections since I was living in states whose electoral votes were locks for Dole and Bush. Ralph has become such an egomaniac I don't see voting for him. I'd rather not hold my nose and vote for Kerry and Bush isn't getting my vote.

Will cetainly check out Nolan and the Libertarians or I may go green again if the Greens have somebody beside Nader on the ballot.

Count me undecided and unenthused.
I'm going to do a write in vote...............For Myself. :boing2:
Think I could do the job if given the chance...........Nah!, who am I kidding. I could pimp my ride, but not myself :rofl:
I'm going to vote for whoever has the best chance of getting Bush out of office, and so far that seems to be Kerry. Honestly, there were only a few of the democratic nominees who I would have chosen Bush over, and luckily (and, quite expectedly) none of them made it.

And I will be quite peeved if Nader does run, since all he might do is take away Democratic votes, giving Bush a better chance at success. Seriously, I wonder if Nader's getting paid by the Republicans to do this....
I'm voting Bush.
who wants some??? :jedi1:
Kerry. I like his record on the environment, women's rights, and education.

George W Bush has been the worst president this country has ever seen. The damage he and his pack of liars has done will cost us a fortune and many lives for generations to come.
Kerry, because he has actual combat experience, so I feel he may understand the Iraq situation a bit better than Bush. I also disagree with many of Bush's environmental policies, as well as the way he's handled the Iraq situation, so I couldn't vote for him simply because I disagree with his stance on issues. I don't like his stance on women's rights, and I also object to much of the Patriot Act, because I feel it goes too far in curtailing individual rights. I couldn't vote for bush because I don't like what he's done so far (although I think he handled Afghanistan well in the beginning, I don't like how it seems to be on the back burner now), and I'm going to vote for Kerry because I feel he'll do a better job than Bush.