GD Tech support heads up.



INSERT INTO debuglog VALUES(0,now(),71,,'spent 1320 gold for a 1200 bounty on')
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''spent 1320 gold for a 1200 bounty on')' at line 1
I would have to make a personal phone call to the Admin or something to get you killed... and then I don't even think he likes me that much. :)

If you logged on to the game once in a while... :)

I think I send you 600 gold as some hush money... that's all I could transfer... left for today... I have been pumping up the young ones.
awww thanks *G* though there's plenty out there that wanna do me in ;) And yes I got the 'hush money' heheee thanks~! *hushing now.. hey I am logged on.. oh yeah we're talking in there too .. weirdos us *G*
your color didn't work.. so normal you are not.. and you call this Normal??

Centurion Northwoodland says, "Whaacks himseeelf in the nogging with the charm stick, roonni*hic*ng away giggling... oh dense I'd say very dense."

heheeee sowwy.. couldn't resist~!

*waiting for paybacks ;)
edit the word "in" from one of the previous posts and you will come nearer to the mark.
Just noticed something ......... Northern why don't you have a post count? :eek: :confused:

I only posted like ten times... I just renewed my account when I switched to DSL... cause my e-mail address changed.
Plus I usually keep my mouth shut... but, Tess inspired me... See the Photo's postings.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
cuz he's only posted in the Bar and grill.. that's one of the only places on the boards that the post count doesn't count~!!

I Knew there was a Logical Explaination.


Thanks Tess

Nice site I just checked it out. Although some of the "friends" photo section wouldn't download.
sort of eh.. *chuckling under my breath.. getting very strange looks from my dog.. *

do tell...

Dot.. I deny all knowledge cuz I have absolutely no clue .. do you? *G*

the above btw was to Northern.. yeah :D

not that part that says Dot.. cuz well he's not Dot.. She's Dulcie.. err.. oh man I did get swatted good with that stupid stick today~!!!