Full Circle Protection


Senior Master
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Hillsboro, Oregon
Hi all, i'm going to do a new clinic in a few days for a local organization and wanted your thoughts/criticisms/ideas before i did a final draft.

It works like this: we'll spend about half the time doing awareness and defense against and attacker. Simple stuff we all know. Then I plan to change it up a little:

Statistically, our chances of being injured in an attack are miniscule compared to other ways of being hurt or killed. According to cdc statistics, assault and homicide don't even make the top ten once you get out of your twenties. So self-defense should include:

attention to diet
careful driving
having a fire plan
knowledge of first aid
reducing stress
basic fitness
seeing to your personal relationships
going on vacation

Anybody have anything to add to the list? Any questions or comments I should consider before going forward?

Also, one real specific question: i go back and forth on actually showing the cdc stats. On the one hand it makes my point, on the other it's pretty dark to be showing a bunch of noobs.

Thanks all
Hello, Unless you are an expert in all those "other" area's...that is too much to cover.

Keep it simple...What can I teach/share that all those in the audience can learn and use RIGHT NOW!

One: Awareness - show them examples of how to use this? Read/study as much you can, Example: When leaving your office to an empty parking lot...to car...First trust your intincts,(call police for escort). check the back seats, so on...lots of stuffs here.

Cover the topic: trusting your instincts, (Read - The Gift of Fear)
Always use examples (tell a story)

Verbal Judo - Read and apply words to use, how to dis-escalate situtions.
Use examples...tell stories about ways to use this Verbal Judo

As a martial artist...What can you tell people what they can do to survive an attack by a mugger,rapist,....What can they do to protect themselves...RIGHT NOW and with little or NO training.

Attack to the eye, nose, throat, groin ,knees, shins, and so on...Keep it simple. Even about biting ( learn about this technique)....

If you have NO training and are one of the people in the room listening to a speaker on self-defense...what would you like to hear and learn?????

Keep things simple...tell a lot stories,(real examples)....SMILE ALOT. BE HONEST TOO! Do not cover too much different topics...you will confuse yourself and others too!

Just my thoughts, done it before...........Aloha
Hello, Unless you are an expert in all those "other" area's...that is too much to cover.

Keep it simple...What can I teach/share that all those in the audience can learn and use RIGHT NOW!

One: Awareness - show them examples of how to use this? Read/study as much you can, Example: When leaving your office to an empty parking lot...to car...First trust your intincts,(call police for escort). check the back seats, so on...lots of stuffs here.

Cover the topic: trusting your instincts, (Read - The Gift of Fear)
Always use examples (tell a story)

Verbal Judo - Read and apply words to use, how to dis-escalate situtions.
Use examples...tell stories about ways to use this Verbal Judo

As a martial artist...What can you tell people what they can do to survive an attack by a mugger,rapist,....What can they do to protect themselves...RIGHT NOW and with little or NO training.

Attack to the eye, nose, throat, groin ,knees, shins, and so on...Keep it simple. Even about biting ( learn about this technique)....

If you have NO training and are one of the people in the room listening to a speaker on self-defense...what would you like to hear and learn?????

Keep things simple...tell a lot stories,(real examples)....SMILE ALOT. BE HONEST TOO! Do not cover too much different topics...you will confuse yourself and others too!Just my thoughts, done it before...........Aloha

All good points..KISS ( Keep It Simple Silly)..Don't overwhelm them..If you have time print up some hand outs of what you covered..It will make an excellent refresher tool in the future...
Hello, Unless you are an expert in all those "other" area's...that is too much to cover.

Keep it simple...What can I teach/share that all those in the audience can learn and use RIGHT NOW!

One: Awareness - show them examples of how to use this? Read/study as much you can, Example: When leaving your office to an empty parking lot...to car...First trust your intincts,(call police for escort). check the back seats, so on...lots of stuffs here.

Cover the topic: trusting your instincts, (Read - The Gift of Fear)
Always use examples (tell a story)

Verbal Judo - Read and apply words to use, how to dis-escalate situtions.
Use examples...tell stories about ways to use this Verbal Judo

As a martial artist...What can you tell people what they can do to survive an attack by a mugger,rapist,....What can they do to protect themselves...RIGHT NOW and with little or NO training.

Attack to the eye, nose, throat, groin ,knees, shins, and so on...Keep it simple. Even about biting ( learn about this technique)....

If you have NO training and are one of the people in the room listening to a speaker on self-defense...what would you like to hear and learn?????

Keep things simple...tell a lot stories,(real examples)....SMILE ALOT. BE HONEST TOO! Do not cover too much different topics...you will confuse yourself and others too!

Just my thoughts, done it before...........Aloha

All great points, I'd just add Avoidance, once you're aware what do you do?
Also, one real specific question: i go back and forth on actually showing the cdc stats. On the one hand it makes my point, on the other it's pretty dark to be showing a bunch of noobs.

In the grogginess of just waking up and not having enough coffee, I cannot think of anything to add. However regarding the question about the CDC statistics, I would remember the first few of the top ten and mention them as part of your dialog. If they really want to know more, they can do the research themselves.

You cannot spoon feed people everything. Give them a taste and if they want more, they can find their own spoon. ;)
I think if you are talking to people with no experience in MA at all the first step to take is demolish those MA movies which might be filling their thoughts.
First bring them back down from the clouds with their feet steady on the floor, then teach them how to walk...

Just my 2 cents...
I think if you are talking to people with no experience in MA at all the first step to take is demolish those MA movies which might be filling their thoughts.
First bring them back down from the clouds with their feet steady on the floor, then teach them how to walk...

Just my 2 cents...

A dammed good 2 cents worth...

Statistically, our chances of being injured in an attack are miniscule compared to other ways of being hurt or killed. According to cdc statistics, assault and homicide don't even make the top ten once you get out of your twenties. So self-defense should include:

I would go with "McDonalds Avoidance""
Hi all, i'm going to do a new clinic in a few days for a local organization and wanted your thoughts/criticisms/ideas before i did a final draft.

It works like this: we'll spend about half the time doing awareness and defense against and attacker. Simple stuff we all know. Then I plan to change it up a little:

Statistically, our chances of being injured in an attack are miniscule compared to other ways of being hurt or killed. According to cdc statistics, assault and homicide don't even make the top ten once you get out of your twenties. So self-defense should include:

attention to diet
careful driving
having a fire plan
knowledge of first aid
reducing stress
basic fitness
seeing to your personal relationships
going on vacation

Anybody have anything to add to the list? Any questions or comments I should consider before going forward?

Also, one real specific question: i go back and forth on actually showing the cdc stats. On the one hand it makes my point, on the other it's pretty dark to be showing a bunch of noobs.

Thanks all
I like your concept. Help people see reality. Self defence is important, but if your worried about self preservation it is probably not the top priority statistic wise. Mention the things on your list, but as a martial artist perhaps it would also be benificial to mention the many other advatages to martial arts training besides the self-defence part.

Just based off the list you gave, martial arts helps in the following areas:
*attention to diet (possibly, as a competitor I know it forces me to consider my diet)
*reducing stress
* basic fitness
* seeing to your personal relationships (like any social activity it can help build a good circle of friends)
I would go with "McDonalds Avoidance""

The former Mcslave agrees. (yes the ugly kid worked at mcdonalds)

And I gotta agree with what you are doing. This is my personnal ideas based on some research and exeprience.

Philosphy: "martial arts with out philosophy is evil" - Jhoon Rhee (apologise if that isn't spelled right). just add somthings to put there minds in a new level of thought.

CPR and Life Gaurd qualification.

For the fighting part (this is a philosophy set I came up with on my own)
The ten prequestinces of a street fighter (I'm working on the name)
1. The ability to strike with the upper body.
2. The abilitly to strike with the lower body.
3. The ability to grapple both standing and on the ground.
4. A deep powerful stance and effective gaurd.
5. Effective foot work.
6. The ability to defend against weapons likely to be encountered in the street.
7. The ability to use weapons likely to be run across, as well as improvised weapons.
8. Being able to either run for life and get help, or talk your way out of a bad place.
9. Know when to do what.
10. Some time of semi-live training that develops and allows you to practice the skills you've acquired.

Perhaps a breif explantion is in order.
1. Punhes, backfist, knive hands, ridge hands, elbows, and shoulder rams (they're good if in a clinch).
2. Kicks, knees, and hip rams (also effective in a clinch).
3. Either take 'em down and restrain 'em. or get them in a pin on the ground until the cops arive.
4. Cann't fight if you cann't stand. and by powerful, i mean will work for the person in it. same with the gaurd.
5. Cann't fight if you cann't move.
6. If someone tries to cut you, number six becomes importent.
7. Now what, just gonna stand there and look pretty?
8. Fighting isn't always the best solution.
9. Know that you have all these abilities, when do you do what? when do you run, when do you talk? what about hold, hit, hurt, main, or kill?
10. Practise makes perfect.

Also make sure you report it to the cops. And notice that few, if any, styles teach all these.

These are some Cuong Nhu philisophy sets:
Three o's principle:
Open heart, open arms, open mind.
Five first to freindship:
Communicate, smile, care, share, forgive.
Five steps to health:
Think, eat, exercise, rest, perform.
Fives p's of achievers:
Persepctive, patience, persevernce, pride in accomplishment, practice till perfect.
Five think rights:
Think simpler, think faster, think better, think deeper, think wiser.
Five d's of a winner:
Direction, disciple, determination, dedication, do till death.
Five re's of interrelating:
Responsiblity, respect others, responsiveness, resolution, resiliency.
Five troubles to avoid:
Alcohol abuse, bigoted bull, cardiocascular carelessness, drug dependency, execssive ego.

O.k., I think the annonying ugly former mcslave is done with his rant. Yes, yes, he is. O.k. Thats all. Stop reading. Theres nothing left. Stop looking at me or shall smack you with the unweildly title!!! (lol for that whole paragraph)