Fujian White Crane


Black Belt
Oct 9, 2013
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Why is this in the W.C section? You'll see in a bit:

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This is also basically Tensho kata as I learned it in Goju-ryu!

Fukien White Crane --> Ngo Cho (five ancestors) --> Go Ju (Okinawa)

Many feel that White Crane (Bak-Hok / Bai-He) may be an ancestral link between Wing Chun and Okinawan Karate.
Fukien White Crane --> Ngo Cho (five ancestors) --> Go Ju (Okinawa)

Many feel that White Crane (Bak-Hok / Bai-He) may be an ancestral link between Wing Chun and Okinawan Karate.

Also agreed.

GoJu (hard/soft) in the higher ranks tends to lean more toward the Ju aspects, ideally. Many think of GoJu as being a hard art which is a misconception within the higher ranked practitioners.
Fukien White Crane --> Ngo Cho (five ancestors) --> Go Ju (Okinawa)

As a former karate student, I was stunned the first time I saw Ngo Cho--virtually pure karate, it seemed to me! I knew China was the source but this was such a close connection.
Why is this in the W.C section? You'll see in a bit:

IMHO.....because ancestral White Crane was one of the mother arts of Wing Chun. Most legends have some foundation in truth. The Wing Chun legend that many of the lineages share of Ng Mui creating Wing Chun after seeing a fight between and Crane and a Snake is likely a metaphor for Wing Chun being derived from the combination of a Crane method and a Snake method. While no martial art was developed in isolation and lots of Chinese systems have similarities, to me there are just too many similarities in the White Crane you see in this video and Wing Chun to just be a coincidence. I think they point to a link in the past. But that's just me. Not everyone sees it that way, and it is something that is hard to prove since there is no direct documentation. But the similarities are strong.
I have found that some Ba Gua styles have identical body structure with Wing Chun , for example one local Bagua teacher in Tainan showed me some basic stuff and I found that almost identical with , for example , Chu Song Tin method and really close to what I am practicing .

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