From only one wholesaler?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I'm curious to see if any school owner gets their equipment from only one source. If so, which one?

I've been doin' this a long time in several schools (although I've only had my school for less than a year.) & I've used a lot of different gear. For some things company "X" is great, but company "G" does this really well. I'll also admit that I'm a guy who likes "stuff" I get things from a lot of different sources. I use Century, Tekno, Macho, Sang Moo Sa (for wtf tkd uniforms) & Eosin Panther for black belts.

What wholesalers &/or name brands do you use & for what items?
We use AWMA, Century, and Samurai Sports.

I'll have to check out Gorilla Gear.
I have been using century, but I also try others. Choi brothers have the best uniforms, AWMA have a great selection of Addidas....I'm still looking for quality sparring gear in the color green.
I use a wide selection of sources for my training uniforms and gear.
Century, Ed Martin, Action-Flex, KrisCutlery, Edges2 and the list goes on.
It is simply hard to get everything from one source.
So many new places are popping up on the internet (but sometimes it is just a website seelling drop ship goods for someone you already do buiness with).

I have been using century, but I also try others. Choi brothers have the best uniforms, AWMA have a great selection of Addidas....I'm still looking for quality sparring gear in the color green.

Lime green or standard green?
I get my gis and belts through Tiger Claw, sparring gear through Century, and weapons through AWMA. I get different patches through all three.
I stick to KWON myself, since I have a wholesale account with them.

On occasion, I use the Academy of MA Supply , but that is cheating since they carry Century, Macho, Proforce, & every other company you can think of. BTW, that place sells Century and the others at wholesale prices to everyone.

i give as much biz as i can to MTI trading. they really rock. good prices, excellent service, quick delivery. they have a somewhat limited selection, though, so sometimes i have to branch out to century.

and for some reasons, AWMA consistently has the best deals on puzzle mats....
We use century primarily now and awma sometimes. I prefer to use Shureido whereever possible. All my own personal equipment comes from Shureido even my makiwara in the dojo came from them.
I worked at Karate Mart in Phoenix once upon a time and the owner was able to hook me up with great prices. I've used them almost exclusivly for equipment. They offer wholesale accounts for instructors.