From brown belt to red....

So perhaps brown was used by some branches/arts, but then a cultural unification exercise may have replaced it with red, thus promoting the idea of tkd as a particularly
korean art, as well as tieing together various strands/arts into one more unified family?....
If Helio Gracie came back to life and told me I was doing my BJJ wrong, that wouldn't make it so. I would listen very respectfully and try whatever he suggested*, just as I would with any senior instructor, but ultimately he would not be the arbiter of right or wrong for my BJJ.


Using your BJJ analogy, I can only say that I never had the privilege of traing with Helio Gracie. Although after a background in JJ I did have some workshops ranging from hours to days with some who shared the same last name. (Their first names started with an "R" :).
There were countless times they "Corrected" my technique. Sometimes explaining why, sometimes not. Sometimes the reasons were evident, sometimes not.
Sure. There's one system that uses a camo belt.
But the original system is white - yellow - green - blue - red - black.
People can and do make all sorts of changes to that.

In Jido Kwan those are the exact same colors they use, white,yellow,green,blue,red and black. In my actual organization they use marron before the red belt and I also Know some dojangs that even use the orange belt, the marron, the brown and you name it.

El Manny

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