FREE TKD lessons For Kanye West!


Master Black Belt
Jun 13, 2009
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I want to give him some free lessons.... so I can kick the **** out of him. He's an ***.
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I think he's gonna have a lot of offers like this across the nation. I gotta hand it to Leno, too - he put it to him last night (What do you think your mother would have said?) and I wanna say ... I think it's about goddamn time someone take that tack with people who act in such an asinine manner. Good for him.

Kanye ... lose the pitch machine, take voice lessons, eat some humble pie.
In no way do I wish to defend his actions. I do think his follow up apology and appearance showed great courage though and what should be right thing to do. In some ways this made a bigger statement.

Dave O.
Third time he has done it.... Apology... worthless.
He took that girls (TS) moment of glory and that she will never get back. We all have done asinine things from time to time. He has done them more than enough.... and sometimes... u cant take back or apologize for what you did. he's an ***.
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Third time he has done it.... Apology... worthless.
He took that girls (TS) moment of glory and that she will never get back. We all have done asinine things from time to time. He has done them more than enough.... and sometimes... u cant take back or apologize for what you did. he's an a$$.

Goes to show you how much attention I pay to award shows nowadays - I had no idea.

Kanye West’s recent outburst at the MTV Video Music Awards may have been shocking, but the hip-hop superstar is no stranger to erratic behavior.

The article outlines a handful of incidents here and abroad by this nimrod. Ima call it now ... REHAB!!!!
Well, I agree he is an ***. I agree he is out of control but I dont agree about not being able to apologize. At least for this. Murder, abuse maybe, but for stupidity?
I guess here is where we will agree to disagree. I believe folks deserve a chance to apologize and be forgiven. Again he could have chosen not to face up but he did. Does not fix everything but its a step in the right direction. Its only as good as his next step as well.
I would not however say to that person taking the step "dont bother"! Thats never going to move us in the right direction.

Dave O.
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In no way do I wish to defend his actions. I do think his follow up apology and appearance showed great courage though and what should be right thing to do. In some ways this made a bigger statement.

Dave O.

Glad this is VMAs and not politics, or some may be demanding an extra dog 'n pony show apology from Kanye, or suggesting those that disagree with what he did may have some racial issues with which to deal.
Kanye's usually good entertainment at these shows because his arrogance far exceeds his talent and it's fun to watch an allegedly grown man throw a temper tantrum. He went too far this time, and I hope he knows it. I'm sure South Park will once again help him to see the error of his ways.
He acts that way all the time because it gets him headlines... no press is bad press in his mind. He will continue to do this stuff as long as people pay attention to it I think.
... it's fun to watch an allegedly grown man throw a temper tantrum.

The first time or two, sure. After that, it's just pathetic.

He acts that way all the time because it gets him headlines... no press is bad press in his mind. He will continue to do this stuff as long as people pay attention to it I think.

Now that Leno gave him what fer, I'd say he's going to find out that people don't wanna see that ****. Remember I said it first ... *rehab.*

I'd give free lessons to Beyonce. She showed a lot of class.

So did Swift - she could have laid into KanYe but ... didn't.
I'd give free lessons to Beyonce.
Me too!!!
Yes he is an *** but so are alot pf people and they are because society forgives them.
Now that Leno gave him what fer, I'd say he's going to find out that people don't wanna see that ****. Remember I said it first ... *rehab.*

LOL what a picture that brings to mind--

"Hi, My name is Kayne West and I'm an @$$___..."
I think this is what he needs. * WARNING* this is PG-13
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