For my 500th Post!!!!


Master of Arts
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Las Vegas
I would like to announce that my son is testing for his 3rd Degree Poom. @ the young age of thirteen.

To prove that he is deserving to some of the detractors on this board he will be fighting is succession.

Benny "THE JET" Uriquedez
Bruce Lee...Not really dead he is a dealer at the Wynn!!!
Skipper Mullins
Joe Lewis "the Karate Guy"
Chuck Norris
Jet Li
Jackie Chan
And some guy from Texas who does not like me!!!
Its not you dancingalone...I like you
OH !!! I forgot Elvis!!!!! He had a BB!!!!!

ATC will be coaching....Terry will ref...Mango will film it all and put it on Youtube...FFF will be the reporter!!!!

Please don't get mad at me Daniel Sullivan just trying to have a little fun!!!

TEZ3 if I have somehow offended you I am sorry!!!! I really Love MMA and England!!! I am not tying to be Sarky!!! Humorous!!!

Manny everyone loves you!!!!

Ralph Aussies rule!!!!
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Thanks Tal. Hope you don't mind but I will be editing in lots of slow-mos and lay down a super offensive soundtrack for the background music.

Congrats on your new black belt in the Martial Talk McDojang.
Thanks Tal. Hope you don't mind but I will be editing in lots of slow-mos and lay down a super offensive soundtrack for the background music.

Congrats on your new black belt in the Martial Talk McDojang.

I would like fries with that!!!!
Gorilla when you said some guy from Texas and not Dancingalone I was like ME! But I get it, now do you want that supersize and can we add a apple pie?
Well I missed the big "500", but congrats on "502" if that counts for anything.

As for Charlie and his testing that is AWESOME!!! Good luck and I will let him know that he will need to watch out for Elvis. He has a twitchy right leg. Or was it the left? Doh!!! The others are a piece of cake. Been studying them for years, so I think I got them down.

Best of luck.
Gorilla when you said some guy from Texas and not Dancingalone I was like ME! But I get it, now do you want that supersize and can we add a apple pie?
No Supersize/apple pie I am trying to watch my girlish figure.

No way it would be you!!!!! Can't mention my old nemeses by name that would take the fun out of it!!!!
Congrats on your 500th post..
Congratulations to your son on being eligible to test and to you on your 500th post.

On a totally unrelated issue, I personally don't understand the problem some people have with hogu. I've received plenty of bruises while wearing a hogu which would have been worse without one. But I'll take contusions over fractures any day if I am the recipient.
Congratulations to your son on being eligible to test and to you on your 500th post.

On a totally unrelated issue, I personally don't understand the problem some people have with hogu. I've received plenty of bruises while wearing a hogu which would have been worse without one. But I'll take contusions over fractures any day if I am the recipient.

A misguided since of Machismo!!!!