Fixing the training model


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Clearly if you're teaching no touch KOs you KNOW its utter nonsense because it is impossible to knock someone out without touching them.

Well you and I know it's nonsense but there's a fair few people out there who don't think it is. There's a lot of people who believe the world is flat, that dinosaurs are the work of the devil and that the world is only 5000 years old, there's no accounting for what people believe in. You can't say that someone who teaches something that we know is nonsense is a fraud.

Thus your BJJ "instructor" is purposely misleading people in order to make money. Hence, the very definition of a fraud.

Very few instructors in this country make money from teaching martial arts, you would also have to prove that he doesn't believe what he teaches is true, as above I know a great many people who believe quite weird things. They believe sincerely but erroneously. It's not fraud unless you can prove it's a fraud. A great many people pray to a deity, a great many others think that's just the same as a 'no touch' KO ie a nonsense but it's still not fraud.

I could care less.
so you actually care a lot then. "I couldn’t care less." CORRECT!

I'm not going to decide who is 'legitimate' and who isn't, if people want to teach 'no touch' KOS then let them, we aren't a nanny state, we let people decide things for themselves whether it's worth knowing. No one in the UK is going to go knocking on others doors, we don't even had a huge BJJ community here, I'm sure they know and don't actually care what else he teaches away from the BJJ classes. His BJJ classes etc aren't invalidated because his SD classes are pants as a great many people's are, a subject we've all covered before.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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The only way that could be true is if they did it in secret(then how'd she know?).

The bjj community is small and tight knit, you just couldn't get away with doing that the same way you could in a "performance" art. Not for very long, anyway.

It's not in secret, I already said it was at a martial arts seminar. As I've also just said we don't have much of a BJJ 'community' here. If it's taught in a separate self defence class, not a BJJ class, why would anyone in BJJ care? Many self defence classes are absolute rubbish, many instructors have very little knowledge and absolutely none of women's self defence. Many of this instructor's self defence techniques were good, practical and workable which I also said. Many techniques are common to many styles so they work whether or not the instructor believes and teaches weird stuff or not.

Gerry Seymour

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
Clearly if you're teaching no touch KOs you KNOW its utter nonsense because it is impossible to knock someone out without touching them.

Thus your BJJ "instructor" is purposely misleading people in order to make money. Hence, the very definition of a fraud.

I could care less.
You'd think so, but there is that one old guy who accepted the challenge from the MMA dude, and apparently thought his ki technique would protect him. There's also the guy who did the ki-based deflections (yellow something or other) who let a challenger kneel in front of him and try to punch, expecting his ki defense to protect him. Both got punched and seemed surprised by it.

Gerry Seymour

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
You don’t have the terminology quite right there. A whizzer is an overhook applied with pressure on the shoulder. Most often it is used in attempt to negate the advantage of the opponent’s undertook. It can be used as a component of multiple takedowns if applied while standing, but the takedown is not the whizzer.
Thanks for the correction, Tony!

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
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I'm sure they know and don't actually care what else he teaches away from the BJJ classes. His BJJ classes etc aren't invalidated because his SD classes are pants as a great many people's are, a subject we've all covered before.

That's a lot different than no-touch bjj though.

If I was the world's best chi sau guy but I also gave online courses in nietschean philosophy on the side, that doesn't mean I teach ubermench chi sau. ;)

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
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You'd think so, but there is that one old guy who accepted the challenge from the MMA dude, and apparently thought his ki technique would protect him. There's also the guy who did the ki-based deflections (yellow something or other) who let a challenger kneel in front of him and try to punch, expecting his ki defense to protect him. Both got punched and seemed surprised by it.

Belief is a very powerful thing my friend. If your internal mechanism for sorting reality from fiction isn't evidence based, you can end up believing in literally any crazy thing, with your whole heart.

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
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I don't believe anyone even hinted at no touch bjj...
The way Tez initially worded it it seemed to me(and evidently others) that that was what she meant.

It seems to be clarified now.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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That's a lot different than no-touch bjj though.

You've missed the point. I didn't say no touch BJJ. No, you were the only one to misunderstand.
In fact you've misunderstood the whole conversation and I really cannot be bothered to explain it all to you.

Gerry Seymour

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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
I'm inclined. The only way that could be true is if they did it in secret(then how'd she know?).

The bjj community is small and tight knit, you just couldn't get away with doing that the same way you could in a "performance" art. Not for very long, anyway.
The BJJ community's close-knittedness is outside my experience in my training. It's interesting to me, because if I hadn't experienced otherwise, I'd have expected similar community among most arts. But even within NGA, if someone were teaching something we all thought was crap, only someone directly above them in the hierarchy of their organization (assuming they were in one) would be likely to say much to them about it. And if someone started claiming to teach NGA without any training in it, I'm not sure anyone but a nearby dojo would have anything to say about it. But then, we also don't have a brand reputation - and recognition - worth protecting.

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Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
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Sir, I respect your views and comments totally but please let the guy that has the issues with me fight his own battles ......he should need no support at all

I stand by all I have said to him and I always will ...if you feel aggrieved by that then sorry but let him fight his own battles he decided to draw the line in the sand so let it be ...if he wishes to dish it he should learn to take it and also learn that people this side of the pond will take so much and then we will stand and fight and not back down. We may share a common base but our ways are very different

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
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You weren't (shock horror) arguing against a statement that wasn't made were you?
Yes, we can all misunderstand things. The key is to be open to clarification.

Lacking that, you have things like this thread.

For instance, when you made your earlier claims about Hanzou, and continued to double down after being called out on it, while producing no examples.
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Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
Yes, we can all misunderstand things. The key is to be open to clarification.

Lacking that, you have things like this thread.

Eh no lacking that you get folks getting all upset and then running for cover claiming the high ground ............there are only two people here that have issues and that is me and you with each other so don't go dragging others in stand your own ground

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
Reaction score
Eh no lacking that you get folks getting all upset and then running for cover claiming the high ground ............there are only two people here that have issues and that is me and you with each other so don't go dragging others in stand your own ground
Dude. I could not care less about you or what you think if there was a paycheck in it. To be honest I skip most of your posts as they are written in pidgeon English and there is never any juice to the squeeze of trying to decipher them.

I do not share your blinding rage. So sorry.


Senior Master
Feb 19, 2018
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For instance, when you made your earlier claims about Hanzou, and continued to double down after being called out on it, while producing no examples.

Because to provide examples they need to be taken in context with the preceding posts, sometimes many of them.

I'd be quoting a fair proportion of the thread to get the whole thing, so it's far easier to say "read the thread"...

now disabled

Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
Dude. I could not care less about you or what you think if there was a paycheck in it. To be honest I skip most of your posts as they are written in pidgeon English and there is never any juice to the squeeze of trying to decipher them.

I do not share your blinding rage. So sorry.

I do not write in pigeon English (I may not punctuate properly but that has to do with my use of a keyboard) so do not start alluding to that.

If you do not read then how all the replies and how all the reports your making and why are you pray tell trying to gather support ?

Sir where is the paycheck ? what are you alluding to there ?

There is nothing that I have said to you on here that I would not stand in front of you and say. You should realize and know (being you are Canadian and a subject of the crown) that push us and we will stand, alone if necessary but stand we will.

It does get to us eventually over here that we are treated like little kids and spoken to as such. Yet we we open up broadside back you people such as yourself either get all upset and wonder why or you go running for cover shouting and screaming.

If you dish it out ten take it back and never expect that people from this side will not say what they mean and leave no ambiguity in such.

now disabled

Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
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Utterly unrelated side question alert...

LOL good one

Which version is correct in your locale?

Here, it's "could not care less", but I've heard "could care less" meaning the same thing in a fair few imported TV progs/films.

Just a curiosity.

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC

Sir, I respect your views and comments totally but please let the guy that has the issues with me fight his own battles ......he should need no support at all

I stand by all I have said to him and I always will ...if you feel aggrieved by that then sorry but let him fight his own battles he decided to draw the line in the sand so let it be ...if he wishes to dish it he should learn to take it and also learn that people this side of the pond will take so much and then we will stand and fight and not back down. We may share a common base but our ways are very different
I'm not here to support anyone. As I would with any discussion, when I'm confused, I ask questions. When I think someone else is confused, I try to supply clarity. It's a public forum, and discussions aren't meant to be 1-1.

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