Fight Science


Senior Master
Jan 20, 2009
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San Jose
Anyone watching? They have had some very good expisodes. It is on NatGEO (The National Geographic channel).
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I just saw one yesterday about stealth. It started with a Capoiera maestro showing the deceptive angles and whatnot that he kicks could come from. He generated a lot of power, 1800 PSI. Too bad the TKD guy blew him away with a 136 mph kick that generated 2300 PSI.
Yeah I saw that one too. The TKD guy even blew the Muay Thai guy away. Not sure why the Karate guy used a push kick.

They had SD techniques on just yesterday. Was really interesting. They blind folded the SD expert and had him attacked. He was really good. Being blind folded and attacked from any side or angle and being able to defend it was something to see. I may have our classes incorporate this in training.
Yeah I saw that one too. The TKD guy even blew the Muay Thai guy away. Not sure why the Karate guy used a push kick.

They had SD techniques on just yesterday. Was really interesting. They blind folded the SD expert and had him attacked. He was really good. Being blind folded and attacked from any side or angle and being able to defend it was something to see. I may have our classes incorporate this in training.

We do that quite a bit in both TKD and in Judo. And I think the only reason why the karateka used the push kick is because everyone else was doing a roundhouse. What's even funnier is the "karateka" was Simon Rhee, a TKD master (7th dan if I am not mistaken).
Yes it is a really good show, as far as being blindfolded we do that as well. It is great to see someone that can just re-act to what is going on instead of relying on sight.
One of my favorite shows. Really look foreward to Thursday nites. Did not particularly like last nites episode that aired 2/18/10. It just seemed to lack something the other. Episodes had. Kinda hard to explain though
One of my favorite shows. Really look foreward to Thursday nites. Did not particularly like last nites episode that aired 2/18/10. It just seemed to lack something the other. Episodes had. Kinda hard to explain though
That was the SD episode, I thought it was great. Not for the purest, as the techniques were not pretty and clean, but effective, for defending ones life. Strike the weak point and run. Plus they talked about awareness. This is key to SD, be aware of your environment.
Likd it but some stuff is flawed.

For instance the force measurement is not accurate since the target is firmly mounted to a platform. Real people will be nockd backward so the measurement of applied force is wrong. They need to have some sort of free standing dummy for more accurate results.

One item I liked in the SD episode addressed a common question vis a vis moving forward on blocks. Thi showed how closing the gap reduced the leverage of the assailant.
I've been increasingly disappointed in it. They claim to be testing what "ninja" were capable of... yet don't have a single student of any remotely credible ninjutsu style. They describe a well known TKD black belt as a "karate" black belt... And somehow equate free-running/parkour with ninjutsu...

And too many of their martial arts tests are just screwy... like trying to claim some sort of moving platform is a way to simulate the elements of a real fight.

I'd just like to see them get back to a more sensible and realistic comparison and testing of martial arts. The ones about military skills were interesting... and sensibly conducted. (Except I think their "ordinary joe" guy tried to hard to show he wasn't any sort of elite soldier...)
I've been increasingly disappointed in it. They claim to be testing what "ninja" were capable of... yet don't have a single student of any remotely credible ninjutsu style. They describe a well known TKD black belt as a "karate" black belt... And somehow equate free-running/parkour with ninjutsu...

And too many of their martial arts tests are just screwy... like trying to claim some sort of moving platform is a way to simulate the elements of a real fight.

I'd just like to see them get back to a more sensible and realistic comparison and testing of martial arts. The ones about military skills were interesting... and sensibly conducted. (Except I think their "ordinary joe" guy tried to hard to show he wasn't any sort of elite soldier...)
Yes the validity of some of the stuff is questionable but I still enjoy it. It is just nice to have some MA stuff on TV other than MMA or Sport Breaking.
I've been increasingly disappointed in it. They claim to be testing what "ninja" were capable of... yet don't have a single student of any remotely credible ninjutsu style. They describe a well known TKD black belt as a "karate" black belt... And somehow equate free-running/parkour with ninjutsu...

Not to mention that they featured the ninjato from hollywood movies as being a genuine ninja sword. That sword didn't exist at the time. Neither did they wear the silly black pajamas. The black eggs did not contain glass because that didn't exist at the time. Ninja were also not primarily assassins, and shurikens not deadly weapons.

The rest of the show was just mediocre. :barf:

Almost as bad as the time that the might of the katana was demonstrated by a TKD guy who made the most ridiculous faces and sound while posturing, and then proceeds to hack (not cut) at the target as if he was Joe Pesci with a baseball bat.

they could have done a tiny bit of research and went with someone who actually knows how to use a katana, but no. That was too much to ask, and imo it ruined the whole show. He probably knew his TKD but his sword skills were ridiculous and he made himself look like a dork.
Yeah I saw that one too. The TKD guy even blew the Muay Thai guy away. Not sure why the Karate guy used a push kick.

They had SD techniques on just yesterday. Was really interesting. They blind folded the SD expert and had him attacked. He was really good. Being blind folded and attacked from any side or angle and being able to defend it was something to see. I may have our classes incorporate this in training.

The episode with the blind fold was really interesting! I also liked the pieces about kicking the knee and defending a club attack. This show, in my opinion, is one of the best martial arts shows that I've seen thus far.