Fall Stuff


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
What's your favorite thing to do in the fall?

Favorite Childhood memory of fall fun.

Worse Memory.

Best Halloween Costume

Stupidest prank you played on someone involving the fall (leaves have a way of making one stupid *G*)

and whatever else you wanna divulge :D
Good one!!

Favorite thing to do in the Fall:

Well- there isn't just one thing- I like to go hiking and see all the colorful leaves, make pumpkin pie, pile all the leaves in the yard into a huge mound and jump in them!! Also like to go to the pumpkin patch with my family and pick out a pumpkin and carve it- it's such a great time of the year.

Favorite Childhood Memory of Fall fun:

This most likely would be going to the pumpkin patch with my family. We would spend the whole afternoon there picking out our pumpkins, going on the hay ride, looking at all the scarecrows, having a picnic. It was a great family time.

Worst Memory:

The year I was sick on Halloween and couldn't go out trick or treating with everyone else!! Arghhhh!!

Best Halloween Costume:

My magic bunny costume

Stupidest Fall Prank:

Hmmmmm.......I guess I have yet to accomplish that one!!

Last Fall was a very fun one for us cuz we now have a son. Being around kids and now having one just makes the magic of the seasons more apparent. Our son is still too young to trick-or-treat this year, but we do have a costume for him and he will help us hand out candy at the door. He will be in a black and white cow costume. We are having a blast watching him discover new things and I can't wait to take him out to the pumpkin patch again this year- last year he couldn't walk......this year..........watch out!!

:asian: :karate:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
What's your favorite thing to do in the fall?

Favorite Childhood memory of fall fun.
Worse Memory.
Best Halloween Costume
Stupidest prank you played on someone involving the fall (leaves have a way of making one stupid *G*)
and whatever else you wanna divulge :D

Favorite childhood memory of fall....hm, has got to be working at a pumpkin patch when I was 16 (still a kid, not yet a legal adult! :p) and being on "MIA Watch" at the corn maze. My friend and I would just wander, looking for the lost kids. Also, helping the little kids carry the bigger pumpkins over to their parents was pretty rewarding.

Worse memory....when I was sick on Halloween. However, my friends did divy up their candy and gave me some *smiles*

Best Halloween Costume...that's still to come...

Stupidest prank....Haven't played a prank on anyone...yet...

Anything else...hm, nope!
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
Best Halloween Costume...that's still to come...

Whoa............... hold on........... I don't want to know what you will be dressed in. :p
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Whoa............... hold on........... I don't want to know what you will be dressed in. :p

I think that comment applies more to Tess :p

No, actually, I need a few more accents, and I'm done with it. I plan to go as the black cat from Trigun, Kuroneko-sama. :-D All I need is a black shirt, cat ears, cat-eye contacts (they're like $30!!), and face paint so my pathetic white-girl-ness won't show...
What's your favorite thing to do in the fall?

I love to play outside in dry leaves (wet leaves are icky *G* ) Go hiking in the forest, finding secluded spots ;) adventuring~! going for drives and seeing the leaves change.. stopping along the way at Farmer's markets, getting cider and donuts.
Carving Pumpkins and baking lots of stuff .. Gather grape vines and making my own wreaths using all natural stuff I find on my journeys.

Favorite Childhood memory of fall fun.

Lots of them :) Halloween parties, Dunking for apples, Making houses out of leaves.. I would create blueprints of my 'house' all over the lawns.. with doorways, windows.. I had a blast.. (course I was only 5 :)
Going sailing in the "Red Flannel" series.. (called that cuz it was sooo cold on the water )
carving pumpkins and Halloween night as a Teenager.. the entire town got together.. Kids could do the shaving cream fights.. and just general mischief without harm :)

Worse Memory.
I had everything ready for a halloween party. Candy apples, cider, half barrel for dunking for apples.. Nobody came .. *sniffs* I was devastated and found out later my brother had gone around telling everyone I invited it was cancelled.. cuz he was mad at me for something or another.. *meaniehead brothers~!

Best Halloween Costume:
oh yeah.. that Private Halloween Party I went to .... :eg: ahhh the memories ~!

Stupidest prank you played on someone involving the fall (leaves have a way of making one stupid *G*)

Me do something like that? *smirks*
Raw eggs, raw cold spaghetti, a very dark shed.... and the neighborhood bullies... oh yeah and ketchup... *snickers*

and whatever else you wanna divulge :D
Crisp breezes... crunching leaves.. the deep scent of mystery .. yes... Autumn is upon us..

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