
may i have the link myself, and should i get into tai chi quan or tai chi to learn this, there's both near me?
ninhito said:
may i have the link myself, and should i get into tai chi quan or tai chi to learn this, there's both near me?

Tai Chi, Tai Chi Quan and Taijiquan all pretty much mean the same thing today. Tai Chi Quan and Taijiquan are the same and a Tai Chi is actually the avatar I am currently using. But today they are all interchangeable.

As for which one to go to, that depends on the school itself. Is the teacher well trained and qualified. Also there are different styles of Tai Chi. Chen, Yang, Wu, Wu/Hao, Sun, Li, Zhaobao, to name a few. Mainly what you find is Yang, but there are others around.

But it takes a while to get yourself to relax and it takes a while to learn.

More on Tai Chi here

I will post the link as soon as I find it.
Chen Zhenglei link

As far as the post training link, it is apparently no longer accessible it was at


I am not sure if I can send an attachment in a PM or not, but I do have the PDF for the Yiquan Nourishing life post training.

This is NOT Qi Gong training this is beginning stance training (Yichuan and Xingyi) to get you to learn how to relax in a stance.
oh... simply it means to not stiff what you are using to strike with.. (ur leg, or arm) and rely on "body" motion thru movement of hips in striking...
the principle is easy.. applying it (ie being relaxed) isnt! g'luck

My teacher explained it simply this way...

(think of a heavy Chinese accent while reading, he is illustrating with a string) You know... string! You take in finger, one end, let hang... you turn bottom... turn, turn turn, ... cannot turn anymore... you let go... ahhh! (as the string reached its point where you can't twist it anymore and it turns back from that last squeezing twist) This is Fajing! (as he laughs loudly).

Also: (same heavy accent) You know, a... a... (from his hand motion I can tell he means a spring) (I say "a spring!") Yes! you know on door to close... automatic! (as we realize he means when you open a door that has a spring on it to shut it) yes! this is also fajing!!!

So Basically, Fajing is Coiling power.

I think your teacher made a good analogy. But fajin isn't coiling power, that's (what we call in Yizong bagua) luoxun jin. Fajin implies that you have jin, or trained power. Fa is to release or express that trained power.
Try looking into the chinese kempo of master Chun jr. They are doing some amazing stuff along these lines


the comment that it is coiling power is from me. I know that it is actually that point that Lao Sih pointed out in the analogy. I understood although I could not verbalize it.

Fajing = release trained power. Interesting. That actually clarifies what Lao Sih said. Like a spring, releasing energy. Not the movement itself but the origin of it... maybe.

Either way, I understand it better now. Thank you.

My pleasure. Sometimes all this stuff gets lost in the "mystery" and it doesn't really need to. Glad I could help in some small way.