Enough about me.....lets talk about me

That is terrific news. And a real endorsement for the idea that it's never too late to get into shape.
Thank You, my goal is 200Lbs, at this point.

Also just added regular Yoga workouts back in last week...damn I'm inflexible....
Keep rocking it, brother.
Thank You, my goal is 200Lbs, at this point.

Also just added regular Yoga workouts back in last week...damn I'm inflexible....
Awesome. I hope you get there and more.

Regarding Yoga, one of my oldest friends is a yoga instructor. She got my wife and me into some classes. My wife loves it. I promptly threw out my back. Seriously. I'm afraid to go back! :)
Outstanding. I hope you keep at it, and avoid trees.

I definitely understand the struggle. My weight had been slowly climbing for the past couple years. Then following ankle surgery in October, I got up to 240lbs... which I wasn't happy with. Finally returning to exercise and started watching my consumption the beginning of Feb. Down to 228 last night, with a target of 200 (although my body really resists going below 210). Knees already feel better.

Good luck to you.
Awesome. I hope you get there and more.

Regarding Yoga, one of my oldest friends is a yoga instructor. She got my wife and me into some classes. My wife loves it. I promptly threw out my back. Seriously. I'm afraid to go back! :)

Yoga done right is quite refreshing...yoga done wrong is quite painful...and I have experience on both sides of that coin :)
Glad to hear you're making positive changes. Keep it up! I know your family will appreciate it.
I'm on a similar journey to better health, I was almost 230lbs in 2013 and I am now at 180lbs, thanks to a combination of MA and constant brisk walking.
Great news Keep it up my friend. I need to get serious about getting back into better shape. I've gained about 15 pounds working midnight shift. poor diet and lack of movement I'm starting to feel it now.