Dumb or Bad Ideas in the Martial Arts


Master Black Belt
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
I am starting a new thread that asks the question: What do you think have been some of the dumbest or just plain bad ideas in martial arts history over the years? Could be very recent, could be centuries old. Describe what you think have been some missteps taken by the MA community over the years, or ideas that, in retrospect, probably should not have happened. Can be serious, but doesn't have to be.

1. Colored or American Flag-styled uniforms
2. Don Wilson getting together with Roger Corman
3. Jean Claude van Damme being issued a U.S. green card (just kidding!)

I'm sure I'll think of some more.
MichiganTKD said:
I am starting a new thread that asks the question: What do you think have been some of the dumbest or just plain bad ideas in martial arts history over the years? Could be very recent, could be centuries old. Describe what you think have been some missteps taken by the MA community over the years, or ideas that, in retrospect, probably should not have happened. Can be serious, but doesn't have to be.

1. Colored or American Flag-styled uniforms
2. Don Wilson getting together with Roger Corman
3. Jean Claude van Damme being issued a U.S. green card (just kidding!)

I'm sure I'll think of some more.
How about Cynthia Rothrock posing nude.. It wasn't even a reputable girlie magazine, lol.
Chobaja said:
How about Cynthia Rothrock posing nude.. It wasn't even a reputable girlie magazine, lol.
Wait a minute, let me get this straight, you are saying that Cynthia Rothrock nude is a bad thing???
Wait a minute, let me get this straight, you are saying that Cynthia Rothrock nude is a bad thing???
LOL not as such. I just think it was a bad idea. She should have held out for Playboy and made more money.

I think I'll refrain from further lewd comments about my Master's ex wife. :uhohh:
Tulisan said:

When and WHERE was THAT!?!?
This was a long time ago I saw this,like 8 years or so. You'll have to google it if you want to find it, I have no idea what the mag. was. I'd check with a moderator before posting links to dirty magazines tho. =)
I remember that as well... that WAS a long time ago... almost twenty years or so. I canna remember the mag either... definitely wasn't one of the high end ones, but it wasn't one of those bottom sleaze rags either.
Promoting Kids under 9 years old to black belt

Karate Kid
Even worse Karate Kid 2
almost purely maleficent -Karate Kid 3
Mc Dojos
The day they started Honorary Black Belt please it is so rediculas,also the day let started to give time in another Art credit for there current Art. I mean a BB in one Art does not make you a BB in another style. Last but not least is the so called stunt men that make these so called movie star look invinceable when killing 500 men one at a time.
The Kai said:
Karate Kid
Even worse Karate Kid 2
almost purely maleficent -Karate Kid 3
Didn't they make a karate kid 4? I think Hillary Swank was in it, and it was definitely not her best role.
mj-hi-yah said:
Considering your sig line it's a bad idea to ask that. :uhyeah:

That's whilist training, Dear. :) No distractions.

And actually I put some rumors here to rest while I was on the floor here at work. Some people were talking about the weight training I was doing with a good looking female. She is AND I was never distracted in the weight room. After I told them what I helped her out with they were surprised. That was before her reconstructive surgery she had on her female parts. The first doctor didn't help her any. She opted for the next surgeon to reconstruct her by using her muscle fibers. Which I helped her strengthen before her surgery. :) (Smiling for her) :asian:
The Summer Uniforms that some Tae Kwon Do associations are pushing

Yea, Karate Kid 4 sucked

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