Dumb Moves


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Athol, Ma. USA
Most of my injuries in the Martial Arts have come about because I did something dumb. My first broken hand came in my second year of TKd, I was getting ready to test for Black (yes back then you tested in two years enven if you really didnt know anything), and my instructor asked me to spar with a new student. Being young and the topstudent in the class i more than likely had an over inflated opion of my abilities. This student could not have weighed 110 soaking wet and it was her first time sparrin(she had been in class awhole two weeks). To make this story short I didn't even bother to block her first kick , just took it in the ribs (like a real he-man),results Two broken ribs. Her 2nd kick I slapped at it broke a few bones in my hand. I must say I never took a beginner lightly again in fact I tend to be extremly cautios of them they dosome wird stuff.
So what have been some of your dumb moves.
The only one so far for me is forgetting to wear my cup once ....
The only broken bone I ever had, I received from a punching bag.
Very Stupid move on my part.
--jeremy bays
The only dumb thing i ever did was hit my brother, about a month into our training, he decided to scare me as i was leaving the bathroom, and he did that, scared the crap out of me, unfourtunately for him, for some reason i reacted to the scare by throwing the hardest fastest and most cleanly landed haymaker of my life, hit him clean in the side of the jaw full contact, turned my hand purple for over a week, knocked him out for about 10 seconds, we both agreed never to try and scare eachother again.
My wifewas trainning with my cousin at one time long ago and he was trying to teach her control and not to move on a certian self defence . Well the first and 2nd times he punched at her nose she jumped back. Determined to do as Mike was telling her She resolved to stay in place and ( you know it) Mike resolved to punch a little hader and stretch out the punch a lttle. Results Broken nose and me sitting on the floor laughing like hell.She still cays I put him up to it
I've yet to something as severe as what has already been posted. My big problem is not quitting when I really should. I've been choked unconcious, because I kept trying to escape from lock I didn't know how to escape from. I've been picked up and slammed into a wall, with my instructor flattening me, smashing my glasses into my face, because I wouldn't stop trying a hold that wasn't working. Dopey me kept trying it anyway. I can't count how many times I've had an elbow or wrist severely tweaked from escape attempts gone horribly awry.

I allowed Mr. Hartman to demonstrate a stick grappling technique on me and he fractured one of my ribs.
I know you might find this hard to believe but I do a lot of dumb things.

So...I really don't have a pinnicle of stupidity...yet.

Once while I was in Judo class I got caught in Juju Gatame. (Arm Bar) I wouldn't tap. My instructor kept yelling at me to tap and I kept flipping all over trying to get out of it and refusing. He would just reverse each time I countered and kept the arm bar. To one point he had me locked up and I was tied up over top of him and he was yelling at me to tap and I had my teeth grtted and drool falling out of my mouth and I kept saying no. So he let go because I was starting to drool on him.

The whole class had stopped to watch this 5 minutes festival of stupidity on my part. As I lay they writhing inside in pain I rolled over and said to my instructor, "See? I knew I'd get out of it." Which made everyone laugh till we were crying.

Of course I showed up at Jaybacca's for my lesson the next day with my arm wrapped with so many tensor bandages at the elbow I couldn't move it.
The dumbest move I made was getting out of bed this morning:D
Originally posted by fist of fury
The dumbest move I made was getting out of bed this morning:D

Tell Me about it.

I'm trying to quit smoking as of today, one minute i feel fine, the next im fidgeting trying to keep myself from ripping my hair out, :angry: i am so irritable and cranky right now, Im chewing on a straw, trying to stay sane, sorry to bother everyone, i know most of you mostlikely dont care much, but i needed to find something for myself to do besides smoke, especially since right now would usually be one of my smoke breaks for the day.
Originally posted by Nate_Hoopes
I'm trying to quit smoking as of today

Good luck with that--it will do more to improve your health than the martial arts will, frankly. Remember, The only battle is to improve yourself!
I'm sure it's hard. I don't smoke but have friends that do and when they've tried to quit it's been real rough on them. Good luck.
Best of luck Nate. Just keep finding things to keep yourself busy. I stopped a few months ago after many years of smoking Damn near dorve everyone around me crazy for a while but they where all helpful in my effort. Again best of luckif you really want to quit you can.
I got my worst injury a couple of weeks ago. I was training alone in the hall where our TKD class takes place, I always get there early to warm up and practice some more advanced kicks when no one else is there. Well everything was going well, I had got my 360 kicks and 540's down to a tee, even started to get a 540 double cresent going... then I thought "why not try out a flash kick???" I'd seen people do it on clips on the Internet and it looked fairly easy, just a matter or getting the momentum. So I started to run, I jumped, flicked one leg up, the momentum started to pull me over nicely..... then WHACK! The back of my head connects with the floor stopping me, my leg however keeps going and my foot hits the floor, followed shortly by the other. I'm left there stunned, bleeding from my head bent double on the floor. Nice. I haven't tried it since, but I think next time I'll do it with someone there and maybe a mat. Oh and I'll try jumping a little more too.

Other than that, while warming up once we did partner stretching. The guy was pushing on my back to get me to go lower, which was fine, it's just that he wouldn't stop. He ripped the muscle in my leg and it took about 6 months to heel up completely.
My worst experience was fighting this judo guy. His fingers were sore, so he asked I take gently on them, and I said yes. But since we were fighting jujitsu I hit his hands each time they stuck out. It wasn't my intention, but it just happend. Each time he asked if I couldn't stop doing it, and I said sorry I'll try. Well he got tried of it, and since he was way better to judo than I was, he to an opening and went in. Grab me by the balls, and lifted me and continued to throw me. I weighed about 100 kgs. that time. After that I couldn't cross my legs, or sit normally on a chair for a couple of months.


:eek: YIKES! That has just got to hurt! We went to a competition to watch last year and the first hing one guy did was font kick a guy in the nuts. He dropped to the floor and the match was over right there. They had to stretcher the guy off!
My 1st introduction the the martial art of chinese kenpo was in 1980. It was on the local military base fort sill oklahoma. This was in 1980. My 1st day of class i approached the door, walked in and the instructor was an oriental black belt. He was very knowledgeable of his art. We went through warm-ups, basic exercises, blocks, punches, kicks etc;. At the end of this part of the session; (the class was an hour an a half long), the instructor pulled a yellow belt woman out of the ranks and pulled me out to demonstrate an arm grab on her. He asked me to grab her arm, and he started to explain to the class how she would get out of the arm grab. He told her to rotate her hand to the outside of my grip and reverse the grab and palm heel me in the face with her left hand. She rotated her hand under and over to my wrist and i did not let her go. I was paralyzed on her arm gripping her and squezzing tighter and tighter! She shouted for me to let her arm go and said it was hurting. I still could not let go of the grip. The instructor tried to pull my grip off of her arm, but he could not! I held on to her arm like my life depended on it! Finally the instructor started to strike my arm wih a palm heel strike; i still would not let go! He struck harder and harder and harder, until i felt my bones in my arm about to fracture! I then started to release my grip slowly! Finally, i released my grip on her arm. The instructor slowed down on his palm heel strikes and eased up on the force he was using! Man, the womans arm was very discolored and bruised! The instructor first, apologized to the class and let me get back into formation. Then as we were going to get back to training, i heard a loud "You"! I looked to my left side and he pointed to the door! This was my 1st as well as last class in chinese kenpo on and off base! I was in such shame that i did not attempt to learn the asian arts for the next 2 1/2 years. This period was also a turning point in my martial arts studies. It marked my studies into the virtue of humility! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
The instructor should not have had her do the technique if she could not get out of it. What would have happened if you had been trying to rape her.
Sure hope he showed her some other ways of escapeing after that happened.
I completely annihilated my hand doing a breaking demo for my daughter. It started out innocently enough, as I have not really practiced breaking in years- just a couple of boards, no biggie deal. When I broke one and two she squealed with delight "WOW DADDY YOU'RE GOOD!!" Daddy's problem was he listened to her. I piled up more boards than my out-of-practice handsword could handle. I couldn't use my right hand for over a week. At least I didn't break anything (including the boards!)

We're always doing dumb stuff to impress the chicks. :)
