Dr. Laura sez Men cheating is all Women's fault


Orange Belt
Jul 19, 2006
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Warren County,Ohio
This topic does not require a lot of dialog.
Before you jump to conclusions listen to what she said, she said in a lot of cases the guy is just a jerk and wants to hoe around, she also said that in some cases when a women loses interest in sex and doesn't want to "mess around" that will cause SOME GUY'S to look for sex somewhere else, she wasn't saying that the guy is right for looking elsewhere she was just stating a fact.
So don't start hating on Dr. Laura for this. Whoever started this thread get your facts straight before you start to get everybody worked up.


Orange Belt
Jul 19, 2006
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Warren County,Ohio
One more thing, as i read some of these posts i can see that the people that support deviant life styles is bashing Dr.Laura, and this is a non subject, before you start bashing read or listen to what she said. All this bashing for a non issue is just another bit of proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
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Denver, CO
One more thing, as i read some of these posts i can see that the people that support deviant life styles is bashing Dr.Laura, and this is a non subject, before you start bashing read or listen to what she said. All this bashing for a non issue is just another bit of proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Any statement, taken out of context, can be misunderstood. Based on the context given, Dr. Laura is blaming the larger portion of adulterous incidents on women, while the majority of posters here are saying that adultery can be due to the behaviors of either or both members of the partnership; most stated could be the man, could be the woman, could be both.

I fail to see the support for "deviant lifestyles" in that. Yes, there were 1 or 2 posts that included male/male and female/female partnerships, but that does not detract from the main thrust of the discussion... nor is it relevant, as in same-sex partnerships, there is not "a" woman - there are either 2 women, or no women. Therefore "the woman causes adultery" becomes irrelevant.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 13, 2005
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Saint Cloud, Florida
Well to be totally honest, if I was stuck in a sexless marriage with a wife who made me feel worthless and there was little hope of things changing but wanted to keep up a stable home for the kids, I cant say I wouldnt "look elsewhere". Would starting a real relationship with another woman and all the emotional baggage that brings with it be better than just paying cash for satisfaction?

Not really saying I would, but I can sort of see her point in a vauge way.

I have been there, I understand, and I agree with her to some extent. But as Shesula said, it is a complicated situation. It isn't a simple black and white situation. Yes, I believe it works both ways, it happens to both genders and I believe it is because something very serious is already broken or missing in the relationship.

As far as kids are concerned, in the situation described above, at some point you come to a realization that life is too short to be so miserable and it isn't healthy for children to see such a dysfunctional marriage and after a decade of hell, you finally find the strength within yourself to get the hell out before you don't have much life left live.

Sorry, but I somewhat agree with them. Just as I would agree if the genders were reversed on the interview.


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
One more thing, as i read some of these posts i can see that the people that support deviant life styles is bashing Dr.Laura, and this is a non subject, before you start bashing read or listen to what she said. All this bashing for a non issue is just another bit of proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

How in the hell did you come up with this becoming an issue of liberalism and it being a mental disorder? If you wish to make your point regarding the SUBJECT of this thread, please feel free to do so in a POLITE and FRIENDLY manner. Otherwise, please refrain from derailing a thread and trollng looking to start an arguement. Thank you.


MTS Alumni
Aug 15, 2006
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West Melbourne, FL
I was forced to read one of Dr. Laura's books for an ethics class that I took once....it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I really don't think that I can even stomach clicking on the links....


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
So don't start hating on Dr. Laura for this. Whoever started this thread get your facts straight before you start to get everybody worked up.

Ooh, ooh! I got a fact! I got a fact!! I got a fact:


...and that's a fact! :lol:


Master of Arts
Sep 7, 2007
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In the Doggy Pound!
I was forced to read one of Dr. Laura's books for an ethics class that I took once....it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I really don't think that I can even stomach clicking on the links....

Oh, Man! I so feel for you!

These radio personalities -- Dr. Laura and that guy Rush Limbaugh and all of the rest of them -- they are not to be taken seriously, but only for "entertainment". I personally put NO stock whatsoever in anything they say.

Hahahaha -- this one is funny!
has essentially given herself the job of Morality Expert Extraordinaire

Edmund BlackAdder

<B>Rabid Wolverine</B>
Dec 13, 2005
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I stand between the Dorkness and the Not Bright
"Dr." Laura's views on a myrad range of topics is as accurate and trustworthy as
George W Bush's knowledge of where the WMD are
Dick Cheneys knowledge of firearm safety
Bill Clinton and Eliot Spitzer's knowledge of marital loyalty.

She is little more than an shallow, angry, hate filled shrew, whose heart is as black as night, whose mind is as open as a sealed box, and whose true value as a human can be measured, but only at the sub-atomic level.

In short, she is nothing more than a git.



Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
You know, a misogynistic woman is indeed a rare find. A rabid, inane, well-paid one is even rarer.

navyvetcv60 said:
This topic does not require a lot of dialog.
Before you jump to conclusions listen to what she said, she said in a lot of cases the guy is just a jerk and wants to hoe around, she also said that in some cases when a women loses interest in sex and doesn't want to "mess around" that will cause SOME GUY'S to look for sex somewhere else, she wasn't saying that the guy is right for looking elsewhere she was just stating a fact.
So don't start hating on Dr. Laura for this. Whoever started this thread get your facts straight before you start to get everybody worked up.

navyvetcv60 said:
One more thing, as i read some of these posts i can see that the people that support deviant life styles is bashing Dr.Laura, and this is a non subject, before you start bashing read or listen to what she said. All this bashing for a non issue is just another bit of proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

You clearly don't know how things run here yet nor have a feel for the venue in which you chose to spew your ignorant nonsense.

All one must do is read the quoted text, watch the video of what she said and read her blogs.

"A mental disorder?" I expected more from a veteran. I hope you gain a sense of ... well, sense. And some understanding of the sense of community most people have on MartialTalk.

Good day.


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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These radio personalities -- Dr. Laura and that guy Rush Limbaugh and all of the rest of them -- they are not to be taken seriously, but only for "entertainment". I personally put NO stock whatsoever in anything they say.

I don't listen to Dr. Laura, but I occasionally will catch Rush. Pretty entertaining, and better than listening to most "News" broadcasts. Do I consider him the gospel truth? or course not. I don't get myself in a tizzy when he says something I find kind of silly. Know why? Because he is a radio personality! He sets no policy, affects my life in no way and has no power over how I live my life or the pleasure I can derive from my life. I feel the same about any celebrity, including Dr. Laura. Some people here should take a dose of the same medicine.

As for the issue of the thread, can men cheating be a woman's fault? Sure it can. It can also be the man's fault. If Dr. Laura debates that, then she is a bit silly. Still, realize she is trying to raise an audience by being silly and controversial, so she is doing that well. Cheating can be cause by many things, and its often hard to find and treat the root causes. Affixing blame is seldom helpful and does not seem to fix anything. Deal with the root, if indeed it is possible to find and deal with. Just pointing fingers won't help, nor will getting excited and further publicizing Dr. Laura.


Master of Arts
Sep 30, 2004
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One more thing, as i read some of these posts i can see that the people that support deviant life styles is bashing Dr.Laura, and this is a non subject, before you start bashing read or listen to what she said. All this bashing for a non issue is just another bit of proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Hmm So a man screws around on me, and its my fault because i didn't feed his ego enough? Or maybe working and going to school really does have me to tired to have sex tonight so he can go get a free pass to get a hooker? (didnt happen to me just sayin) Or what about the mom who works 2 jobs and is trying to raise a child and her husband is a good for nothing drunk who will screw anything that looks decent after a few rounds, she to blame for not doing her hair just right and telling him how much of a man he is and what a good find he is.

I can understand why some men would want to cheat but it doesn't give them a RIGHT to cheat. If you are unsatisfied with the sex, quality of life or how she makes you feel, we have ways to handle that file for divorce or break up or seek counseling. Stepping out however is your own choice no one forced you to. Sure its not always black and white but to say that 99% of the time its the womans fault is BS, you might as well send us back to the kitchen and keep us barefoot and knocked up then. Forget higher education and careers or a life outside of the home, lets go back to being baby makers.
as for deviant lifestyles finding a health solid relationship where both people are happy trust each other is deviant? Where both people know and love eachother and they care and support each other. Or maybe where they just see that it is not working out and spare each other the next 10 years of hell and call off the relationship, yup that must be deviant.


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2002
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Hmm So a man screws around on me, and its my fault because i didn't feed his ego enough? Or maybe working and going to school really does have me to tired to have sex tonight so he can go get a free pass to get a hooker?
Dr. Laura has to justify those nude pics somehow.

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
Take out the "IF" and the "kids" and that was me. I still did not look elsewhere. I tried to work with her and her depression. I tried to work with her and her spending issues. I tried to work with her and her other issues.

I even asked is she wanted to see a counsiler on together or own her own. Her reply was that is was all me and that I could see a counsiler if I wanted to, but she was not.
Hey; that was my marriage.

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
How in the hell did you come up with this becoming an issue of liberalism and it being a mental disorder? If you wish to make your point regarding the SUBJECT of this thread, please feel free to do so in a POLITE and FRIENDLY manner. Otherwise, please refrain from derailing a thread and trollng looking to start an arguement. Thank you.
He does make an interesting point.


Master Black Belt
Feb 13, 2007
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Southern Oregon
Not to defend "Dr. Laura" but this conversation reminds me of something Mark MacYoung brought up on his page. (www.nononsenseselfdefense.com)

At least, this is what I got out of it.

He was talking about causes and situations leading up to rape. He was basically saying that many rapists got acquitted in the past because they were found to be "lead on." So that now many people refuse to look at teaching women what not to do, because that is like telling them that the rape in "their fault." As a side effect, now many young women feel justified in playing with fire, so to speak, and enjoy being is "fringe" situations that are exciting, but put themselves in a worse situation for being raped.

It's NOT their fault for being raped, that's 1000% squarely on the shoulders of the rapist. But cause isn't the same as blame.

If you go to the General Self Defense section, and defend your "right" to walk down a dark alley at night, people will counsel you not to. If you get robbed, they are the bad guy, but you would be part of the "cause."

So in regards to men cheating, the cheating men are "wrong," but there are many men who want to be faithful, but the desire isn't strong enough to keep them faithful. It's not the wives fault if her husband cheats, nor is she to blame, but she does need to be aware that she could be contributing to the cause. Does that make sense?

I'm in the middle of dealing with two different men who have been mentally abused by their wives. In one case she is always telling him (publicly) how stupid he is, and what a failure he is, etc. etc. He's not -- he's a sharp, hard-working guy. He works much harder than she does. She does it for a feeling of power. He's put up with it for 7 years, and is beginning to believe it. Now, he shouldn't cheat on her, but he should get away from her. However, he's stuck in the victim mentality, and is afraid to be by himself now, because he believes the crap she's given him.

Or to flip the situation, a friend of mine got into the same situation as Sukerkin. Except he married the girl before her "appetite" got out of control. He does realize that he contributed to the problem (they're divorced now), because he took several jobs that took him away from home for weeks at a time, leaving her alone and bored. He knows that it's not his fault, and that she is responsible for what she did, but he still wonders what would have happened if they had been in a different lifestyle.

So, all that said, I guess I'm just wondering if we will ever get to a point where we can, in a public arena, look at what happens to the victims, and how they could have avoided the situation, without actually blaming the victim?


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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Back when Marc and I were on better terms we had a hell of an argument about that one. He was always eager to push things until rape was almost reasonable. "Well, whatifshe waits until he's really horny? Whatifshe waits until he's gotten to second base? Whatifshe waits until it's halfway in? Whatifshe waits until he's right on the edge?" I swear, he was like a fifteen year old trying to find out when it was OK to keep going and missed the real point entirely.

Marc knows a lot of things and has many sterling qualities. Women's self defense and rape prevention are not among them.

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