Double Black belt at 15


Blue Belt
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
A big congrats to Shane who has achieved a black belt for the second time. He has trained for 10 years + and progressed through the Junior Syllabus to achieve a junior black belt, he then progressed through the senior syllabus in a senior class to receive his senior class.

Now a minimum of two years and he may be a first degree by the time he is seventeen. If anyone has seen Shane then they will know that he is truly awesome surely the future of Kenpo
Originally posted by kenposikh
Now a minimum of two years and he may be a first degree by the time he is seventeen.

This is a zeroth degree black belt then?

Not many arts have one, though Modern Arnis typically has had it.
That's right I believe it is called shodan ho, he now has two years to think about his thesis and own form as well as consolidating everything he knows and more.
Actually the way I read it was the kid started at 5. Then he passed his first black at a little dragon type class with "x" amount of years in it. After that was promoted into the junior class where he had just finished achieving his first black at the junior rank. Now he has been promoted up to the adults category where he will finish and move up to the actual first degree black belt. That is just my take though.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Actually the way I read it was the kid started at 5. Then he passed his first black at a little dragon type class with "x" amount of years in it. After that was promoted into the junior class where he had just finished achieving his first black at the junior rank. Now he has been promoted up to the adults category where he will finish and move up to the actual first degree black belt. That is just my take though.

That's how I read it too.
I wish we had MORE stories like this, very encouraging I think!!
Congratulations Shane, you do your school proud!!!

Your brother (and proud of it...)
I think that is an excellent program. There are too many 7 year old black belts out there now. I had a child come to my school with his mother to try out a class. The kid was 7, had not been to karate in over a year and wore a GI and Black Belt to the school. He refused to participate in the class, which was all white and yellow belts. After the class was over, I went over to talk to him and his mother. I asked him if he thought what we did was interesting and would he like to try it. His answer, "No, they'd hurt me." So it does my heart good to know that there are instructors out there that make the students still come up the hard way and become a black belt, not just someone who wears one.
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude
15 has 2 bb ???

another joke :)

HI can you explain why you think this is a joke. Shane has trained solidly for 10 years in American Kenpo 5 years as a junior to reach JUnior Black Belt and 5 years as a senior to reach Senior Black Belt. He has trained solidly throughout and after 10 years still not has achieved First Degree Black Belt he has at least 2 years to go before he achieves this.

Everyone else seems to have read the post with the correct slant on things.

Shane should be congratulated for his hard work and determination and is in my opinion an inspiration to all other junior students he did not stop after achieving his junior black belt as a lot of students do instead he understands that it is the knowledge gained with continued training which he is striving for his goal was not to achieve a black belt but to learn.

He now assist with Junior classes and is a very good example to all the other students.

Please give him the credit he deserves.

Yours in Kenpo

Originally posted by kenposikh
He now assist with Junior classes and is a very good example to all the other students.

Please give him the credit he deserves.

He has my respect.:asian:
Originally posted by kenposikh
for his goal was not to achieve a black belt but to learn.

He now assist with Junior classes and is a very good example to all the other students.

If that is his goal, then he is a good example not just for juniors but for everybody :D
Is the junior black belt a standard part of American Kenpo, or does it vary from school to school (or org. to org.)?
Originally posted by arnisador
Is the junior black belt a standard part of American Kenpo, or does it vary from school to school (or org. to org.)?

Good question I will start another thread on this subject and see what responses we get.