Don't jerk around with the katanas

Serve him right for banging it on a wooded table, see you should always buy high quality stuff. Not this cheap fake crap.
Plus, never bang a katana on tables et al :D.

The blade is designed to cut flesh and bone in a certain way. Clout it from an angle it's not intended to resist force from and even the best of blades will come apart on you.
That video has been referred to many times by katana enthusiasts as a good demonstration of why display blades are just that - and that no one should *ever* do what that guy did.
I've seen that in the past. Don't you love how "the show must go on" mentality really shines through? "I've skewered meself!" "See folks, we told ya these blades would cut like crazy and here that the TV shopping network we go the extra mile to test out the products we sell."
I've seen that in the past. Don't you love how "the show must go on" mentality really shines through? "I've skewered meself!" "See folks, we told ya these blades would cut like crazy and here that the TV shopping network we go the extra mile to test out the products we sell."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: