Does your teacher teach you to grab weapons?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, This month's Black Belt magazine (March,2006) has article about a teacher who teach's the students to grab anything around them to be use for a weapon to fight back with,(sticks,anything,etc.) when fighting an attacker on the streets.

They train in the class to look for things to use.....against an aggressor!

I remember Bruce Lee said the same thing...he too would grab something to use....only fool will fight with his fist first! (Street fights).

Does your teacher train you in class when sparring around, and leave things (training bags) on the ground as obstacles? and possible weapons to grab?

Something to think about????? ................Aloha
I remeber that it was always stressed during conversations and training for us, back in the day. However, training through the years got away from that (commercialization ?) and just stuck to straight forms practice and technique practice. When I used to do it, on tests, or whatever, the senior instructors were impressed, the newer ones looked shocked.
we'll often ask students to pick up a weapon and perform an open-hand technique. we'll also ask students to pick up any object not traditionally considered a weapon and perform an open-hand technique.

it's a good drill to choose a random object and figure out how to use it as a weapon.
In Ninjutsu we have been told that everything is a weapon.

Example: A shoe
A wall
A brick
And most importantly, your fists.

Where I study, we don't do it during normal classes, just testings. I'd like to see some regular classes in which we did that though. Heck, I'll mention it to my wife, she just got her Sandan.
as far as I am concerned if it can be picked up it is a weapon. Come to think about it pushing objects ( wheelborows, lawnmowers, etc.) also are weapons
do I do it in class weeeelllll sometimes
In some circumstances I do teach that such as if the attacker has a weapon.
Everything is a weapon from my body to the immediate surroundings. (parked cars, fire hydrants, etc.):mp5:
Yes, I learned about weapons at hand in elementary school. Some older kids tried to, for lack of a better term, shake us down for our lunch money (there were 3 of us) at the local boys club just outside of DC. My older bothers coached the football & baseball teams, so I knew the equipment room lock combination. Needless to say, when we came out of the equip. room wearing football helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, carrying bats and throwing trash cans, we were well prepared. Although it was the mid 70's and firearms were not as common back then, nowa days that would have gotten us shot. Weapons at hand is a great priciple to teach and practice.
Jimi said:
...when we came out of the equip. room wearing football helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, carrying bats and throwing trash cans, we were well prepared...
Yes! I love it!
That's what Paul Vunak teaches and emphasizes on a lot. You have to look for an equalizer in a street fight to have an advantage or not being to much disadvantaged. This can be a car antenna, a pool club, a rock anything when it comes to streetfighting.
Most (* I have not seen all personally so I qualify *) FMA's teach the translation of weapon techniques to other weapons and to empty hands. This means that anything becomes a weapon from your cheap Bic Pen to the can of tuna fish you find in a parking lot.
Aruden said:
That's what Paul Vunak teaches and emphasizes on a lot. You have to look for an equalizer in a street fight to have an advantage or not being to much disadvantaged. This can be a car antenna, a pool club, a rock anything when it comes to streetfighting.

Paul Vunak...has some of the most practical ideas....well respected here...he teaches real world self-defence...his training will keep you alive...Thank-you for sharing.......Aloha
I'll third that!
Silat players would not grab a weapon unless all the cards were on the table and you drew a 3 of clubs on the river. We train to go after the parts of the body holding the weapons not the actual weapon. Controlling the shoulder, elbow, wrist make for a lot less damage. Sides...the bones in your hand are not made of steel and will break with the force of a weapon coming down for the strike. We were taught to go for the core of the might get hit or cut on the way in but they get one chance.
beau_safken said:
Silat players would not grab a weapon unless all the cards were on the table and you drew a 3 of clubs on the river. We train to go after the parts of the body holding the weapons not the actual weapon. Controlling the shoulder, elbow, wrist make for a lot less damage. Sides...the bones in your hand are not made of steel and will break with the force of a weapon coming down for the strike. We were taught to go for the core of the might get hit or cut on the way in but they get one chance.

Hello, Good point here....thank-you....Aloha
beau_safken said:
Silat players would not grab a weapon unless all the cards were on the table and you drew a 3 of clubs on the river. We train to go after the parts of the body holding the weapons not the actual weapon. Controlling the shoulder, elbow, wrist make for a lot less damage. Sides...the bones in your hand are not made of steel and will break with the force of a weapon coming down for the strike. We were taught to go for the core of the might get hit or cut on the way in but they get one chance.

One and Done! Right on!
Same here. I teach to control the hand holding the weapon. Not the best idea to grab the knife (since the blade is what is exposed.) Also, anything is a weapon. I have students identify anything they could use as a weapon, i.e., a chair, a lamp, a rolled up magazine, another attacker, a window. Shuai Chiao practitioners are fond of saying "nothing hits harder than gravity combined with an unforgiving surface."
I think that your instructor should teach you the martial arts - fighting with fists and indiviual weapons.

It is then up to you to do the following in the fight:-
1) Command the battlefield. You choose the position you're fighting in and rearrange it to suit yourself (use a lamp post to break off contcat with your attacker or rearrange desks in a work place attack to suit your defense.)

2) Use the environment provided for weapons if required. Some places will have different weapons than others.