


hey guys, do you think it is okay for a person with a heart condition to practice kenpo. if so what type of restraint would u tell them to use? Thanks
Well, it would depend on what type of heart condition. Only your doctor and you will know to what extent possible you can do martial arts. Know your limits and know when to slow down if needed.

I do know of some martial artists with certain types of heart conditions who were able to progress with kenpo.

- Ceicei
Hanzo04 said:
hey guys, do you think it is okay for a person with a heart condition to practice kenpo. if so what type of restraint would u tell them to use? Thanks
First and foremost as Ceicei says the Doctor has to have given the all clear for the person to begin/resume any physical exercise and also has to have given guidelines as to what type/level of exercise the person is capable of at the present time - we would certainly want some evidence from the Doctor to this effect and a disclaimer signed by the student - once all this information is to hand and the student is aware of his/her capabilities/limitations and the Instructor is in possession of the full facts then I think it is perfectly feasible for the person to practice Kenpo at whatever level is safe for them and for the Instructor to ensure that the person keeps within his/her boundaries with regard to physical activity. Again the nature and severity of the heart condition will have an impact on whether or not the person is able to practice Kenpo - the bottom line I think is check with the Doctor - don't guess it - it isn't worth the risk!!!!
I agree. I would absolutely check with your Doctor first before starting any physical or strenuous activity.
As a Nurse and a Kenpoist. I would always refer the prespective student to gain the advice and permission to start any Physcial Conditioning Program. Then have a copy of the Physcians Order on the Student's File.
Some exercise is usually good for a person with a heart condition, but as stated, one should make sure the physician concurs! Nearly anybody should be able to practice many aspects of the martial arts, but not everyone should spar, perhaps.
One of the aspects of teaching in any physical program. The awareness of your students physical condition and limitations. With the heart condition depending if it is COPD or a Murmur or Hypertension calls for different approach to training the Student.

HTN Students you need to watch for aerobic conditioning. Start off with simple breathing excersices and stretching. Have a lower number of sets or warm ups for the student or skip them all together until he or she is able to pick up the pace slightly. Of course you always watch for signs and symptons of cardic problems.

All Instructors should be versed in basic CPR and First Aid. I also carry an Oxygen tank with a nasal cannula with my first aid kit I have. Recommend using 2 liters per minute if needed.

You should always have on your contracts that the Student needs to disclose any know medical conditions that he or she may have. Otherwise the Studio is not held liable.
Hanzo04 said:
hey guys, do you think it is okay for a person with a heart condition to practice kenpo. if so what type of restraint would u tell them to use? Thanks

Sure. However, I would strongly encourage them to follow their doctors advice.

We have a student with a heart condition. His workout is less strenuous than ours of course, but he does get his excercise.
If you have your doctor's permission and have made full disclosure to your instructor, I don't see anything wrong with it. Everyone from little kids to seniors have different limitations. It's just one more, but requires more attention than most.

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