Dirty Tricks for the street!


Yellow Belt
Sep 29, 2007
Reaction score
Denver Colorado
Dirty tricks for street fighting
1. Step on the foot and push backward to straight blast punching
2. Spit into the face and kick the groin
3. Throw dirt, snow, mud, pooo, drink, etc. in their face, and go
4. Grab and rip the shirt pocket, to uppercut to chin
5. Belt grab pull and punch face
6. Coat/sleeve hold and punch
7. Coat lapel choke
8. Pull coat down over arms to trap arms and punch
9. Pull the coat over their head and knee/kick
10. Push over chair, barstool object etc.
11. Pull bottom of t-shirt over their head front/back sides
12. Pull pants down and push over to kick- the way people hang them off rear anyway!
13. Slap in the face
14. Belt whip across mouth
15. flip shoe into face before punch
16. Fist loads, rolled up quarter's
17. Belt around knuckles for protection and harder punching power
18. Use shoes on hands for striking
19. Use clothes for handles and chokes
20. Use your coat for catching punches, kicks, over the head stuff
Here are a few I have used, and a few I have seen work in the street. Let's see what you can add to this? Your idea's welcome
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Hello, Biting? ...hit them when they are not looking or aware of a strike!

Use weapons of any kind including chairs,etc...

Rip the ear, clap the ears and break the ear drums, pull the long hair in the direction you want them to go..

Break any fingers or thumb or elbows,knees, ankles if they are on the ground... any groin strike or rip or smash!

Quick strike to the throat or nose! Poke in the eyes! Yelling in their ears?

There are NO rules in any street fight...anything goes including jumping in to help a friend...stand and wait till the guys back is to you and attack.

The smarter ones will use anything around them for weapons.....

Dirty only means after the fight...and you go to the ground and get dirt on you? .....than it becomes a dirty fight....

A clean fight is a water hose fight with or without soap? ......

( Washing a dirty dog...could mean a dirty fight with the dog? )

A mud fight could get dirty? ...on the beach a sand fight? ..is sandy?

NOTE: being choke and fighting for air ....is not dirty....just restricted..?

( We all have restricted areas? ...men more than women? ...UM)

Storage for play toys? ...restricted access areas..?

Aloha ( Wife? ...when did you get this ...? ......Honest honey? ...always had that 20' boat...,4x4 truck, camper..three sets of golf clubs..safe with hunting rifles,shotguns (4 each)....3 bowling balls, and weight lifting gym....bow flex....harley bike, and one jet ski.....OH this "tennis racket is for you"....
Why do you considered them "dirty"? There are other actions far worse. My mindset is if it comes to the point that I am fighting there is only 1 rule, I WIN!! And there is nothing dirty about that. It may not be pretty or what is expected but it will be whatever is effictive for me.

Self-defense is about doing whatever it takes to stop the bad guy from hurting me and going home with the least amt of damage to my body in the least amt of time. If the best thing I can do at that moment is to simply leave then that is what I will do, if it is spitting in the face to distract the attacker then I will do that and there isn't anything dirty about me protecting myself or loveones!!!

When on the street there are no rules like in a sports event, no referee, no judges awarding points, only survive. If you think in terms of clean, dirty, fair or unfair then your mindset is wrong for the street or a street situation gone bad.

As to the list, I have used several of the above and others when I was younger, more foolish and got into situations that today I am not proud of.

Danny T
Dirty tricks for street fighting
3. Throw dirt, snow, mud, pooo, drink, etc. in their face, and go

POO?????? So you get attacked in the toilet and reach in, grab a log and throw it at him. Unless you **** yourself when you first get attacked:rofl:

I do not see these as "dirty" in any way shape or form. On the street you have one objective. Make it out alive by doing whatever it takes.
Listen guy's all I was trying to do was get some people thinking about normal things you don't teach in a class structure. I call it dirty fighting, you call it want ever you want? because it is not really the normal stuff you teach in class with rules and such. yes it is no rules in the street! the shirt pocket pull is where you grab the shirt pocket and pull it down to bring there head down with it, then upper cut the chin. The zipper uppercut is another one, your hand follows the zipper of the attackers coat to the chin. The poo throw is of the doggy kind found every where lol. This was all meant to be in fun !!! hey laugh and have fun guy's
I guess it would depend on the class you where teaching lol. I have been involved in some classes and also taught some where this was considered "normal" material :D
Listen guy's all I was trying to do was get some people thinking about normal things you don't teach in a class structure. I call it dirty fighting, you call it want ever you want? because it is not really the normal stuff you teach in class with rules and such. yes it is no rules in the street! the shirt pocket pull is where you grab the shirt pocket and pull it down to bring there head down with it, then upper cut the chin. The zipper uppercut is another one, your hand follows the zipper of the attackers coat to the chin. The poo throw is of the doggy kind found every where lol. This was all meant to be in fun !!! hey laugh and have fun guy's

You mean this isn't taught in your normal martial art classes? At our training center All of our programs teach such things to be used if in self-defense situation. We do instruct and coach a number of sport programs as well but in a Martial Arts class we teach use whatever and do whatever is need to win and go home. So for me I find it abnormal to not have such things being taught.
Listen guy's all I was trying to do was get some people thinking about normal things you don't teach in a class structure. I call it dirty fighting, you call it want ever you want? because it is not really the normal stuff you teach in class with rules and such

I don't know, we cover 99% of this stuff in our "regular" classes. No we don't fling poo at each other, but we do know it's out there:).
it them with your purse (better if it has metal edges )
step on them with your stillito heels
spay them with hair spray
use your lighter on them then light it
drive your pen into them
Grab an old, solid heavy phone (not new, lightweight plastic junk!) and hit them with it!

"A warrior uses what is at hand — there is no shame in this!" — Mako playing the role of Chuck Norris' sidekick in some movie I can't remember the title of.

Dirty tricks for street fighting
4. Grab and rip the shirt pocket, to uppercut to chin
5. Belt grab pull and punch face
6. Coat/sleeve hold and punch
7. Coat lapel choke
8. Pull coat down over arms to trap arms and punch
9. Pull the coat over their head and knee/kick
11. Pull bottom of t-shirt over their head front/back sides
12. Pull pants down and push over to kick- the way people hang them off rear anyway!
19. Use clothes for handles and chokes
20. Use your coat for catching punches, kicks, over the head stuff

I love it when people grab MY clothes :) That or my wrist :) All sortsa neat stuff I've been working on for the last decade for just these sorts of grabs ;)

Me to my little brother's friend back in the early '90: "Grab my wrist!"

Little brother's friend: "Hell no! Get away from me!"

I love it when people grab MY clothes :) That or my wrist :) All sortsa neat stuff I've been working on for the last decade for just these sorts of grabs ;)

Same here! :) The thing is, this stuff might work (if one is trained regarding grabs, and chokes), but the odds are they are less likely to work against a person who is also trained. To me all this stuff sounds like things to do in a school yard brawl or a gang beat down. Honestly, I don't think this stuff would be very effective against a trained person.
When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout. Attributed to Robert A. Heinlein ("The cat who walks through walls" (uttered by Richard Ames)

And a few other characters as well as Richard Ames... the point is, in a true self-defense situation, the key factor is to react - and react quickly. What you do is not as important as not freezing.

One of my students told me recently (after a year in class) that the reason she joined was because she was set upon by a pair of girls in her area, who cornered her against a building (she was in the corner) and proceeded to beat on her; she didn't know how to get out, so she just cowered in the corner with her arms over her head. She is determined that this not happen again - that, if she is accosted again like that and can't run, she wants to know how to get out of the situation. Now that she understands that she may have to take a little punishment to get out, she's much more sanguine about her chances than she was before... in fact, she asked this question after class one day, and several of my other students jumped in with suggestions as well, helping her create scenarios and ways to get out of them; "what if" is a wonderful tool to get students thinking about applications and reactions - because your first reaction is what you're likely to do in a real situation.

My point, I guess, is that it doesn't matter what you do - or what you do it with, or how many "dirty tricks" you have up your sleeve - it matters whether you react or freeze when the need is upon you. Now, I realize this may not be in keeping with the original, light-hearted nature of the question - but it's what I've got!
Same here! :) The thing is, this stuff might work (if one is trained regarding grabs, and chokes), but the odds are they are less likely to work against a person who is also trained. To me all this stuff sounds like things to do in a school yard brawl or a gang beat down. Honestly, I don't think this stuff would be very effective against a trained person.

I think that's the key. A trained fighter is prepared for something unexpected and less vulnerable to "tricks". On the other hand, this is similar to the "biting" posts in that I have no problem with using furniture, small household appliances or poodles (poo is always the last resort) if I feel threatened.
Hello, Better to be prepare...with the "dirty tricks" ...use them....rather than have them use against you!

No rules in fighting...but there is "written laws"...that can be use against you? ....or them?

The key is "dirty trick" are just techniques alot of martial artist are NOT taught in class or regular classes....

Awareness....of these so called "dirty techniques"? ....may save you one day! .....(dirty is just a slang to explain "some smart moves") in a dirty way? ...HUH? ...street techniques! or unfair moves compare to a a dojo style of fighting...

Best to beaware of them...learn to use them...in a "clean way" ....by being "dirty"!

Aloha , ( any time a technique works? ...is a smart move! ... a dirty tricks or clean techniques...both will, "HURT YOU".)
A couple of things i like.....

Coin!! They are brilliant to throw and usually you have a bunch on you. If you have ever had one hit you you'll know that they can really hurt. This may give you that slight break you need to turn and run.

The other one - keys. They make a great puncher when slid between your knuckles. One punch and the offender will be that shocked that you'll be out of there before they know what has happened.

And lastly - your feet!! If you get the chance ...RUN FOREST RUN!! Best not to be there if you don't have to be (i know, its not always an option).

- keys. They make a great puncher when slid between your knuckles. One punch and the offender will be that shocked that you'll be out of there before they know what has happened.

This is a a pet peeve of mine. If anyone thinks this is a good idea, try it sometime. Punch a heavy bag or a makiwara and see how little damage the keys do to the target and how much damage they do to your hand.

If you're going to use a key for self defense (which I endorse fully) use them like you normally would. Hold the key as though you were about to insert it in a lock. Thrust or slash with the key braced between your thumb and index finger and you'll see that this position feels more natural and offers more support. While walking to your car, have the keys ready to use, same thing when you get home or work/school.

- keys. They make a great puncher when slid between your knuckles. One punch and the offender will be that shocked that you'll be out of there before they know what has happened.

This is a a pet peeve of mine. If anyone thinks this is a good idea, try it sometime. Punch a heavy bag or a makiwara and see how little damage the keys do to the target and how much damage they do to your hand.

If you're going to use a key for self defense (which I endorse fully) use them like you normally would. Hold the key as though you were about to insert it in a lock. Thrust or slash with the key braced between your thumb and index finger and you'll see that this position feels more natural and offers more support. While walking to your car, have the keys ready to use, same thing when you get home or work/school.
Another alternative that's far superior then trying to make your hand into a hedgehog made out of keys is to use them as a flail. Many, if not most, people today carry quite a few keys, often with some sort of chain or tags on them that can be used as a handle.