Difference Between Hitting Too Hard, and Being Too Experienced

Bill Mattocks said:
Sorry...in advance...


Oh ****, oh dear.


Thanks.....I think I broke a rib.....:lfao:

(Buddy, you must live on the Internet....:lfao: )
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This thread has me crying!
I never new MT members had this much talent!
Where's Simon Cowell?
Hahahaha! +1.

Excuse me, gentlefolk. I am becoming concerned that I am too sexy for anyone to look at. I am 50 years old, and I've been sexy since I was -3 years old; yes, I was sexy before I was thought of. I am not bragging, but I can flex my pecs 22 times per second, and I can crack walnuts with my gluteus maximus. I've been ordered by the local police to stop sunbathing in the back yard; even though I have an 8-foot-tall privacy fence, my sexiness is such that people can see me several counties over, and it causes them to leave their spouses and race to my doorway, panting and demanding the right to become my next sexual partner; men and women alike. I even turn straight men gay, which is only understandable given the size of my package. No one will pose next to me anymore, as my smile shines brighter than the sun. I cannot say that I believe I am too sexy, but the facts speak for themselves, so that is why I am asking you. Am I too sexy, or am I too sexy? It's a curse, a curse, I tell you.

Bill, I've seen your photo. It's NOTthat you're too sexy...
I've been hit and HURT by a white belt, so they can do it; but it's up to me as a brown belt to make that not happen. We're partners in training, not competitors.
My sifu always says it is the white and yellow belts that will hurt you, the Black and Brown belts know control.
I don't know about you all, but, I've got the GLOW
Sho Nuff!
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After rereading this thread, in particular the original post, I'm going to have to side with Zenjael. You are not hitting too hard.
I am forced to ask the question- am I going too hard? Or is it a matter of I am just beyond them, and I say that humbly.
You should ask the people in your group. Ask them if you are going to hard. I do not know how hard you go if they are saying stop and you keep hitting them
might be an indicatator you are going to hard. But I do not know you could be over 9,000
I nominate this thread for the "Fastest Hijack of the Month" Award...
...... am I going too hard? Or is it a matter of I am just beyond them, and I say that humbly.

It's quite possibe. If you're going too hard, try cutting the little blue pills in half!

Love the thread. ... Possibly should be in the Comedy Cafe.
Made my morning, if not, my whole day.......... Well worth the 45 minutes to read through.
This thread just wouldn't be complete without this:
The Kenpo technique there is Raining Lance...
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Recently I have noticed that while others in the club I occasion will mess with each other, they do not as much with me, as often. I am the most experienced, timewise, of those who frequent the club, but we hold a very clear, and upheld epistemology that regardless of rank, because we all hail from different styles, and have so many coming together, we are all equals, and learning from each other.

For several years I have coasted in my training, and lately have found my warrior spirit to renew the vigor in my training, and as such it has quickly brought me back to my skill level which I had regressed from.

I am only 22, and have over 7 punches in a second, and am currently at 30 kicks per leg, without having the urge to lower it. This is not to say I am great- having practiced 20 years, I know I am but at the first 1,000 feet of a mountain with literally no end, and 20 years, to the beginner seems so long, but it has been so short.

I no longer get to spar with people, and when I do, they often have to stop after fifteen minutes. I've seen people grow considerably in skill level through practicing with me, but of late, I must approach others, and almost force them into the ring. An individual who used to spar with me, months ago stopped, and it is only looking back and realizing there are few who want to spar with me I am forced to ask the question- am I going too hard? Or is it a matter of I am just beyond them, and I say that humbly.

I recall a master I had, who pointed out the importance of having decency when sparring. When practicing with another, hitting too hard makes others not desire to work with you, going too rough on people of lower skill level makes them fearful of participating. No one wants to get hurt, even if it's through something they enjoy doing.

However, I go to pains not to fight like that. To spar at the skill level, or slightly above where the other is at, that I can observe readily. When sparring in a style I share with the other, depending on their level I will constrain my range of techniques to what I know they know. I will not throw a crescent in to out kick, transition into a sliding axe-kick followed by side kick to a blue belt, but I will happily a 1st dan.

It is not a matter of being better- there is always someone faster, who hits harder, with better technique, but it is a matter of improving.

What do you guys think? Am I hitting too hard, or is it just I'm noticing the difference in skill level?

The martial arts contain contact. This is important for everyone to know before they join up. Of course nobody wants to get hurt, but some bumps, bruises, etc, are part of the package. That said, when I spar, especially if its someone of a lower rank than I, I tend to adjust accordingly. As for hitting too hard...lol....this past Aug. I started training at a Kyokushin dojo. Fighting at that school, is by far, the most intense that I've seen, in my years of training. Anyone who is leary of contact, should avoid schools like that...lol. Personally, I love it! Despite the poundings that we give each other, we're still all friends at the end of the day. :) IMO, its better to get used to the contact in a dojo setting, and know whether or not you can handle it, instead of finding out when your *** is on the line.
The martial arts contain contact. This is important for everyone to know before they join up. Of course nobody wants to get hurt, but some bumps, bruises, etc, are part of the package. That said, when I spar, especially if its someone of a lower rank than I, I tend to adjust accordingly. As for hitting too hard...lol....this past Aug. I started training at a Kyokushin dojo. Fighting at that school, is by far, the most intense that I've seen, in my years of training. Anyone who is leary of contact, should avoid schools like that...lol. Personally, I love it! Despite the poundings that we give each other, we're still all friends at the end of the day. :) IMO, its better to get used to the contact in a dojo setting, and know whether or not you can handle it, instead of finding out when your *** is on the line.

This, FTW.

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