Decisions, decisions...

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
I was training with my Sifu this morning, and he asked me, quite out of the blue, if I would like to represent the United States as a team member in the 3rd World Traditional Wushu Championships competition at Wudang Mountain in China. I have a day or two to make a decision.

I returned home from training, and my wife informed me that she was making tentative arrangements for us to spend a week scuba diving in Kuai with some friends. We have a day or two to make a decision, because flight prices are going up.

I haven't even had a chance to discuss this with my supervisor at work, to see if I can get away for either of these. I have to appear for jury duty this week, so I might not even be in the office much.

These two events are not at the same time, but they are close enough that it might be difficult to do both of them, due to cost and time away from work. Tournament trip is the end of October into early November. Trip to Kuai is at Thanksgiving time. Might be difficult to do one of them, much less two.

So I have a dilemma. What to do, what to do...
enjoy them both if you can and remember you can take a friend hint hint!!!!
Well, quite a problem, one that most martial artist would be proud to have ... LOL ... as Terry said, do both, but if you must make a decision between the two, I would vote for the championships. You can scuba dive well into life whereas how many opportunities might one have to represent their country in an event such as this. My guess is if it is more than one, then it is very few.

Hopefully you'll be able to do both. If it's just one that you're able to do, be thankful that you have the choice and hopefully you'll make the right decision.
Exactamundo! Do you truly and honestly feel you'll have this opportunity again? About 13 years ago I had the chance to go to China and passed it up due to heavy flak from my wife and I still remind her of how I regretted that decision to this day! When asking your boss for the time off, try to make it seems as the company can be proud or somehow benefit from having a U.S. Team representative as one of their employees.

Maui is still beautiful and will be for another 10 years, prolly.

I say if you have the opportunity of a lifetime, take it. Then take your wife to Hawaii later ... and to a nice dinner or live theater in the meantime. If she's a good woman, she'll understand.
I think you need to feel your way through this one. Maybe you can do both. If not then talk with your wife and see what she thinks. I hope you can do both but in the end if you cannot hopefully one of them will be great!
I was training with my Sifu this morning, and he asked me, quite out of the blue, if I would like to represent the United States as a team member in the 3rd World Traditional Wushu Championships competition at Wudang Mountain in China.
As others have already said, WHAT a tremendous honor!!!!!!!

The fact that your Sifu even asked you is quite an honor and a recognition from someone in a position to know your abilities and the requirements for the honor. All I can say is, "Wow!" Hats off to you, sir, and congratulations!

So I have a dilemma. What to do, what to do...
Many years ago I was nearly in tears at having to make the difficult decision of what treatment to pursue, after having been diagnosed with Grave's Syndrome. The preferred treatment scared the .... stuffing out of me, and the other two options had potential for serious long-term side effects. I was very fortunate to be living near Boston at the time, and had a Dr willing to refer me to his personal friend at Mass. General., who also happened to be the expert who had (literally) written the book on these thyroid treatments. I will never forget his words to me:

"Don't stress so much over which to choose. Instead, be grateful that you have options, any one of which is more than good enough."
OK, lotsa good advice, but here's what you get from a geezer who's been married close to 37 years. :yoda:

Which road will last the longest and provide the best memory? You've mentioned two options. Both sound like fun, and China would be quite the experience. But, as Brian mentioned, there's your wife. Let me say that another way: THERE'S YOUR WIFE. :D So, you really have a third option. Do you choose between one of the two, or do you talk and listen to how your wife feels and what she wants?

I know, I know... sorry to be the one. But it's for your own good. ;) And in the end, chances are you'll get what you wanted anyway.

See, it took me 25 years of mistakes to figure this last part out, and I'm giving it to you for nothing--which may be what it's worth to you, but anyways, there it is. :lol: I wish you the very best in this process, and hope it results in something truly unforgettable for you.
Well I know what I would do but then I am betting that the majority of people on MT that have read any of my posts in CMA know what I would do but that does not matter at all here.

2 questions

When will you get another chance to go to and be in the 3rd World Traditional Wushu Championships competition at Wudang Mountain in China?

When will you get another chance to go scuba diving in Kuai with some friends?
I was training with my Sifu this morning, and he asked me, quite out of the blue, if I would like to represent the United States as a team member in the 3rd World Traditional Wushu Championships competition at Wudang Mountain in China. I have a day or two to make a decision.

I returned home from training, and my wife informed me that she was making tentative arrangements for us to spend a week scuba diving in Kuai with some friends. We have a day or two to make a decision, because flight prices are going up.

I haven't even had a chance to discuss this with my supervisor at work, to see if I can get away for either of these. I have to appear for jury duty this week, so I might not even be in the office much.

These two events are not at the same time, but they are close enough that it might be difficult to do both of them, due to cost and time away from work. Tournament trip is the end of October into early November. Trip to Kuai is at Thanksgiving time. Might be difficult to do one of them, much less two.

So I have a dilemma. What to do, what to do...

What a terrible dilemma... How ever will you live with it?! ;)

Congrats on the honor shown by your instructor. As others have said -- discuss this with your wife. Can she accompany you to China? Maybe add a day or two on the backend for some sight seeing?

Exactamundo! Do you truly and honestly feel you'll have this opportunity again? About 13 years ago I had the chance to go to China and passed it up due to heavy flak from my wife and I still remind her of how I regretted that decision to this day! When asking your boss for the time off, try to make it seems as the company can be proud or somehow benefit from having a U.S. Team representative as one of their employees.


Great point. Depending what might be in it for them -- some employers may even support your trip to China. Or you might be able to tie it into some sort of business opportunity. For example, I'm looking at sneaking a visit to some friends in with a trip to work a meeting with some colleagues.
I would see what your wife thinks about going to China to support you. If she knows that it is obviously a passion of yours and a honor then Maui could wait. Maui obviously isn't going anywhere. I wish you the best of luck in making your decision. If your wife truly cares she will support you :)
Flying Crane,

Whom do you love most? Your wife or your Sifu?

Which did you marry?

Find out how much your wife wants to make this scuba trip. If it's been planned for a long time or she really wants to go, well...

But if she would like to go to China instead..

So I really suggest you have a long talk with your wife. To me she is number 1, not your Sifu. It won't be your Sifu that divorces you if things go down hill.

FC so have you talked to your wife about the possibility of this yet?
Congratulations - whether you go or not, that's great that your Sifu thinks that much of you!

Good luck with your decision - China could be a lot of fun to visit. I agree with jks - you should see if you can stay a little longer to sightsee, so that your wife gets to see something besides the airport and the facility.
Will your wife be able to go to China with you? Would she ever get that chance again? Would you ever get that chance again?
Would your wife be willing to post pone the trip to Kuai for a year?
How adamant is she on going to Kuai?

No advice from me. i passed up a trip to compete in an event in China many, many years ago because my wife said no. I still regret not going to this day

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