Death of Scottish boxer from injuries in the ring

Only you are confused. His friends, some of who I know also, are devastated, his partner is broken and everyone is shocked and horrified. You on the other hand want to make an argument out of this.
His coach and corners say they knew nothing about headaches, it was his partner who mentioned them. They could have easily been just migraines and nothing else, she was speaking when he was still alive and fighting for his life. There will be a post mortem which will give the medical findings.
The newspaper report is just that, it's not official nor is it all the information. The important fact is that he died.
Now, please go away and have a long talk with yourself.

Also on a side may be you read some other articles or talk to some people and got more information I only read that article so was speculating on what the article was trying to say base on article saying (migraine, K.O. and hospital) people do that on many other message boards.

It strange how on all the other message boards talking about war, terrorism, shootings, homicides, kilning so on. People can talk about it but some people here at martialtalk are getting caught up on the word speculation with out jumping in here giving all the facts what happen.
This was a dumb thing to write and it seems I can't delete it. I apologise.

There are many other people here more knowledgeable on boxing and taking lot of hits to head over the years even some medical practitioners that can comment on what you are saying.

But you did not worded as a question but a statement.

If you ask explanation on this you world got different response.

He could took one really big hit causing it or many hits over the years. But you did not word it that way.

But came cross many hits caused it and not one hit or factoring in one really big hit to the head.

Also if he had migraines and injury before the fight that the doctor and coach missed.
Where's your proof for this? Any blow to the head even light ones cause the brain to hit the skull causing bruising. Harder blows mean more severe bruising, bruising of course is bleeding so you are causing bleeds to the brain which leads to permanent brain damage of varying severity. Headguards do nothing to mitigate the damage.
If American Football is any indicator, headgear may be making it worse. As the NFL has increased the required protection, players have hit harder, gotten bigger, and do less to avoid hard impacts. Injuries (especially head injuries) have gone up as gear has gotten more "protective". I expect some of the same happens in boxing and other arts that have heavy sparring - having headgear on makes people feel safer, so they take more head shots, which are softened only slightly by the headgear.
Also on a side may be you read some other articles or talk to some people and got more information I only read that article so was speculating on what the article was trying to say base on article saying (migraine, K.O. and hospital) people do that on many other message boards.

It strange how on all the other message boards talking about war, terrorism, shootings, homicides, kilning so on. People can talk about it but some people here at martialtalk are getting caught up on the word speculation with out jumping in here giving all the facts what happen.

FFS a man is dead and this is what you give us? It's not even in English.
Who ever wrote that article should go back to school and learn proper English. An elementary school kid could write a better v than the way that articles is put together.

The article should of done a better job of explaining he was fighting and got K.O. and rushed to the hospital.

As for the article talking about migraines it should done better job explaining when, where, who saying it and how it fits into what the article is talking about.

Your post is insensitive, moronic and puerile. You are also no the one to criticise anyone's English.
Speculation is not helpful nor is blaming him for not getting an x ray. He was stretchered out of the ring after being KO'd twice in the bout. He was unconscious as they took him out f the ring. At the hospital he was put on life support with bleeding on the brain, the decision was made to switch the machines and he died.
His coach said he wasn't aware of any problems with headaches.

Your comments are neither helpful nor in my opinion appropriate, victim blaming is never right.
I read his post as wondering whether a post-KO head scan should become part of normal procedure, not blaming the victim.
An RIP thread is not an appropriate place to blame or speculate about why it happened.
I do think these threads are a place to assess what happened. It's no disrespect to the fallen to try to determine if a repeat incident can be avoided by some change in protocol.
FFS a man is dead and this is what you give us? It's not even in English.

No I just think you are arguing about some thing or trying to find some thing to argue about.

I'm done arguing with you over this silly rant.
Only you are confused. His friends, some of who I know also, are devastated, his partner is broken and everyone is shocked and horrified. You on the other hand want to make an argument out of this.
His coach and corners say they knew nothing about headaches, it was his partner who mentioned them. They could have easily been just migraines and nothing else, she was speaking when he was still alive and fighting for his life. There will be a post mortem which will give the medical findings.
The newspaper report is just that, it's not official nor is it all the information. The important fact is that he died.
Now, please go away and have a long talk with yourself.
Tez, I don't think Moonhill came here to argue. He didn't understand the situation because of vagueness in the article, and had no more information. He appeared to be asking what happened and whether enough time had elapsed that a scan immediately post-fight would have been good protocol. That's a reasonable question, though from your subsequent posts it doesn't sound like there was any other opportunity for the medical folks to help prevent this tragedy after the fight. As for the headaches, it seems reasonable to pass them off as stress-induced (especially if he ever had them before under stress), so probably no reason he'd think to even mention them to coaches or doctors.

None of this blames him, officials, or friends. It's just someone trying to look for a lesson in what happened, wondering if anything could be done differently in the future to protect others like this fighter.
Who ever wrote that article should go back to school and learn proper English. An elementary school kid could write a better v than the way that articles is put together.

The article should of done a better job of explaining he was fighting and got K.O. and rushed to the hospital.

As for the article talking about migraines it should done better job explaining when, where, who saying it and how it fits into what the article is talking about.
I think you're being too harsh on the article here. It may have been written with little information, and some of these details may not have been entirely clear. With the short news cycle, first reports are often scant on information, since gathering all of it makes the first report late enough to be meaningless.
I read his post as wondering whether a post-KO head scan should become part of normal procedure, not blaming the victim.

So you think in boxing or MMA after a KO they should do CT-scan or a x-ray? That the new rule in boxing or MMA is x-ray or CT-scan after a KO?

Or on flip side a scan before the fight to make sure there is no brain swelling or light bleeding. And a fight will make it worse.
So you think in boxing or MMA after a KO they should do CT-scan or a x-ray? That the new rule in boxing or MMA is x-ray or CT-scan after a KO?

Or on flip side a scan before the fight to make sure there is no brain swelling or light bleeding. And a fight will make it worse.
I didn't say I thought that. I read your post as wondering about that. I know too little of their current protocols to have any opinion. Perhaps they currently do enough to mitigate all but the most extreme injuries. I simply don't know.
I don't think Moonhill came here to argue

then it would be the first time ever. There is a pattern to his posts, he argues constantly, it's what the majority of posts in MT are.
Tez, I don't think Moonhill came here to argue. He didn't understand the situation because of vagueness in the article, and had no more information. He appeared to be asking what happened and whether enough time had elapsed that a scan immediately post-fight would have been good protocol. That's a reasonable question, though from your subsequent posts it doesn't sound like there was any other opportunity for the medical folks to help prevent this tragedy after the fight. As for the headaches, it seems reasonable to pass them off as stress-induced (especially if he ever had them before under stress), so probably no reason he'd think to even mention them to coaches or doctors.

None of this blames him, officials, or friends. It's just someone trying to look for a lesson in what happened, wondering if anything could be done differently in the future to protect others like this fighter.

Tez3 thought I was speculating he had medical symptoms thus migraine not going to the hospital. And took offense to it or family may if they are reading it here. That not what I was doing.

I was speculating what happen and if any thing the coach or doctor done x-ray or CT scan before if he was having a migraine if that would of help or not. Not putting the blame on him.

I didn't say I thought that. I read your post as wondering about that. I know too little of their current protocols to have any opinion. Perhaps they currently do enough to mitigate all but the most extreme injuries. I simply don't know.

I'm not sure what the boxing or MMA rules are for KO on getting scan or the doctor's protocol on scans after a KO.
I didn't say I thought that. I read your post as wondering about that. I know too little of their current protocols to have any opinion. Perhaps they currently do enough to mitigate all but the most extreme injuries. I simply don't know.

Also if he had lot of fights and took lot of KO over the years may be had some swelling or light bleeding and had no medical symptoms or the medical symptoms where the migraines and the doctor over looked it or did not do the scan before the fight.
I was speculating

You were and that's what I said. Speculating is pointless and it doesn't matter what you were speculating about. You are the person who started a thread asking why boxers and MMA fighters fought practically nude so you can't expect to be taken seriously when you then ramble about all sorts on a thread about a tragic death. You complained about the news article, well until the post mortem news will be scare so why are you criticising it. All you need to understand at this moment is that a boxer is dead... don't castigate us, on a martial arts site, for what you called 'ignoring world problems, to concentrate on the death of one man. We are aware perhaps some of us more than you know are aware of tragedies all around the world. As someone has already said, this is a memorial thread put into the boxing section because of how he died. It wasn't intended to be a discussion thread.
You were and that's what I said. Speculating is pointless and it doesn't matter what you were speculating about. You are the person who started a thread asking why boxers and MMA fighters fought practically nude so you can't expect to be taken seriously when you then ramble about all sorts on a thread about a tragic death. You complained about the news article, well until the post mortem news will be scare so why are you criticising it. All you need to understand at this moment is that a boxer is dead... don't castigate us, on a martial arts site, for what you called 'ignoring world problems, to concentrate on the death of one man. We are aware perhaps some of us more than you know are aware of tragedies all around the world. As someone has already said, this is a memorial thread put into the boxing section because of how he died. It wasn't intended to be a discussion thread.

People speculate and discussion on issues on many other message boards about many topics nothing strange or odd. Well may be at martialtalk but not in my many years of talking to people and going to many other message boards.

I don't know how it is here but on any other message boards I'm on tragedies normally get discussion and none of strange reply here to my posts.

What does boxers and MMA fighters fighting almost nude after to do with this thread? If some people have problem fighting almost nude that simple two option don't fight nude or see psychotherapist or psychologist of insecurity problem of showing skin.

Well seriously for what? It would make no difference if I had 2 months of boxing or 50 years of boxing I'm not doctor so I'm NOT GOING TO put blame of MD info here. I may ask and speculate and say this below.

Also if he had lot of fights and took lot of KO over the years may be had some swelling or light bleeding and had no medical symptoms or the medical symptoms where the migraines and the doctor over looked it or did not do the scan before the fight.

What does psychologist of say insecurity problem of showing skin being almost nude have to do with boxers and MMA fighters?

But I'm not doctor saying yes there really needs to be blame and this is the way it should be.You seem to be confusing me speculating of putting blame and guilt and taking it offensive as if I'm criticizing the fighter.

And no where I was giving out medical guidelines here.

Note may be some one that know some thing about medicine can comment on that above in red.
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What does boxers and MMA fighters fighting almost nude after to do with this thread? If some people have problem fighting almost nude that simple two option don't fight nude or see psychotherapist or psychologist of insecurity problem of showing skin.

You started a thread saying it was strange and you didn't understand it thereby ruining your credibility as a serious poster. This below doesn't help.
What does psychologist being almost nude have to do with boxers and MMA fighters

Note may be some one that know some thing about medicine can comment on that above in red.

If someone wants to then perhaps they'd like to start another thread, this one is to say RIP.
You started a thread saying it was strange and you didn't understand it thereby ruining your credibility as a serious poster. This below doesn't help.

If someone wants to then perhaps they'd like to start another thread, this one is to say RIP.

Or may be the problem is 90% of people don't find it strange ( may be me) or need to talk about why MMA fighters or boxers are fighting almost nude.

My be in 50 or 100 years from now they will be nude or fully clothes or wearing some thing like GI.

What is your point.