Dealing with young instructor


Brown Belt
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey
We've got a great school - I love the people that attend and 90% of the instructors. There's a young man, about 18 or 19, that turns into the dojang Tzar when he's in charge... he's keen on belittling/ berating students. Any suggestions on how best to deal with the Lenin Jr. ?

Thanks in advance.
dont attend his classes?
or better yet
go to the head instructor and tell him/her that you will not attend any classes he leads.

that will get thier attention
Fireman from experience with my own young BB, so take this to heart. The head instructor already knows about the stituation most likely but nobody has probaly confronted him about it yet, so he will not do anything. First thing first video record the class, then ask the head instructor for a sit down with him you and the young instructor show the tape and explain what it is he is doing. I know when one of my parents did this for me, my instructor apologies and said he was not even aware he was doing it and ever since he has been a change person when teaching.

I hope this helps.
Terry has it nailed - although video taping may depend on the circumstances of the class. If no one complains to the head instructor, then whether the head instructor is aware of the problem or not, nothing is likely to happen. You have to balance your comments between "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" (getting your problem solved) and "the nail that sticks out gets pounded in" (getting labeled a trouble maker yourself). As long as you are respectful and approach it from an objective standard, rather than an emotional one, you should be just fine.
The head instructor definitely should be made aware -- but it might not hurt for an older person to talk to the kid before or after class. I strongly suspect that he's never really been taught how to teach, and there are probably two things going. First, he's probably mimicking someone who taught him -- but also probably going beyond what that person did. Which actually sets up the second thing; if he's 18 or 19, and suddenly teaching a class full of adults, some or many of whom are old enough to be his parents... he's probably less than confident, and hiding it behind the mocking. Either a senior black belt, or even a senior student, can discuss this with him privately, and may be able to stop it.
We've got a great school - I love the people that attend and 90% of the instructors. There's a young man, about 18 or 19, that turns into the dojang Tzar when he's in charge... he's keen on belittling/ berating students. Any suggestions on how best to deal with the Lenin Jr. ?

Thanks in advance.

Crane technique, if do right no can defend.

Seriously, kick him in the forehead.
Maybe once upon a time, but this here is the 21st century: Nowadays the saying goes: "The squeaky wheel gets REPLACED".

That was the second part of what I wrote... "the nail that sticks out gets pounded in" :)
dont attend his classes?
or better yet
go to the head instructor and tell him/her that you will not attend any classes he leads.

that will get thier attention

Both good points, but I'd rather approach Lil' Lenin face 2 face first and approach the head instructores as a last resort.

I attend classes 4 to 5 times a week and there are usually 2 classes being taught. No schedule as to who is teaching when.
Fireman from experience with my own young BB, so take this to heart. The head instructor already knows about the stituation most likely but nobody has probaly confronted him about it yet, so he will not do anything. First thing first video record the class, then ask the head instructor for a sit down with him you and the young instructor show the tape and explain what it is he is doing. I know when one of my parents did this for me, my instructor apologies and said he was not even aware he was doing it and ever since he has been a change person when teaching.

I hope this helps.

Good suggestion about the video but the instructors will not allow video of the classes.

I'm leaning towards telling him that he might not realize he's coming off very heavy handed then give him some examples.
Terry has it nailed - although video taping may depend on the circumstances of the class. If no one complains to the head instructor, then whether the head instructor is aware of the problem or not, nothing is likely to happen. You have to balance your comments between "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" (getting your problem solved) and "the nail that sticks out gets pounded in" (getting labeled a trouble maker yourself). As long as you are respectful and approach it from an objective standard, rather than an emotional one, you should be just fine.

Good points! "... deal with problems using reason before emotion". I'm going to have a face 2 face with him and let him know what he's done not how I feel about what he's done.
Good suggestion about the video but the instructors will not allow video of the classes.

I'm leaning towards telling him that he might not realize he's coming off very heavy handed then give him some examples.

I hope your converstation goes well.
The head instructor definitely should be made aware -- but it might not hurt for an older person to talk to the kid before or after class. I strongly suspect that he's never really been taught how to teach, and there are probably two things going. First, he's probably mimicking someone who taught him -- but also probably going beyond what that person did. Which actually sets up the second thing; if he's 18 or 19, and suddenly teaching a class full of adults, some or many of whom are old enough to be his parents... he's probably less than confident, and hiding it behind the mocking. Either a senior black belt, or even a senior student, can discuss this with him privately, and may be able to stop it.

I think you hit it dead on... he's about 18, problems with the home life and I'm sure, or I would hope anyway, that he's doing this because he doesn't know any better.
In my experience, the chief instructor, or master, should be made aware first and foremost. then, sometime in casual conversation, bring it up in front of him, in a NON-THREATENING way, he might not realize that it is that bad, he may even think he is a better instructor for being so hard on students. after that, if nothing is done, then I would take terrys advice and videotape it.
We've got a great school - I love the people that attend and 90% of the instructors. There's a young man, about 18 or 19, that turns into the dojang Tzar when he's in charge... he's keen on belittling/ berating students. Any suggestions on how best to deal with the Lenin Jr. ?

Thanks in advance.
Seeing as how this was posted in May, I'm curious: How did it all work out?


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