dealing with a junky


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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The once a while nice neighborhood where my parents live has become the target of burglars, some house roberies and persons been rob in the last months plus an intent of robery in my parets house make my dad put steel bars and gates in his home.

Having so many steel bars and gates to open to gent in or get out the house can be dangerous because one can be at danger leaving the back exposed.

Today, returning from shoping groceries with my mom and wife, before opening all the gates I scan the sorroundings, I am always in yellow condition and this has pay well in some times, like today. I started to open the gates and put groceries inside when I saw a few meters away a young fellow (mid 20´s) aproaching us quickly I recognized instantly he was intoxicated, so I pull my wife and yelled mom to get inside and closed the first gate as fast as I can as the guy aproached begin and kneeling telling me to not close the gate.

I kept myself looking at his hands and asked him what was going on, he asking money for food? so I got a ten pesos coin and gave it to him and asked him to leave, he took his way out.

Mom was a little nervous but I told her all was okay, I think I did it well, first thing I did was to put ourselves inside home puting the first short steel bar gate beetwen us and the junky, from this point I felt secure if the guy wanted to jump on us.

All my training in martial arts and shooting has taught me to ALWAYS be in yellow condition, today I think it pay because this junky wanted to jump on us and maybe rob us for drug.

Sounds to me like you handled the situation perfectly well. Good job. Give yourself a pat on the back. :)
3 years ago 3 thugss tried to mug me in Cabo...I posted about it on here Mexico is a dangerous place right now!
You handled it well.

Just one pointer, though i dont actually know if you need it or not. Its just the sort of thing that does well to be refreshed sometimes:
Never, ever underestimate addicts, junkies, or anything else of the sort.
You handled it well.

Just one pointer, though i dont actually know if you need it or not. Its just the sort of thing that does well to be refreshed sometimes:
Never, ever underestimate addicts, junkies, or anything else of the sort.

Offcourse I never underestimated intoxicated people, that's why I keep them at bay, I know fighting with drug guys is hard because they don't feel pain like normal persons.

Great job Manny! No one would want to be in your position. But if they were, they would hope to handle it as you did.


Saying Mexico is a dangerout place is something of an understatement from what I hear of it.