Database firm gave Federal Government terrorism suspects.


Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
Is this a little too 'Big Brother' for you? A database firm created a 'High Terrorist Factor' scoring system to run against the general population and score each of us as a possible terrorist.

Surrender of civil liberties anyone?

WASHINGTON - Before helping to launch the criminal information project known as Matrix, a database contractor gave U.S. and Florida authorities the names of 120,000 people who showed a statistical likelihood of being terrorists — sparking some investigations and arrests.
Great My State is still involved :rolleyes: :(

Now I understand why the black sedan has been following me. Or was it the white van that did the u-turn in the intersection? ;)

Seriously, I do not like this type of information and rating systems. :idunno:
Updated news: Upon arrest, the perpetrators will be enclosed in a gooey substance and placed in pods, with various plugs and probes introduced into their bodies. These pods will be strung together to harvest their indvidual electical and biochemical energy sources to keep the main system running, thereby reducing the bottom line of the company. In other news, Sony has offered to sell Asimo robots to maintain the pods at a significantly reduced cost, as long as the company working on Matrix accepts the agreement to write the operating system for the robots, making them work as one...

It is ironic that the system is called "the matrix."

I wonder if we will take the blue pill, or continue taking the red pill as we have been (isn't it the red that makes you go back to the illusion)?

I saw an Awesome HBO movie related to this subject called "Strip Search."

This is a must see for anyone, especially if you call yourself american. ;)

OOH OOH I wanna know what my score is!

Probably low considering I am still walking around free...
So, what you guys are telling me is to get a life ... Got it! <chuckle>

Scooby Doo says "Rut-Roo."
michaeledward said:
So, what you guys are telling me is to get a life ... Got it! <chuckle>

Scooby Doo says "Rut-Roo."

No, seriously... it's interesting to know they are doing this... and I would like to know my score...
Tulisan said:
It is ironic that the system is called "the matrix."

I wonder if we will take the blue pill, or continue taking the red pill as we have been (isn't it the red that makes you go back to the illusion)?

I saw an Awesome HBO movie related to this subject called "Strip Search."

This is a must see for anyone, especially if you call yourself american. ;)


Actually FASA ownes the rights to the term MAtrix in reference to computer terms. The company went under and FanPro out of Germany pick up the Shadowrun line and the rights to it including Matrix. The producers of the Movie Matrix went and obtained approval to use the term.

Yes you can use the term in reference to mathematics with no problem. I am sure the word will me contested, yet it is a trademarked word. :rolleyes: :idunno:

I also would like to know my number? Would it be available under the freedom of information act? Oh wait they did not release the software with the calculation, so therefore offically the rating does not exist :(

It doesn't surprise me. However, I would bet in order to be even a blip on the screen, you'd have to be participating in activities well beyond "normal citizen" habits. They can't find the obvious people in the country let alone Joe Schmoe.
Fortis said:
It doesn't surprise me. However, I would bet in order to be even a blip on the screen, you'd have to be participating in activities well beyond "normal citizen" habits. They can't find the obvious people in the country let alone Joe Schmoe.

The problem usually is that they can't differentiate the Bad Guys from the normal guys. Normal mode of operation is to detain hundreds of people without due process to MAYBE catch a few. Most people have no moral qualms about this. What they don't realize is that means you could be detained and treated like a prisoner for days, weeks, months; and your family has no idea what happened to you during this time. Because you haven't been charged and you are "in question," this means that you have no rights as a citizen, or even as a prisoner. If your wondering what it would be like to be a prisoner with no rights, I have some interesting photos you can see in another thread. :rolleyes:
Tulisan said:
The problem usually is that they can't differentiate the Bad Guys from the normal guys. Normal mode of operation is to detain hundreds of people without due process to MAYBE catch a few. Most people have no moral qualms about this. What they don't realize is that means you could be detained and treated like a prisoner for days, weeks, months; and your family has no idea what happened to you during this time. Because you haven't been charged and you are "in question," this means that you have no rights as a citizen, or even as a prisoner. If your wondering what it would be like to be a prisoner with no rights, I have some interesting photos you can see in another thread. :rolleyes:
Well, that is why I posted the link. I find it highly objectionable that the government, based on what my hobbies are, how often I move, how I use my credit card, etc. would somehow 'score' me on a terrorist watch list.

I find it odd that they company says it has 4 BILLION records, from which they extrapolate some 120,000 suspected persons. Well, there are only 280 million people in our country. I would love for someone to explain to me how they get 4 Billion records.

4,000,000,000 / 120,000 = 1 suspect in 33,333 records.
280,000,000 / 120,000 = 1 suspect in 2,333 records.

It seems to me that 120,000 suspects is casting the net a bit too wide. How many terrorists have commited acts on US Soil in the last 10 years? 30? 25?

Of course, the state of Florida removed people from the Voting Rolls using a similar methodology in 2000. Since it worked so well there, why not employ the technique everywhere.

Welcome to the world of the would-be "subversive". Unfortunately most politicians think "subversive" means "Someone who doesn't like the same things I do". Heck, I'm sure this thread could be used against all of us if we were ever detained as evidence of "anti-patriotism" and "subversive behavior". /sigh

Such a twisted web we weave...
Ask Bob H., but I believe that we have had a few hits from lurkers that link to Government and FBI IP's, beyond what would be your soldiers lurking around.

I'm serious about that HBO movie "Strip Seach." Watch it. It illustrates the interesting question: "How long would you give up your rights if it ment the erredication of terrorism?"
Tulisan said:
The problem usually is that they can't differentiate the Bad Guys from the normal guys. Normal mode of operation is to detain hundreds of people without due process to MAYBE catch a few. Most people have no moral qualms about this. What they don't realize is that means you could be detained and treated like a prisoner for days, weeks, months; and your family has no idea what happened to you during this time. Because you haven't been charged and you are "in question," this means that you have no rights as a citizen, or even as a prisoner. If your wondering what it would be like to be a prisoner with no rights, I have some interesting photos you can see in another thread. :rolleyes:
Oh, I totally agree. I do think we have a long way to go before we see the things we've seen outside the borders when it comes to "detaining" suspicious people. That being said, it is good to start keeping a watch on this now and if the government even flinches the wrong way, be ready to combat it in the courts. With the modern threats we're still learning how to deal with, I'm willing to give the government a LITTLE leaway, but we, as citizens, are responsible to act if and when needed.
Back to that movie. Interesting. HBO advertized it, and spent money on it. It's only 55 min., but I went to search their site as to when it would be playing next. They showed it on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday late in the evening, and it doesn't appear that they'll be showing the film again. There is barely any information on the film anywhere, and I wouldn't know where to get a copy for myself.

I find it disturbing how this movie has vanished from the HBO schedule without a trace.

No conspiricy theory brewing, I just find it disturbing.

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