CT To Issuse Drivers License To Undocumented Immegrants


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Jun 21, 2003
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With the Senate's endorsement early Thursday, Connecticut joined a small but growing group of states that allows undocumented immigrants in the U.S. to obtain a special driver's license.
The bill to allow driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants, which the Senate approved 19-16 with two Democrats joining the Republican minority to vote no, is expected to be signed into law by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy.

Connecticut is home to 120,000 undocumented immigrants, according to the Pew Hispanic Center; roughly 54,000 could qualify for a driver's license under the bill.

Sorry, but IMHO, this has epic fail written all over it. Typical though, of the decision makers. Seems like they're more concerned with a temp. patch to a problem and/or people who're more concerned with getting re-elected, so they have to make people happy.

With 120,000 undocumented immigrants, they may be in a hard place--if they're there and working they'll be driving, and getting them ID and driver's insurance may be the best that can be done. I'd like to see a path to citizenship but if you're not deporting them you have to deal with reality.
With 120,000 undocumented immigrants, they may be in a hard place--if they're there and working they'll be driving, and getting them ID and driver's insurance may be the best that can be done. I'd like to see a path to citizenship but if you're not deporting them you have to deal with reality.

If they're undocumented, I assume that means they're illegal? If thats the case, then IMHO, they should be a) deporting them or b) making them do thru the proper hoops to become legal citizens. If the DL isn't going to be used to ID them, then.....why allow them to drive? If they crash, how is the cop going to know who they are? The article states that they could also be lacking proper training on how to drive, although many are already driving. So....why the hell are they giving out the DLs before they get a lerners permit? Like I said, the people who're making the decisions dont know what the hell they're doing.

I dont know, but I dont see anything good coming out of this.
If thats the case, then IMHO, they should be a) deporting them or b) making them do thru the proper hoops to become legal citizens.

Those are both federal actions (that aren't being taken, for the most part). I'm saying that this maybe the state's best move--compel them to take a driving test if they want the ID. It may be safest over all. I don't know, but what can CT itself do?
Those are both federal actions (that aren't being taken, for the most part). I'm saying that this maybe the state's best move--compel them to take a driving test if they want the ID. It may be safest over all. I don't know, but what can CT itself do?

I don't know if I can say that I personally feel that this is the best move. I'd rather see them take the test, get certified, go thru the proper steps, etc, before getting some permit that gives them the OK, when technically they're not OK.

As for what CT can do....well, one thing is think twice before they do this, but sadly, I doubt it'll happen.
I'm not reading that article like you are. I see that it's 'special' in that it cannot be used for ID as they can't verify the ID of these people, but:

"It seems to me that it's in the interest of all Connecticut citizens to have safe, registered, insured drivers on the roads,'' said Sen. Andrew Maynard, D-North Stonington. "This is a common sense, public-safety-oriented bill."
Upon passing the written test for a license, undocumented immigrants would be mailed a learner's permit, which Currey said was another safeguard to ensure the applicant lives at the address provided to the DMV.

I am getting from this that they do indeed have to take a driving test, and hence lessons if needed.
I'm not reading that article like you are. I see that it's 'special' in that it cannot be used for ID as they can't verify the ID of these people, but:

I am getting from this that they do indeed have to take a driving test, and hence lessons if needed.

Perhaps I did misunderstand. However, doesn't it make sense to use your DL for ID purposes? Get pulled over by the cops, they ask for your DL, they look at the pic and compare it to who's driving. They may as well be using fake IDs, no? How about before they give them the right to drive, why don't they make them become legal.
Makes sense to me, if there were a valid path--but again, it's federal vs. state. Sounds like CT would like to verify their ID but isn't sure it can as the feds deal with passports etc.
I think this is one of those situations where there's not really a good solution, and the best they can do is to try to figure out what's the least bad option. The government of the State of CT is probably more concerned with making roads safer than enforcing immigration law.
Tried it Here it sucked and was finally ended. It caused our state IDs to not be valid for federal purposes like flights etc. There is no way to verify the identity of the illegal. Most don't have valid documents to prove their identity so the issued tons of IDs with no proof the person is who they say they were. Its a good idea in theory but just didn't work. I don't know how CT plans to do it but it backfired on us here.
I think this is one of those situations where there's not really a good solution, and the best they can do is to try to figure out what's the least bad option. The government of the State of CT is probably more concerned with making roads safer than enforcing immigration law.

The government of the state of CT cannot enforce immigration law, regardless of how concerned they are about it. Think legal jurisdiction and span of control.

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Tried it Here it sucked and was finally ended. It caused our state IDs to not be valid for federal purposes like flights etc. There is no way to verify the identity of the illegal. Most don't have valid documents to prove their identity so the issued tons of IDs with no proof the person is who they say they were. Its a good idea in theory but just didn't work. I don't know how CT plans to do it but it backfired on us here.

It didn't backfire that badly, considering Maryland reinstated the law in May.

Two of those states, Maryland and Oregon, have reversed course again; both states passed laws in May 2013 that will once again grant driving privileges to undocumented immigrants.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Tried it Here it sucked and was finally ended. It caused our state IDs to not be valid for federal purposes like flights etc. There is no way to verify the identity of the illegal. Most don't have valid documents to prove their identity so the issued tons of IDs with no proof the person is who they say they were. Its a good idea in theory but just didn't work. I don't know how CT plans to do it but it backfired on us here.

Shoot, we're still getting tons of "MD drivers" who haven't lived in Maryland since they got the license because it's easier for them to get one in MD than VA.
Shoot, we're still getting tons of "MD drivers" who haven't lived in Maryland since they got the license because it's easier for them to get one in MD than VA.

I've seen MD issued ID cards with Va and Del addresses on them. They screwed the pooch on this the first time. We had to start putting "not valid for federal identification purposes". In black letters across the top of our licenses for a while because of how messed up it was. I would pull people over and find 3 different licenses 3 different names same guy all three valid
The article says these will be 'special' licenses not usuable for ID--confusing in itself.

That's what happened here if you didn't have a SSN# it had "not valid for federal identification purposes" on top. The issue we had was say I have a special license and get a DUI. Instead of going to court I just go get a new license flip flopping my middle and last name and ditch my old one. When I get pulled over the cop runs my new license and it shows I'm good to go. These guys just can't prove who they are.
The idea is good they just didn't implement it well here. I'd like to see some sort of biometric system to keep the name with the person. So the same guy can't keep getting IDs under different names.
I just go get a new license flip flopping my middle and last name

So then your last name would be 'Danger'?

I agree that having an ID-like card that isn't usuable for ID is asking for trouble. At least shape it differently--make it too big for a wallet so it's left in the car.
So then your last name would be 'Danger'?

I agree that having an ID-like card that isn't usuable for ID is asking for trouble. At least shape it differently--make it too big for a wallet so it's left in the car.
Danger is just a nick name. My govt middle name is deadsxy

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