Crash accident!!


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Yestarday´s evening at lunch time a lady in her SUV hitt my car from behind and got a hurt neck, I will have to use a medical collar and nothing of exercise (work out) for about 10 days. My car is gona take more time amoung 20 to 30 days to get fixed, and this make me sad cause my car's is like another child to me, I really take care of it and my job is in about 30 minutes drive from home.

Wife has her own car but she has to take care of the girls, the school, the job and can not borrow her car.

Oh boy is gona be a hell time till I get my car.

Ouch! Heal fast, Manny.
Either your insurance company or the other driver's should be providing you with a rental, given what you've posted. You were rear-ended; I presume you weren't at fault. (Yes, there are ways that you can be rear-ended and be at fault; they're few and far between, but they exist.)

If they're not providing you with one -- why not?
Wow, sorry to hear the bad news. take care of yourself...and your car. TKD will be there for when all of this gets sorted out. :)

I too have felt the loss of a carchild. Oh what a sad time, my condolences
Glad only a 10 day lay-up and only the car child was seriously hurt.

(make sure it's just a whiplash/soreness, I had an interesting conversation one day with a lady how her husband was in a similar crash and had suffered a bone chip in his neck that caused nerve trouble he finally underwent surgery, pretty much at high noon to prevent permanent damage)

See if you can car pool... driving is a pain in the neck - when you got a pain in the neck! ;) (Oh I krack meinself up!!!)

Speedy recovery!
It's hard to be without your car for a month - but better the car takes the brunt of the damage than you do! Take it easy, and make sure you're properly healed before you start any exercising again.
Sorry to hear about your car, but am glad you are not seriously hurt.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Why is it going to take so long to fix your car?
Same thing happened to me years ago. Did your doc order any physical therapy? They can do so much with tissue massage and elec stim these days. I just finished pt for foot surgery and I saw a lot of folks there for neck injuries and they were getting better faster than I did. And remember, as my doc says, "Ice is nice." Heal fast!
Hello all, last night I retook my TKD clases, Iwas out for 15 days, I feel my neck was not so hurt, however I did wath dosctor's said, and did not exercise for 15 instead of 10 days.

The class was light I must say, some crunches, stretching (leg) and some exercises to improve yop chagui (side kick), however I felt tired. I dis some neck exercises to warming it up and felt no pais or strain.

Good to hear. Just take it easy and you'll soon be back up to speed. :)

Sorry to hear about your run of luck, remember cars are just that, your health is the most important.
How's your neck now Manny?

As for car, I hope the other persons insurance can fork over for a rental car or something for you to keep mobil.

Good to hear that you didn't have too much trouble with your neck at the class. I sometimes thing that the hardest lesson we have to learn is when to refrain from training to allow an injury to heal.
Well second class was not easy, we play a very harsh game were is something like wrestling, tha last man standing (me) had to fight against all the clasamates (25 in total), it's something like american fot ball, I had to run trying to avoid to me put onto the ground, 25 kids of avery age and every weight nail down me not so easy but I didin's feel any disconfort in my neck.

I'm covered with bruises (arms and chest) from the fight but I'm ok.

This saturday atended to a hospital to see a relative and use a medical scale to know my actual weight and....... oh boy... I didn't like it 286 punds, I almost faint!!!

I have to train harder and keep my mouth shout, must drop at least 86 punds!!! Life is not easy.
