Cops on gun laws

I think I linked to this survey in one of the eternal gun-control threads, a couple of weeks back but it was in a less well presented format and 'sank without trace'. Very telling statistics in the opinions of those who have on-the-job experience of this stuff :nods:.
I've maintained that some of the biggest supporters of 2nd Amendment rights and legal gun ownership in the U.S. are police officers. To see their enthusiasm is as simple as going to the range to practice.
I belive this was posted before *nod* but still very relevant and I thank you for posting it again.

I've said all along that it's funny how everyone keeps saying how guns make things unsafe, yet police overwhelmingly support law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns. In fact my friend was chewed out by a cop because she had a concealed license but had no gun on her.

Most LEOs I have talked to would rather us have weapons. Many have said that they would rather respond to a call involving a criminal being shot rather than finding a robbery victim or victims dead at the scene because they couldn't get there in time. I think personally that putting ALL responsibility for protection of citizens on police is completely unfair.
I am happy to see that this particular information, of the views of those with the most personal experience of what goes on, keeps being 'refreshed' in the debate.
Interesting line of questions.

Q. 22 - Do people see this as a big yes because the bar is longer 28.8%, or do you see it as a failure, 72.2% don't agree with that line item.

I've show this to some people I know (Americas and OS people) and most are shocked to learn that there is a particular lean from LEOs.

I'd like to see the results of the same questions asked to a group of say, clergy, doctors, lawyers, teachers etc.. and compare what might be the difference
Since politicians like to trot out the "we need gun laws to protect or LEO's" or the "LEO's say we need more gun laws" memes I find this survey telling.

The "Cops" the gun grabbers like to put on display are high level political hacks....
Interesting line of questions.

Q. 22 - Do people see this as a big yes because the bar is longer 28.8%, or do you see it as a failure, 72.2% don't agree with that line item.

I've show this to some people I know (Americas and OS people) and most are shocked to learn that there is a particular lean from LEOs.

I'd like to see the results of the same questions asked to a group of say, clergy, doctors, lawyers, teachers etc.. and compare what might be the difference

It would likely be different if we asked doctors or lawyers etc. But a major factor is that these people buy into the hype. Doctors for example see victims of gunshots, stabs, brutal beatings etc. all the time. What they DON'T know is whether this person was a criminal shot out of self defense, or an innocent victim. Or anything surrounding the reason this person has been injured. They are told what the wound is and go to work. In fact, in a hospital setting the doctors don't spend much time with patients anyway. They look at stats and charts and symptoms listed, and give orders for care, executed by Nurses. I would venture to say that on a personal level, Nurses would know more than doctors about the patient.
CC I believe has stated he is a Nurse. He is against gun control. A lot of nurses I know are. And they see these people if they work in a trauma center.

Clergy. Well this is a hard one. Most Clergy detest violence. But many recognize the unfortunate need for the capability to defend. I don't know many Clergymen other than my mother in law's priest. And I know he supports gun ownership for responsible law abiding people.

The point is, these other people you mention may see effects. They see the news and they can buy the hype. But police officers are out there, every day risking their lives to put bad people behind bars. Which keeps us just a little safer.
These men and women see criminals with guns. They also see how easy obtaining illegal weapons can really be. And how bad taking ANY gun rights can negatively affect law abiding citizens. These people are definitely more expert than the other people you would like to see responses from.

Not to say their voice doesn't matter, they just have limited experience. It would be like asking a martial artist questions about their style. And then asking a martial arts movie buff the same question. Who's opinion is more valuable?

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